@Denny Fisher
I looked around a couple times on Google but couldn't find any perhaps I missed some. I'll check that out.
I looked around a couple times on Google but couldn't find any perhaps I missed some. I'll check that out.
I mostly buy from Book Depository. Their manga collection is great. I dont really buy light novels but I'm sure they have them.I was curious if anyone knows where to buy English translated Light Novles online other than Amazon?
Have you checked Right Stuf Anime - Anime, Manga and More, For Less!@Denny Fisher
I looked around a couple times on Google but couldn't find any perhaps I missed some. I'll check that out.
I get most of my manga and light novels from wordery Wordery.com@Denny Fisher
I looked around a couple times on Google but couldn't find any perhaps I missed some. I'll check that out.
Physically wise. I just checked Wordery.com and they do them (I searched for Monogatari and Boogiepop as I know they are LNs)I was curious if anyone knows where to buy English translated Light Novles online other than Amazon?
@Harorudo.I was curious if anyone knows where to buy English translated Light Novles online other than Amazon?
Sentai K-On Premium Box
I didn't know I wanted that box (I had knowingly passed it, when it was released), but seeing it go away here most recently for 80, I realized I probably was interested in it after all...
Looking for a reasonably priced copy of Sentai's Ideon blu-ray - unless we think it's going to get a reissue into their budge line?
this might be useful for you since you live in germany Elite Blu-Ray Case Hülle 6fach 15 mm Blu Ray HüllenLooking for a 15mm 6 disc elite Blu-ray case.
(a.ka.. Sentai's Clannad Season 1.2 Complete Set case)
(Would also just that set, if cheap.)
I just had to have another case of my piles falling over and get the cases hit. Of all things that got it worst it of course had to be the one case I have no replacements of whatsoever. >_>"
Royally annoying me right now.
Also looking for La Croda D'Oro Season 1. Just kinda figured out that Blue Sky is not the first season, ha ha ha.... x.x"