UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

What the hell - why do you people keep posting bargains I'm unaware of? I find enough to order on my own!

If I do say so myself, getting 1-6 of OMG and 2-4 of Eden for a total of £9 + £2 P&P is pretty ******* awesome. Too awesome, in fact. I'm expecting FP to charge me £20 postage instead of £2 and my CC details to be leaked.

Anyway, thanks for posting about FP giving away manga. I really need more manga - my collection is so small and needs to get bigger. Another nine books will help.

A £500 CC bill yesterday, and I've already spent £8-9 (SS), placed hopeful orders for lots of Beez stuff and now ordered a ton of manga... :'(
Glad to help Aion. I can vouch for FP, They've sent all three Edens (shrink-wrapped), and all but volume 1 of OMG! which is on pre-order. I apologise for not getting this sale to y'all quicker, it kinda slipped from my mind...

PS - I lol'd at your small print.
I'm more interested in OMG. The author of Eden is supposed to be really good but, because of the anime 'Eden of the East', I keep thinking of that when I see the unrelated Eden manga mentioned. And, since I dropped the anime, that ain't a good thing.

The AMG anime is fun and relaxing rom-com goodness. The manga shouldn't be much different.
Well regarding the previous page, I picked up 1-6 of OmG!

For that price I might as well try. And now I have an account on forbidden planet too :D
Another day, another anime order.

Find-DVD have informed me that, once again, HMV have priced a Manga pre-order at £8.99, and this time it's a pre-order for one of two. They may go on to over-price stuff later, but you can't beat HMV when it comes to pre-order prices - I have like seven anime pre-orders with them atm!

Negima: Series 2, Volume 1 - £8.99

£9 for 13 episodes of a most likely enjoyable series? Sign me up.

Now, if only Ghost Hunt 2 would drop from £15...
Dude, it's got a bonus CDR disc with character profiles and Urusei Yatsura information. Just order it. The only other store with a reasonable price is AOL (£9.99).
I honestly can't remember off the top of my head... will stick it in when I get home and see but I know it's not great (I mainly can't remember if it's hard-subbed or not) Worth £8 for the entertainment it provides though.
Aion said:
Dude, it's got a bonus CDR disc with character profiles and Urusei Yatsura information.
Uh, I shouldn't think I'll have much need for the information on the CDR :)

Thanks, ayase. It will be hardsubbed because MVM just dumped the VHS versions onto disc, so the question is how good the source tapes were.
ayase said:
I honestly can't remember off the top of my head... will stick it in when I get home and see but I know it's not great (I mainly can't remember if it's hard-subbed or not) Worth £8 for the entertainment it provides though.

It's not great, here's what I wrote about it a few years ago...

a 4:3 transfer that looks as if it has been taken from the VHS, it's low resolution, soft and has some colour bleed. On the other hand, it's clear and pretty free of print damage, and the animation isn't hampered by the soft look. I did notice some compression artefacts, especially on the single layer discs, but it didn't detract from the overall experience, except for the worst culprit, episode 6, which even suffered from big chunky pixellation in one scene. Worse pixellation popped up again in episodes 10 and 11, but this was an error in the transfer rather than problems with compression.

Burnt in subs, and three minutes of distorted audio on ep 11.

Just gp ahead and buy it though. Unless you want a reference disc to show off your setup. It's all about the entertainment value, and UY OVAs has it in spades, especially for the first 8 or so episodes. The dodgy transfer really only crops up in the final two, and they are disappointing clip shows.
It pains me that the Goddess set has risen to 70-something in the Play anime rankings from nowhere since I posted the link yesterday, and not one person has thanked my lovely self.

Oh holy lord, strike done those who lack manners and do not say thank you because they don't say it from the heart...

It also pains me that my Goddess, Urusei and Mushishi (live-action) orders have been packing since yesterday. Play are taking an awful long time just to put the items inside their thin boxes...
^ Play once spent two whole days packing a laptop for me (back in the days when they would let me order). Either they had to employ an arthritic 103 year old man as part of an equal opportunities scheme or they stretch the truth a little.
I thought it might convince me that the anime isn't as boring as the first two episodes suggested. For £2.99, I figured it was worth a go. If the movie also bores me, no Mushi for my tushi.

I typed too soon, btw - Play have now sent both OMG and Urusei. Even more box sets, and I now have nowhere to store them.