The General Conversation Area

panda z said:
Above post edited for clarification.

lol :p

ahh, now that would only work if she didn't eat so much.
i mean, she eats more than me.....and thats not easy.
she doesn't exercise like i do so it just weighs put it into a comparison....if you cloned me a few'd need 3 of me stood side by side to equate the same size that she is.

its horrible.

Lypo anyone? :lol:
Aha, for a minute there i was toying with the idea of having you taken away by the nice men in white coats.

I work in childcare myself so pretty much every place of work for me has nothing but fat middle aged women. currently they are cold all year around so i have to sit in a crappy ventalted church hall sweating like gary glitter in a schoolyard because none of the windows can be opened.
Altir said:
sweating like gary glitter in a schoolyard

btw Tachi, I've just been looking at the topic "Twilight star hit by taxi"
Your comments are not appreciated.
You sound like my husband, he's very jealous of Edward Cullen, the FICTIONAL CHARACTER :D
Altir said:
sweating like gary glitter in a schoolyard because none of the windows can be opened.

LMAO :lol: i need to make a mental note of that.

Honestly i wouldn't mind as much if she didn't complain about the fact she's fat...its like "come did it to yourself! instead of eating mountains of food, try eating a normal persons me, you'll probably be around another 10 years if you do.....right now i give you about 4 before you eat your fat **** to death"


i'd love to just go on the roof and play ricky gervais' FAME on massive speakers. i reckon i'd get alot of coverage...with it being a 9 story building. but there's a bit where he's talking about obese people and that its not a illness
You could buy her one of those "congratulations on your upcoming baby" cards, that might get the point across without having you aressted for distrupting the peace.
Altir said:
You could buy her one of those "congratulations on your upcoming baby" cards, that might get the point across without having you aressted for distrupting the peace.

LOL yeah the thought has crossed my mind once or thrice....

and i'm not jealous. he's a jerk. my ex made me sit through the bloody film 3 times!

1, i liked it the first time....
2, it then started to get annoying because i didn't want to watch it a second time and witness my ex dribbling down the seat infront of her whilst watching the scene where he takes his top off.
3.....he's not even good looking....i mean come on, thats like saying i could go out and buy a suit for a tramp, take him to a barbers and get him to have a shave and wash...then come friday he'd be a babe magnet.
Twilight fails as a vampire story, it's word porn for fat ugly 15 year old girls and very twisted 40 year old hairy men.

How can you take the lead vampires character seriously when you know deep, deep down you could probaly kick his ass?
While I'm not a twilight fan myself, I don't get all this hate for it.
Is it that bad? It looks like Panda likes it and a friend of mine also likes the books a lot. As I don't believe any of them are fugly 15 yo girls, it might have some value, no?
Also, shouldn't it be taken for what it is? a vampire book for teenagers girls? which is a very distinctive group than Anne Rice's book (which now seems to be targetting her books at the christian audiences). =P
I like to pretend Ann's later books dont exist, it's less painful that way.

Twilight would be fine if i didint get it rammed down my throat by every female freind i have or once had.
As long as you don't expect it to be anything other than a teenage romance, the books are pretty good. Also, I quite like the author's take on vampire mythology.
And no I'm not fifteen years old :D - far from it hahaha

/EDIT anyway I'm off home now, have a good evening guys!
chaos said:
While I'm not a twilight fan myself, I don't get all this hate for it.
Is it that bad? It looks like Panda likes it and a friend of mine also likes the books a lot. As I don't believe any of them are fugly 15 yo girls, it might have some value, no?
Also, shouldn't it be taken for what it is? a vampire book for teenagers girls? which is a very distinctive group than Anne Rice's book (which now seems to be targetting her books at the christian audiences). =P

The undeserved reputation. On the MTV Movie Awards, it basically stole the awards from more well-deserving movies because of all the fangirls. And don't even get me started on the fangirls.

Also, because the book is poorly written, the movie is poorly written and made, the acting is 2 dimensional (Belle has no emotion what so ever) and that author is a bitch who tears apart anyone who doesn't like her books, not to mention all the hog emo fan girls who follow it like its the ******* bible. want a real vampire movie? go watch Nosferatu.




Altir said:
Twilight fails as a vampire story, it's word porn for fat ugly 15 year old girls and very twisted 40 year old hairy men.
Does it succeed pornographically then? One fathoms such a description would explain its popularity to a degree.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
The undeserved reputation.
Most hypes doesn't deserve their reputation (or all of it).

As for the MTV-movies-awards thing, that is a crowd-pleaser, so such outcomes are to be expected.
chaos said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
The undeserved reputation.
Most hypes doesn't deserve their reputation (or all of it).

As for the MTV-movies-awards thing, that is a crowd-pleaser, so such outcomes are to be expected.

I know, I know, I'm just answering your question - The fact that it was a "crowd-pleaser" isn't going to make it any better for people who despise it :p
Zin5ki said:
Altir said:
Twilight fails as a vampire story, it's word porn for fat ugly 15 year old girls and very twisted 40 year old hairy men.
Does it succeed pornographically then? One fathoms such a description would explain its popularity to a degree.

I know of a better story

Moon Phase, AICMFP
if you had 2 choices....which of these would you take?

1 you have to watch Twilight
2 Sit in a room with CG for 3 hours....only talking about the following topics: abortion, sexual orientation, politics, evangeline or FF :twisted:

i think i'd rather spend the time talking to CG.
^Evangeline from Negima, the vampire =D

Anyway, I haven't seen it yet, not sure I ever will, so I won't have an opinion.

I'm one for those who managed to be a teenager when Titanic was on the cinemas and never watched it.