It the item was in stock when you placed your order - oder came in silently - they reserved a copy for you even if it states now "no longer avaiable". If they failed to do so, they would have sent you a cancellation for these items.
I suggest you should contact Rightstuf customer care and ask them, which items are holding up your order. Than you may ask the customer care rep to remove the items that are holding up your order to get the rest shipped out

(Note: The customer care rep didn't spot a release date change for a book I ordered - so you may double check first if one of your items is still listed as pre-order)
Usually when ordering with RS, I use the "e-mail me when avaiable"-feature on their website, so I can track down whenever an item was reserved for me. So I know when my order is at least 90% complete before contacting the customer care questioning about the remaining items.
Note that I always use their live chat feature for such requests - only avaiable during their business hours.
However you may call them directly - Skype offers free(!) calls to the Rightstuf Hotline no matter in which country you live. Use the +1.800 number (not the +1.515)
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