Project Update #5: It's Golden Week in Japan, But We Have Some News For You!
As we edge ever nearer to meeting our first stretch goal of £25,000 (for a commissioned piece of artwork for the boxset), we're looking at ways to add even more value to your pledge!
We here at Anime Limited HQ have pulled together quite the list, which has been sent off to Japan for approvals/agreement from the licensor. The reason we've not had an update on this for all you dear backers yet is that it is Golden Week in Japan! Lucky them

Golden Week, for those of you unaware of the term, is a week of official holidays in which many companies shut up shop and employees have a nice, long holiday!
One of the major items we're investigating is creating a special tier that includes the Definitive Edition, Quad and a merch pack! As we prepare to make our offer to the licensor, what we want to know is, would you guys like the merch items listed below as part of that tier?
£125 Merch Tier includes:
- Definitive Edition of Patema Inverted and all that comes with it
- Quad poster
- Limited Edition Kickstarter-only tote bag with Patema Inverted image + logo (design tbc)
- Limited Edition Kickstarter-only Patema Inverted mug
- Limited Edition Kickstarter-only Patema Inverted 8GB USB Key
What do you guys think? Is there something else you'd rather have added to the merch pack in place of any of the above mentioned items? Now is a great time to have your say!
Please remember, we're still pitching this to the licensor so there is still a possibility that it may be rejected. We just wanted to gauge your feelings on the ideas listed above.
Once Golden Week is over, I'm sure we'll have an update for you all which, hopefully, will contain many tempting thingymabobs and whatnots. So stay tuned!
What else is going on?
As we mentioned in yesterday's update, we've opened up the option for would-be backers to pledge to the Ultimate Edition of Patema Inverted via PayPal. This is currently set up via our newly launched online shop at All pledges via our shop will be counted towards the final figures and definitely count towards the stretch goals! We'll keep you all posted on exactly where we are with PayPal so you can monitor the situation too
Aaaaaaand, that's everything from us today! We hope to have some pretty snazzy news for you very soon, so please stay tuned and spread the word!
Keep it real.
- Kerry