The Q & A Thread (for questions that do not need a thread)

Madlax is personally my favourite one of the 3 (and the first one I watched actually). The more sci fi (and weird) leaning setting being something I was very into.
Madlax is personally my favourite one of the 3 (and the first one I watched actually). The more sci fi (and weird) leaning setting being something I was very into.

Yeah I loved the English dub as well it had the exact right vibe for the show IMO with that kinda Y2K techy sci-fi feel where it was needed :)
Yeah I loved the English dub as well it had the exact right vibe for the show IMO with that kinda Y2K techy sci-fi feel where it was needed :)
It is a great dub. When I first watched it I was basically watching anything with Luci Christian/Chrus Patton in after seeing Full Metal Panic! and getting pretty obsessed with that dub cast.

I really want to rewatch Madlax now!
@RadFemHedonist @Neil.T Well Ok, then I'll just restrict myself to posting up my purchases and photos on the forum here - I certainly don't want to bore you people with my glaring lack of any intelligent thought. Besides, I have major surgery for pancreatic cancer coming up at the end of this month, so I have other things to think about instead; I may not be around online much any longer anyway.
@RadFemHedonist @Neil.T Well Ok, then I'll just restrict myself to posting up my purchases and photos on the forum here - I certainly don't want to bore you people with my glaring lack of any intelligent thought. Besides, I have major surgery for pancreatic cancer coming up at the end of this month, so I have other things to think about instead; I may not be around online much any longer anyway.

Don't mind us we're just being silly (and probably a bit immature, which I apologize for), we really like having you on this forum and we don't think you're stupid at all! I will legit cry if you don't survive your surgery, I really hope you will be alright ;-; ❤️

EDIT: I felt like I didn't apologize completely properly before. I really am sorry that I hurt your feelings :(

EDIT 2: TBH my mental health has not been great of late so I was a little sensitive about having a show that means a lot to me criticised at that particular moment, because for me, it's a panacea, but I never meant for that to result in you not wanting to be on this forum anymore. I'm chronically ill myself and I know how much it sucks and can make you feel like there's no point in carrying on but I promise you you are loved and valued both here and elsewhere. I really really hope your surgery is successful and you can have better quality of life afterwards.
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Well, for my own part, I was merely indulging in a bit of light mischief, so I don't know about immaturity, but anyway.

@Girls with Guns:
I'm sorry to hear about that, dude. I hope your surgery is a success, and I genuinely mean that. 🤞

Sorry @Neil.T, I shouldn't have tried to speak for you. I'm also returning to my home city tomorrow from my trip to my mum's so I have a lot on my mind atm and was as you say being mischievous to cheer myself up. I just feel really bad that I upset @Girls with Guns :(
No worries, RadFem. No harm done. 👍

Make sure you're looking after yourself, eh? I hope you've enjoyed the visit. 🙂

Oh thank god breathes audible sigh of relief 😅

I have, and my mum keeps on trying to feed me vegetables and get me to go out on trips which involve walking with her, so she is trying to look after me at least 🤣 I'm just focused on getting everything sorted for tomorrow at her house where all my stuff I need to pack is though XP I did eat some of the vegetables she offered me, but mostly potato and sausages with butter :) I am really enjoying watching His and Her Circumstances during intervals in the prep for tomorrow, at least :)
Oh thank god breathes audible sigh of relief 😅
Aww, RadFem, what're you like! Bless. 😅

Hey, I honestly wouldn't attach too much importance to what some random guy on an anime forum thinks of anything, though. (I refer to myself there.)

As for His & Her Circumstances, I haven't seen it, so it's still a series that I'd be willing to pay a little bit over the odds for a region-B version of. At the very least I'd like to watch it kind of as a "What Hideaki Anno done next", post-Eva curiosity.

Eat your vegetables, kids. 💪
Aww, RadFem, what're you like! Bless. 😅

Hey, I honestly wouldn't attach too much importance to what some random guy on an anime forum thinks of anything, though. (I refer to myself there.)

As for His & Her Circumstances, I haven't seen it, so it's still a series that I'd be willing to pay a little bit over the odds for a region-B version of. At the very least I'd like to watch it kind of as a "What Hideaki Anno done next", post-Eva curiosity.

Eat your vegetables, kids. 💪

I mean that's a fair point but I try to care about everyone I guess, also you're not just a random dude on the internet, you're a random dude on the internet with a hefty stash of hi-larious Kyon avatars! Big difference!

His & Her Circumstances is flawed but delightful, one of the best shoujo series I have seen and it definitely shares Evangelion's artistic direction style (that is to say it's more reminiscent of Eva than of Gunbuster or Nadia) :)

I like vegetables except they're difficult for me to swallow (cuz of disability-related stuff) :( So I eat more of them cooked or blended into pureed soups than raw :) I o have a very veg-filled large soup portion to eat later today so I am getting them, one way or another. Tho technically, since I'm 32, what you said doesn't apply to me :p
@RadFemHedonist @Neil.T Well Ok, then I'll just restrict myself to posting up my purchases and photos on the forum here - I certainly don't want to bore you people with my glaring lack of any intelligent thought. Besides, I have major surgery for pancreatic cancer coming up at the end of this month, so I have other things to think about instead; I may not be around online much any longer anyway.
Ah dude I'm sorry to hear that. I'm wishing you the very best of good health.
@RadFemHedonist @Neil.T Well Ok, then I'll just restrict myself to posting up my purchases and photos on the forum here - I certainly don't want to bore you people with my glaring lack of any intelligent thought. Besides, I have major surgery for pancreatic cancer coming up at the end of this month, so I have other things to think about instead; I may not be around online much any longer anyway.

best of luck with the surgery. i really hope you’ll be ok. keep doing what makes you happy, you deserve to enjoy all the moments leading up to the operation and many moments after it (🤞🏻).
you're a random dude on the internet with a hefty stash of hi-larious Kyon avatars!
Aww, bless you again, RadFem. 😆👍

Well, there are still more where those came from, and perhaps even more that I haven't yet made!

His & Her Circumstances is flawed but delightful
Yeah, that's the general kind of take on it that I seem to hear. Good. It wouldn't need to be perfect for it to charm me if its heart's in the right place.

I like to think that's how I'd view it, anyway. Who knows, eh, post-Eva Rebuild and all that when people find themselves wanting to see more Anno? Maybe one of our UK distributors with connections to his work can work something out.

(Hint, hint.)

And eat your vegibles, kids — whether you're two or one hundred and two! Get souped up. 💪💪
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Does anyone know of a comprehensive English language online database of anime and manga artbooks? I would like to buy some and am not sure where to start, also I would prefer more art to more text in the books but do not necessarily mind if the book has text in another language than English if there's lots of beautiful art in the book as that's what I'm really there for first and foremost :)
I'm about to ask a silly question.

I intend to sign up for an Amazon Prime trial on my existing account so I can get temporary access to Prime Video. Will I have to provide any form of photo ID in order to get access to it?
I'm about to ask a silly question.

I intend to sign up for an Amazon Prime trial on my existing account so I can get temporary access to Prime Video. Will I have to provide any form of photo ID in order to get access to it?

I don't think that's required at all. It'll probably just want payment details so it can charge you if you forget to cancel, but presumably those are on file anyway.