The General Conversation Area

morning Voddas

I'm not entirely sure I understand this hung parliament thing, but I'm not entirely happy with it what happened, but I'm at least not disgusted with it as I would if BNP made it. I'm still a bit disappointed they grew 1.2% though, but green winning a seat made up for it.

In any case, the thing is that I don't believe any other party would have done a lot better facing the crisis thing. In hindsight, I think it cold have been a lot worse.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying the massive loss of jobs wasn't something to fear, all I'm saying is that I beleive it could have been a lot worse than it was in the end.

I'm glad we're not in Texas.
Morning Guys. Labour won in my area too Manga, but then, I did vote for them. =P

Hey, Chaos, I'm not overly keen on the idea of a hung parliament at all. It basicaly means that no one party will have the majority of seats/power meaning that desicions will have to be debated and most likley challanged repeatedly. I see trouble ahead.

*puts concerned face on and lights a pipe* =_= ~
That's suppose to be the point but then ironically it is politics. :roll:

There will more than likely be another vote in the near future. Hung Parliaments don't seem to last long (and for good reason).
I see. UK politics sometimes seems too bizarre. But then again, back home parties are not so evenly split as they are here, with no majority belonging to two single parties.
It's that "freedom of speech" thing again, except we've all got something to say. It's like hearing a million voices at the same time, and all are different. Nothing is solid in UK politics.

Hey all.
Y'alright, chaos? Busy day or calmer than usual?
Gonna be one of my "lets see what I can do" days, since I've got nothing planned atm.
Afternoon Chazio.

Nothing to do aye? Lucky git. You can come and bankrupt some people with me if you fancy it. God my jobs so sadistic. =_=

Hey Chaos, you don't have to tell me how bizarre our political system works. We are a nation of complainers so whatever happens, you know we're gonna bitch about it.
You mean "bank-rob", don't ya? We get something out of it that way. :)
I'd rather do a 9-5 job than just 4-8hrs, especially with the bills Ryo gets me to pay with my own problems... I can see us downgrading some of our utilities (broadband for instance...)
Well that sucks. I know how hard it is to find somewhere else too. At least you have a job, so think yourself lucky in that respects. Not as lucky as some like.

We complain when we need a job, but we complain when we have a job. It's the circle of life. This election isn't going to make any instant changes to our financial climate either. Bills are too the bain of my days.
Yeah, well I have some breathing room this month with money. I've got all the needy expeses sorted, so I'm just buying 3 manga (2 of which I can cancel near the end of the month if it gets bad), and not spending needlessly. Been my tactic for the past couple of months, and it seems to be working.
Good afternoon to all. Does anyone have any foreign currency on their person?

If so, keep hold of it. It appears that our importation habits are going to remain dormant for quite some time.
I hate it when money gets tight. I just had to pay out £285 to fix up my car! That was an expense I wish I didn't have to fork out. Because of that, I'm banned from buying anything like anime or manga. I just got in trouble because My Ouran Boxset just arrived. Heh, it was a pre-order though so I got let off.

Afternoon Zin. I lol'd at your last post in the "How Will you Vote" thread. Classic. :lol:

edit: I have 20Euros. I thought I spent every last cent when I went to France, but alas, there in my coat pocket lay a dormant note I'd forgotten about.
Hey Zin - Oh dear, sounds like not only are we not wanting much outside Britain, but the rest of the world has a grim view on us economically... ;)

You okay, dude?
Chaz said:
Y'alright, chaos? Busy day or calmer than usual?
Gonna be one of my "lets see what I can do" days, since I've got nothing planned atm.

Not calm or particularly busy. Just a regular day, which is quite welcome considering the few rubbish days I've had recently.

Voddas said:
Hey Chaos, you don't have to tell me how bizarre our political system works. We are a nation of complainers so whatever happens, you know we're gonna bitch about it.
Well, I didn't want to say that you're a nation of complainers... ;)

Voddas said:
We complain when we need a job, but we complain when we have a job. It's the circle of life. This election isn't going to make any instant changes to our financial climate either. Bills are too the bain of my days.
I just had lunch with a guy who is probably the only anime fan I know that I never heard him complain about money. He is a banker though, so if he starts complaining, I might just punch him for good measure ;)

Zin5ki said:
Good afternoon to all. Does anyone have any foreign currency on their person?
I have a dollar in my wallet a a couple Euro coins...

Voddas said:
I hate it when money gets tight. I just had to pay out £285 to fix up my car! That was an expense I wish I didn't have to fork out. Because of that, I'm banned from buying anything like anime or manga. I just got in trouble because My Ouran Boxset just arrived. Heh, it was a pre-order though so I got let off.
My finances are usually in order.
I can only feel confortable if I have enough money to live a year with and I only recently saved enough for that. But then again, inflation in Brazil was aburdly insane.
GAAAH!!! What the hell just crawled in here??!! Kill it! KILL IT!!!

....oh, afternoon Tachi. Chilling again I see. :p

@Chaos: I just splurted a laughter in the office from your banker comment. Nice. :thumb:
@Tachi - wild rice? I don't believe I've ever tried that... Any good? How does it compare to regular long grain rice opr basmati?

@Voddas - the guy is cool though. When I met the guy he was basically drawing a naked dude. He's the standard Miyazaki, Oshii & Kon fan.

Zin5ki said:
chaos said:
But then again, inflation in Brazil was aburdly insane.
Which is a step above being "regularly" insane, in accordance with the strict IMF rating system.
well, in the 80's inflation there had an average of 330% / year, from 90 to 95 it reached 770% / year, this is actually known as hyperinflation. I've lived through that, so it makes me weary of spending money without having a large cushion. But once I saved enough, I don't mind spending, after all, you got to live the life, no?