The General Conversation Area

I had a great time there, I met chaos, I saw some awesome cosplays and I entered the karoake contest singing Hare Hare Yukai and with some of the friends I made there danced along to it as one of them was in a Haruhi cosplay.
Glad you enjoyed our little event. I mean, Asahi's little event.
It was a fun Saturday and I also maanged to make new friends there. Taht haruhi cosplayer you're talking about was cute. She came to us asking if she could do just dance to the songs.

In any case, I realize you were there because of your email, as I've emailed you about it a couple days earlier. You look younger than you're actually are Mono.

Anyway, the best bit of my day was defintely the marriage proposal. I felt all warm and mellow after it.
Ahh i see. Normally i just use the old tactic of saying "I know how it ends" when sir frogman reads his books on napoleon. Asides from that, he has his own AZERTY weird laptop thingamy to work with. Doubt he has the ability to hack either.
chaos said:
I had a great time there, I met chaos, I saw some awesome cosplays and I entered the karoake contest singing Hare Hare Yukai and with some of the friends I made there danced along to it as one of them was in a Haruhi cosplay.

Glad you enjoyed our little event. I mean, Asahi's little event.
It was a fun Saturday and I also maanged to make new friends there. Taht haruhi cosplayer you're talking about was cute. She came to us asking if she could do just dance to the songs.

In any case, I realize you were there because of your email, as I've emailed you about it a couple days earlier. You look younger than you're actually are Mono.

Anyway, the best bit of my day was defintely the marriage proposal. I felt all warm and mellow after it.

Glad to hear you had a great day as well chaos :D

People always say that to me so they always end up suprised when I tell them my age :lol:
And I'm glad you recognised me from my email :)
Good Morning one and all.... awwww, I missed an appearance by Mono. :(

Anyway, how is all today? First spot of rain we've had in the lakes for a few weeks now. Can't believe it's held off this long tbh. It's giving us planty to moan about at the moment like. Kinda makes sitting in the office that little bit easier though.

I dropped my car off at Carnforth after work yesterday to get repairs and a service. I'm going to have to do the same journey after work today to pick it up again. It's costing me £150 to get a new wing mirror and aerial fitted. Lets hope they last longer than a month this time.

Get it passed Chaos! *shakes finger* DX

How has the learning been coming anyway. You think your ready to take the plunge into testhood?
I know how to drive and even had a license (which expired last year).
Problem is that licenses issued in places other than Europe / Common wealth cannot be transfered, so I need to re-sit the test.

The lessons are basically to see if I can get used to drive in the wrong way and shift gears with my left hand.
Also, to pick up those hints such as never cross your arms while steering and so on, that the moment you pass your test you forget about them...
I did know that, I just worded my post poorly. :p

How are you finding car-less life then? I don't think I could manage much more than a few weeks.
Oh, I see.
Well, it's been over three year and I've only drove a couple times, while on holidays.

In London it kinda makes no sense to use a car, as using public transport gets you to places faster and cheaper than any car could, with the exception of actually heading to the countryside.
Actually that does make sense. Especially with those insane congestion charges. O_O

Well, living in Barrow you can't rely on the busses all the time so a car is needed. Plus, like you said, there's alot of countryside.

Just had a call from the garage... apparently my window wipers need replacing too. This'll add £23 more to my bill.
Could be worse I guess.

How far are you threw your game backlog? Or has no advance been made?
No progress has been made since I've turned my ps3 on 3 weeks ago...

Too busy flathunting and sorting life out. I'm nothing, but a shadow of the gamer I once was.
Fare enough. :p

I'm sure you'll flourish once everything settles down. I have massive spaces in my gaming as with my anime too. It can't be helped. Sadly adult problems take over sometimes.
And...the day is nearly done. God, why can't tomorrow come sooner, no more exams after tomorrow morn. Then i can do all this relaxing i've been hearing about.
yeah, I know what you mean. I always find some time for anime, but the same is not true with gaming. I haven't completed a game in ages, so I'm actually wondering if I should cotinue to pursue my gaming interests or simply switch to casual gaming once and for all.
Watch your tongue choas! That's serious talk for such an early time in the day! =P

Afternoon Arby. *greets*

Gotta go but I'll be back inabit. Lunch beckons.


*35 mins pass*

And I'm back.
Called sick today Tachi?

And Voddas, it's just that in the world of cool interesting things to do, gaming is fast becoming a nice thing to do, but usually the last thing I want to do.