Deep Discount have dropped the price of Stardust Crusaders Part 2 to $49.99 and currently have a 15% off code that is valid until 6pm today, NEWYEAR19
Do we know if Febuary Seven Seas Preorders will go live this week on A-O-L![]()
Deep Discount have dropped the price of Stardust Crusaders Part 2 to $49.99 and currently have a 15% off code that is valid until 6pm today, NEWYEAR19
Comes to around £46-£47ish after postage and GST so a pretty good deal. Quite tempted.Deep Discount have dropped the price of Stardust Crusaders Part 2 to $49.99 and currently have a 15% off code that is valid until 6pm today, NEWYEAR19
Yeah, £2 shipping per dvd/bd from AOL brining the cost to £14 if using the discount code.I'll be getting that aswell. Comes to like €15 with postage to Ireland and I've heard good things about the series.
Yeah really good price, delighted with it.Yeah, £2 shipping per dvd/bd from AOL brining the cost to £14 if using the discount code.