Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Trusted Companions Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to the Gift of an Unlimited Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge on My Former Party Members and the World
These titles originate from their source as web novels. The web novels scene is flooded with content, as anyone can freely self publish there. Therefore to try to attract readers the titles have turned into summaries of the stories.Bloody hell. Call me an anime boomer, but there's a reason I don't watch much ultra-modern stuff.
According to Reuters Sony are looking to acquire Kadokawa. The way this is being framed it seems to be mainly for their gaming division to gain control of From Software.
Stumbled across a couple of live action things. Something for the future.
Under Ninja film
Himitsu Top Secret, future Japan where the police can view dead people's memories.
Live-Action Under Ninja Film's Trailer Reveals Theme Song by Creepy Nuts
Creepy Nuts wrote lyrics specifically for January 24
Live-Action Himitsu - Top Secret Series Reveals Main Cast, January Debut
Yūto Nakajima plays 2 roles as Ikkō Aoki, Katsuhiro Suzuki; Rihito Itagai plays Tsuyoshi
I enjoyed it. Likeable characters except the bad ones. Interesting cases often 2 part stories.Moon Child by Reiko Shimizu is the first multi-volume manga I completed (it's 13 volumes) and I really loved it - she's the author of Himitsu - Top Secret, so I'm potentially interested in this, there's also an anime of it IIRC though I've not seen the whole thing just the first ep or two maybe![]()