The General Conversation Area

Tell me about it. That just ain't right. :p

I though somthing was off when they crossed the finish line and continued running after some blond woman shouting something about Sarah Connor? *shrugs*
lol so the alcohol was well and truly running this weekend, up AND down the country :p

Good to hear you both had great weekends, Chaos you know better than to be playing with kids, they're so small but have so much more energy than us lot lol atleast you'll be able to explain your bruises, I don't bruise easily but I've got a nice big black bruise on my arm lol still unsure if it was drunken twister, or if kayls had been punching me in my sleep again :lol:

An average of 11Mph? i know thats not easy, and to run 40miles in just over 3 hours is bloody good. i was considering running the london marathon next year, but that'd require me to get back into my legs back into the shape and strength they where back when i used to run track, too much effort :p
Not bad. Watched some sport on the TV: the World 20/20 Cricket and the final round of matches for the football Premier league. I am not a Chelsea fan but they stopped Manchester United winning the league again :D

I also watched Family Guy - there is a new series showing soon so they had a marathon of episodes over the weekend on BBC3.
Sorry I haven't been around. It's been real busy and when it went quiet I couldn't take my eyes away from Love Hina (manga). I can't belive it's taken me almost two years to read more than just the 1st volume. I'm now reading Volume 5 and loving it. Heh.

Anyways, I'm off shopping so I'll catch you tomorrow. Maybe it won't be so busy.
Ciao for now.
Tachi- said:
lol so the alcohol was well and truly running this weekend, up AND down the country :p
Guess this is kind of the only think that every person in Britain, except Arby, agree on.

Tachi- said:
Good to hear you both had great weekends, Chaos you know better than to be playing with kids, they're so small but have so much more energy than us lot lol atleast you'll be able to explain your bruises, I don't bruise easily but I've got a nice big black bruise on my arm lol still unsure if it was drunken twister, or if kayls had been punching me in my sleep again :lol:
Here's the thing, I was basicaly just trying to rest a bit, when they simply decided to jump and tackle me out of the blue... =P

Tachi- said:
An average of 11Mph? i know thats not easy, and to run 40miles in just over 3 hours is bloody good. i was considering running the london marathon next year, but that'd require me to get back into my legs back into the shape and strength they where back when i used to run track, too much effort :p
11Mph is not easy, but I could achieve such speed for a short period of time. Sustain that for over an hour, in my current condition is impossible though.

mangaman74 said:
Afternoon all.

All this's making me feel tired just reading about it.
lazy mangaman... :p

mangaman74 said:
Not bad. Watched some sport on the TV: the World 20/20 Cricket and the final round of matches for the football Premier league. I am not a Chelsea fan but they stopped Manchester United winning the league again :D
I'm no fan of theirs as well, but hats off... That was a most impressive victory.
chaos said:
mangaman74 said:
Afternoon all.

All this's making me feel tired just reading about it.
lazy mangaman... :p

You want lazy you should meet my brother. Most weekends he gets up at midday at best (he has gotten up at 3.00pm before). Saying that he got called in to work this sunday just gone - he had to get at 8.00am :lol:
My college have changed their examination protocol for this session. It should appear that instead of nice thick stapled answer booklets, we simply receive thin double page fold-outs in which to write our answers.

Being an obfuscating little ragamuffin, I wrote so much for my exam today that I had to request extra paper no less than three separate times. A humbug is in order.
Zin5ki said:
My college have changed their examination protocol for this session. It should appear that instead of nice thick stapled answer booklets, we simply receive thin double page fold-outs in which to write our answers.

Being an obfuscating little ragamuffin, I wrote so much for my exam today that I had to request extra paper no less than three separate times. A humbug is in order.

It's probably to save money. Damn them!

Morning all,

I've been so busy over the past 24 hours, i need a lapse in time so i can catch up on my sleep properly.

Finished work, head home, let the dog out then sat on the sofa for 10minutes, then ordered a taxi and went to college, sat my exam and failed by 1 mark (i was very annoyed to say the least) thankfully i have one more shot at it tonight, so i hopefully will pass this time. Otherwise i've failed the course :( therefore delaying my career. What was annoying was, i'd changed my mind on a few questions, if i hadn't of done that i'd have passed......NEVER SECOND QUESS YOURSELF.

Got home about 9.50, proceeded to blitz the house, its spotless. So hopefully my family get home safely and shower me with praise on looking after the house by buying me a car :p (okay back to reality, they won't buy me a car lol) it was after 11 before i had chance to sit down and eat dinner; Lasagne with garlic bread and a glass of Southern comfort with lemonade and ice whilst watching peep show and then Qi.

Woke up and unloaded the dishwasher and reloaded it with the 2-3items i used for the lasagne and then head into work.
Durial666 said:
Always follow your gut instinct Tachi-, it has never failed me on my course. Distinctions in all my written exams ;)

retook it tonight and within 20minutes i was done, they where different questions (not something i was banking on) but it worked out in the end, i got 86.7% :D so i'm glad thats out of the way, just have one more final exam in June and i'm done....(its a 2 course in 1 sort of job apparently)

So yeah, in a great mood, if only very tired :p just watched kakurenbo for abit and now going to relax. I don't have any problems with nerves or anything in tests, i do however have a weakness for reassessing my answers when i know i should leave em alone.