The General Conversation Area

A random act of selfless assistance:

In a supermarket near Covent Garden today, a lady of advanced years asked me to loosen the top of her single-pint milk bottle. Naturally I obliged, though I asked not whether such an item had been paid for. One hopes my actions haven't implicated me in any misdoings.
As in run-down once you cone of the main street.

Its a maze of tour bus operators, people trying to sell you their demo tapes, lots of cheap & nasty tourist rubbish, lots of overpriced tourist rubbish as well. $25 for a tee-shirt with the Hollywood sign printed on it.

Of the beaten path I found a rather nice ents store, had a good selection of anime, nothing jumped out at me as it was overpriced. $30 for a 13 episode half season, when Rhee complete series can be purchased on amazon UK for £14.
If my references check out, starting on 1st April I will be an Apprentice Administrator at my local hospital's Clinical Genetics Department.

The bad news is, as I will no longer be a NEET, I won't have any importance in the Eden of the East finale any more.
Congrats Josh! But...starting on April Fool's Day?

NEETs are pretty common now. You can start your training to be a charismatic mad scientist in a hospital.

Rui said:
Congrats Josh! But...starting on April Fool's Day?

NEETs are pretty common now. You can start your training to be a charismatic mad scientist in a hospital.

Thanks! Yeah, that's what my advisor person said...1st April is a bank holiday, so that seems weird.

Haha, funnily enough, when I went up to the department yesterday, it was a mass of empty plain white halls with loads of security doors, seemed like a top government base or something xD. It was a nice surprise to see an old school friend of mine actually works in the department.

I'll be working Monday-Friday, 7 hours a day. Hopefully I can get 24th May off (because I already have a hotel booked for Comic Con). £100 a week starting, but eh I'm an Apprentice and it is just under twice what I get on Jobseekers.

What has everyone got planned for their weekends?

Mine is a meal in the vault at Jamie's Italian followed by cocktails tomorrow afternoon. It's for my friends' birthdays. We're all going overly dressed up for that time of day and one of them have bought really nice masks for us all to wear hahaha.
A friend of mine said that her sister has asked her to go clubbing tomorrow night but she's on the fence about it as she won't know anyone so she asked me if I'd tag along, but eeeeehhh clubbing has never appealed to me. Why should I be awkward drinking alcohol in the corner of a packed, noisy place when I can awkwardly drink alcohol in my bedroom?
Joshawott said:
Why should I be awkward drinking alcohol in the corner of a packed, noisy place when I can awkwardly drink alcohol in my bedroom?
Because the second is more likely to lead to depression and alcoholism?

Your choice of course, and right enough some people can't be doing with that sort of thing. Some would give their right **** cheek to have friends who would ask them out to socialise to avoid them drinking alone in a packed noisy place, returning home alone to stare blankly at a wall and contemplate why they can never seem to connect with another human being and trying their best to remember what they learned in therapy.
That's kinda what I'm saying, in a way. It's only a good idea to shun socialising if you want to be left alone and if you do, be careful what you wish for. I think my younger self probably got a reputation as someone who didn't want to take part in things, so eventually people stopped asking me to. Now I don't have anybody to do anything with.
I have to say that the one time I ever went clubbing aged 18 or thereabouts has stayed in my mind as the single least enjoyable evening of my life, but if you actually drink alcohol you're already more likely to have fun than I am at such a place...

ayase said:
Joshawott said:
Why should I be awkward drinking alcohol in the corner of a packed, noisy place when I can awkwardly drink alcohol in my bedroom?
Because the second is more likely to lead to depression and alcoholism?

Your choice of course, and right enough some people can't be doing with that sort of thing. Some would give their right **** cheek to have friends who would ask them out to socialise to avoid them drinking alone in a packed noisy place, returning home alone to stare blankly at a wall and contemplate why they can never seem to connect with another human being and trying their best to remember what they learned in therapy.
I'm more than willing to go out and hang around in town, go shopping or have a meal out and stuff like that, but clubbing's just not my scene, especially as I don't tend to drink.
I heard back from the job I had the interview. I didn't get it, but I won't let it get me down as I won't give up trying, since the job that's meant for me will turn up eventually.
I can completely understand that, I don't drink at all and going out clubbing and such just does nothing for me. I'd rather do something that involves spending time with my friends. Most of my friends respect that fact so I'm perfectly happy with it.

Rena Ryuugu said:
I heard back from the job I had the interview. I didn't get it, but I won't let it get me down as I won't give up trying, since the job that's meant for me will turn up eventually.

That's the way :) there's always next time and something just right for you will show up! Good luck :D
Rena Ryuugu said:
I heard back from the job I had the interview. I didn't get it, but I won't let it get me down as I won't give up trying, since the job that's meant for me will turn up eventually.
That's the way. I was looking for jobs for 3 years and only just started getting interviews. I was lucky to hear a "Yes" a few days's hard. But if you give up, it's all over and you become overtaken by despair and become a witch.