The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

NormanicGrav said:
Kodansha puts Vinland Saga on suspension temporarily. Rumours say the manga sold poorly and could be dropped.

Honestly though they did release them in 2-in-1 hardback volumes at a high price.

Shame really, I was really interested in picking up the series since I hear it's basically Berserk with a Viking setting.

Damn. I was planning on buying it after New Years.

I've seen a lot of people consider it as one of the best manga series ever, and I was pretty interested in checking it out too. :(
I've been getting the kindle versions of Vinland and it's great! I suspect it's just a bit expensive in this format for the fans who've already read it.

I thought the U.S. blu of Champloo was meant to have a bad upscale picture? That's why I'd didn't even look at the mvm release, plus double dipping? All my money has gone on Anime Ltd titles this quarter.
burtkenobi said:
I thought the U.S. blu of Champloo was meant to have a bad upscale picture? That's why I'd didn't even look at the mvm release, plus double dipping? All my money has gone on Anime Ltd titles this quarter.

There are two versions of the video master for Champloo.

One was from the first 'Complete Series' set that Funimation put out on Blu-ray which was done in-house by them. The result was very bad.

The second was from their re-release under the Anime Classics brand (also the version that's Region AB). This one is still an in-house upscale but it was handled much better than the previous one. In fact if my information is correct, the folks in Japan used this master for their Blu-ray Disc Box.

I'm not sure how bad the quality was but there's a couple of people in this forum who would explain it better than I would.
Looking forward to buying all the Q3 & Q4 releases from Anime Limited.

I'm not fussed about Samurai Champloo as I'm happy with the set I bought when it was the AOL DOTW.
Joshawott said:
Crunchyroll is available for the Wii U in North America now, so I expect a European release will follow soon.
Maybe not. Crunchyroll was never made available in Europe on the PS3 or 4, though having used the PS3 app its probably for the best as its terrible. The 2 Microsoft made apps on the Xbox consoles are pretty good though.
sniper_samurai said:
Joshawott said:
Crunchyroll is available for the Wii U in North America now, so I expect a European release will follow soon.
Maybe not. Crunchyroll was never made available in Europe on the PS3 or 4, though having used the PS3 app its probably for the best as its terrible. The 2 Microsoft made apps on the Xbox consoles are pretty good though.
As I understand it Sony blocked the app from appearing on the European store because it would compete with their own service (Animax). You can still download it from the US store and use it whilst logged into a EUR account though.
Why Sony think anyone would want to use Animax in the first place is beyond me though.
Crunchyroll is available on the XBox 360 and XBox One in Europe, so its absence from Sony's platforms in Europe is very likely due to Animax.
Brilliant Park was clearly the end result of a renegade within the KyoAni system getting thoughtcrime past the fun police.

It's double plus good they caught him. That could have ended in KyoAni putting something on par with their old works out again and that just won't do.
Amazon cancelled my pre-order for Evangelion 3.3 from MangaUK as "we've been informed Manga Entertainment is not releasing this title. "

First trailer for the new (anime) Ghost in the Shell film, due this summer:

The names attached to this one suggest it will follow the Arise timeline, but no story details confirmed as yet.
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Cel said:
Amazon cancelled my pre-order for Evangelion 3.3 from MangaUK as "we've been informed Manga Entertainment is not releasing this title. "

Getting in on the top floor with this one. *gets footage of the acid funeral scene from BTAS*
First Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions dub cast teaser #1: Kumin Tsuyuri.

That voice does not fit her at all. She sounds...too energetic. You'd think that they would name the actress in the video or the description, but nope.