UPDATE: I found one at a slightly cheaper price so I went for it.
UPDATE: I found one at a slightly cheaper price so I went for it.
AwesomeI hope you enjoy the game when you get to play it, it's a great one ^_^
I still have the first two to play on my Vita (the PSP ones, which I do have still thanks to that sale two years ago).
It's a great series, so I hope you like it when you get round to starting it
I'm currently debating on whether or not to grab Senran Kagura 2 off the eShop, seeing as I have just seen how much the physical copies are now.
Violet Evergarden KA Esuma CM Sengashu (line drawing) BOOKLooking for this:
ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン KAエスマ文庫CM 線画集【在庫品】 | 作品一覧,ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン | 京アニショップ!
Seems to be sold out in the KyoAni Shop. Amazon JP Marketplace has it, but it's like more than twice the original price.
Any other places btw. except Amazon + Marktplace, where you can buy stuff and they accept credit cards? Yahoo Auctions is pretty much off limits without proxy services, because payment is rather impossible and the proxy fees usually kill off any savings one may have.