The General Conversation Area

Yeah, he had a capitalist partner on that.

Apparently the problem was the guy they had hired to do that job, that was basically just lazying around :/
I just got back from voting, my first time voting in a General Election, second time ive voted in all (I voted in the EU elections last year) :)

anyone else voted yet?
Not voted yet but plan to do so after work.

@Chaos: What's your brother doing now then if that fell threw?

Afternoon: Manga and Sci-fi.
I had to contend with not one but three ballot papers. One white, one peach (or "desaturated orange" as I always call it) and one yellow. Apparently there are local mayoral candidates in want of satisfaction. Fortunately, I believe I managed to cope with such an array of boxes and sheets.
Voddas said:
Not voted yet but plan to do so after work.

@Chaos: What's your brother doing now then if that fell threw?

Afternoon: Manga and Sci-fi.
He started a webradio in poruguese.
Last I've checked it was the biggest one around.
Zin5ki said:
I had to contend with not one but three ballot papers. One white, one peach (or "desaturated orange" as I always call it) and one yellow. Apparently there are local mayoral candidates in want of satisfaction. Fortunately, I believe I managed to cope with such an array of boxes and sheets.

I had a white one and a peach one (I think), they had local council elections here, I voted in both no problems!
Voddas said:
Can't beat a good radio station (or show in my case) if you ask me. :D
Agree, but he has a diff public in mind. Basically he wants to cater for all the brazilians that lives outside Brazil. There's quite a few out there....

Not sure if he's making any money with it though.
That's the downside to most web based radio stations. ¬_¬ If he does exceptionaly well though, he can use these credentials to get into a paid radio job. That's how Chris Moyles, Chris Evans, Noal Edmonds (amongst others) started off. The Radio Station where I am based now is one of the stations Noal used to volunteer for.
Not that I want to be Noal or anything....
*drifts into a day dream*
*chuckle* Voddas' House Party. :D
Well, his scheme is professional - he hires dj's and stuff, he has paid ads, they organize events in Japan - where he lives - and all that jazz.

Not sure it's the same thing as you have in mind....

On webradio scheme of things, his webradio was more popular than real ones and all...

I'm just not sure he's getting serious money out of it. I bet he is making a living at least, as this is goign on for the last 6 years...

I think their site is
farming is not so bad its the not seeing anyone till today voting was the first time in 5 weeks I have been out side the farm
So I just got round to trying out persona's myself, I first of all thought that it wasn't working propeller cause of another addon interfering. Then I just realised I only needed to update my firefox.
It's quite a novelty to have installed even though it can be distracting on the eye's. At the moment I have a Shana persona taken from the light novel, nice to see a variety in the film&TV section other than it being Naruto or DBZ
Morning folks. How goes it?

I stayed up till 3.15am watching the Election on and off. What a mess that has been. Still keeping an eye on the results but it looks like a stint of Hung Parliament for us for a while.
Morning Voddas.

I stayed up until near 4.00 a.m watching the election. Labour won where I live :( .

I have been going to bed past 2.00 am every day this week - can't be good for my health.