Rosencrantz said:
The real lottery with customs is not how much they charge, the info is available if you can find it on HMRC/Royal Mail, but whether it'll get caught or not.
This is, sadly, the truth of it.
There's no real rhyme or reason to it. Every time you import over the threshold limit, you take a chance of having your item inspected and being charged.
I've been slapped with VAT and handling fees on precisely three occasions. On the last two occasions, I've kicked up a fuss at the sorting office. I encourage ALL of you to do the same.
The last time I received a grey slip, I was told on collection of my parcel 'everything coming to the UK from the United States is being caught at the moment.
I was understandably concerned, as I had another DVD set in the post that was over the import limit. It arrived with no fees to pay. I was caught again a week or so later, and on collection of my parcel, told them about this.
I have no problem with paying VAT, as that's required by law. Royal Mail's handling fee, however, is obscene. I don't believe that we are LEGALLY required to pay it - and they certainly do nothing to earn it.