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I once had two neighbours - one of which was a musical sort. Was quite odd one morning at about 03:30 and hearing 'The hills are aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivv with the sound of muuuuuuuuuuuuusic.'

MaxonTreik said:
I was bloody raging.

I take it you had words? Or are going to?
Max Takeshi said:
I once had two neighbours - one of which was a musical sort. Was quite odd one morning at about 03:30 and hearing 'The hills are aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivv with the sound of muuuuuuuuuuuuusic.'

MaxonTreik said:
I was bloody raging.

I take it you had words? Or are going to?
I didn't bother because I wouldn't be able to prove it was their fault.
There's someone who has been going around my cul-de-sac in the early hours knocking on people's doors. By the time we answer, no one is there. It only happened to my house last week (three nights in a row at times ranging from 1-3am), however, as of this past weekend it's started happening to other people.

We think it might be this one guy who lives a few doors down from us who has a known drug problem and does constantly knock on doors for a glass of milk, paracetamol etc. Maybe he's on a drunk bender and his biological clock has gone weird. We've been on the phone to both the police and the housing association and it doesn't seem like they're doing anything atm.
GolGotha said:
If I'm super lucky I only get them once a month, but usually tend to get 1 to 3 a week, plus standard headaches....although once I get my glasses I'm sure they will go away.

Oh, I see.... Glad to know there is an end in sight for this headaches! :D

ayase said:
Zin5ki said:
Variations on a theme by ayase:

Well it was either that or a Devil May Cry crossover, wasn't it? I think you made the right choice.
I so want to cosplay Johannes Krauser II.....

Rena Ryuugu said:
Thanks chaos, and the interview went fine, so fingers crossed :)
*crosses fingers*

Max Takeshi said:
In other news the neighbours had decided to use weekend gone as a hammering session... practically through the entire weekend. Quite what the heck the fella is doing is anybody's guess.
Playing Rock band?

Spoonmage said:
I have neighbours like that. the chap next door is rather fond of his electric drill. with the amount of DIY sounds that come out of that place he must be building some sort of secret underground volcano lair.
Taht actually sounds amazing :D

Max Takeshi said:
I once had two neighbours - one of which was a musical sort. Was quite odd one morning at about 03:30 and hearing 'The hills are aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivv with the sound of muuuuuuuuuuuuusic.'
Were you my neighbour in Lewisham?!?!?!?!
I'm really sorry, I've drank a little too much that evening and as I never heard anyone ever, I thought the walls were soundproof and that drumming at 3am was a good idea....
Max Takeshi said:
I once had two neighbours - one of which was a musical sort. Was quite odd one morning at about 03:30 and hearing 'The hills are aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivv with the sound of muuuuuuuuuuuuusic.'
Sometimes you just want to play music at times others call inhospitable.

They use bad excuses such as "It's 1 in the morning", "I have a job to go to" and "You've woken up my baby", how likely are those excuses? :D

Seriously though, I've plugged in my guitar or bass and started playing stuff to only realise it's probably not the best time. The last time I did this, I played 30 minutes of Back in the USSR before finding out it was 2am.
Interesting stuff is happening at work, my current boss has been given a promotion, and it's been said she isn't being replaced, so the fate of the team I'm in is a bit up in the air at the moment.

The most annoying thing is that I'm off on holiday next week for 2 and a bit weeks, so when I get back I will be out of the loop :(
Well, seems my interview didn't go as well as I thought it did :lol: . Didn't get the job, oh well. Hope things go better for you, Rena.

In better news, if everything goes well then I'll be self publishing my graphic novel on Tuesday next week (some shameless self plugging will be abound)*

*As long as that's okay.
teonzo said:
You are not a man if you don't do it.
In due time, I surely will.
Recruited some friends to help me make the armour =D

MIBlackburn_d6 said:
Seriously though, I've plugged in my guitar or bass and started playing stuff to only realise it's probably not the best time. The last time I did this, I played 30 minutes of Back in the USSR before finding out it was 2am.
I guess musicians are alike anywhere in the world :D
Although the other day I was trying to play Ziggy Stardust and realised that even though I remembered all the chords, I'm so rusty I can't play it properly anymore :(

Kite said:
Interesting stuff is happening at work, my current boss has been given a promotion, and it's been said she isn't being replaced, so the fate of the team I'm in is a bit up in the air at the moment.

The most annoying thing is that I'm off on holiday next week for 2 and a bit weeks, so when I get back I will be out of the loop :(
Well, I hope it all goes well and the promotion was just a way to give more work to your boss, while not necessarily giving a pay raise xD

joanne_chan said:
I'm on strong anti-biotics for my rotten cough and bronchitis
Get well soon!

GolGotha said:
I've watched so much K-Pop on youtube, the adverts are now in Korean....

20thCenturyBoy said:
Well, seems my interview didn't go as well as I thought it did :lol: . Didn't get the job, oh well. Hope things go better for you, Rena.

In better news, if everything goes well then I'll be self publishing my graphic novel on Tuesday next week (some shameless self plugging will be abound)*

*As long as that's okay.
Sad to hear that the interview didn't go as well as you thought. Sometimes it's just like that. On the graphic novel front, it's all good, as long as you post about it on the appropriate area.

Nonstarter Noodle said:
There was a bit of an incident at Forbidden Planet today in Nottingham. I hope the rest of the day went without incident for the staff and shoppers.
what happened?
Woke up Wednesday with a rubbish throat and the mother of all colds. I've been fighting it off since the start of the year I must add.
My taste buds are completely whack like nothing tastes how I know it should. I'm a damn mighty trooper too as I have not spent time off work for this :)


Building my new bed, raiding Chinatown and going for lunch at Jack Spratt seems to be the "highlight" of this weekend for me. Really I'm just going to be taking advantage of the fact you feed a cold and stay in my pjs watching TV for the most part :p

What have you all got planned?

Anyone fighting the mother of all colds like myself?
Well, I hope it all goes well and the promotion was just a way to give more work to your boss, while not necessarily giving a pay raise xD

It's a proper promotion, she is going to another site and getting a pay-rise as well.

If anybody gets more work without more money will be me :(
I saw Barry and Stuart: Show and Tell tonight (Magicians), and what they did was amazing.

And afterwards talking though how they did the tricks was also rather good, shows how much work they do to make it work (like memorising 100 pages of a celebrity trash magazine every week)
chaos said:
what happened?

From what I could tell some guy just came in and totally kicked off, throwing Manga on the floor and I think being quite agressive with two girls. The staff got him outside where he seemed to be making threats to the staff who wouldn't let him in. As he was walking away he threw some coins at the window and then walked down the street knocking over a sign and then running off. I went in just afterwards and they had tidied the place up but there were two girls in there who I think were a bit shaken by what had happened.
I was just hoping that the guy hadn't come back and caused more trouble for the staff and shoppers.
In all my years of visiting Nottingham that's only the third incident that I've really seen.
Getting rid of all of these DOTA2 keys for stuff I actually want is really pissing me off right now. I want to trade these for certain THQ-era games (Red Faction Series, Dawn of War series, Darksiders 2+DLC, SR3 Full Package, Titan Quest Gold and the STALKER series) but I can't because someone at Valve thought it was a good idea to make DOTA2 keys abundant as bloody water! Damn this dilemma!

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