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Hey mono

and cool chaos. where you off to?

next friday i'm off to egypt at last :D been waiting for this for ages....all inclusiveness in extreme heat...surrounded by good lookin lass' hopefully, it'll be bliss :p

Failing that...i'll just lay there drinking fanta all day lol.
I'm fine thanks :)

Had a relaxing weekend.
on friday i just relaxed and watched a few films but mostly played monster hunter unite.

On saturday my sis went to town and my parents went out somewhere...can't remember where, probably shopping. so i tidied up downstairs. then sorted my room, my gf came over for abit. we watched abit of tv. had abit of fun on rock band (she can't play anything to save her life :p ) and then had abit of fun.
then went off into town where we had a look around clothes stores (i need new shoes for egypt...since i left my second pair in Cairo last year *facepalms*) made sure i had enough shaving foam, blades and shower stuff. then we both went home and text for abit, at 7.30 Leo came round and we played more rock band. i ate stir fry and drank a few beers and leo didn't want anything. we then walked to the co-op and i bought 10 cans of fosters, 2 bottles of vodka and peach shnapps. the total came to £14 odd so i was pleased with that. at 10ish drove round the corner to sams house and waited in the car till sam appeared (10.20ish) then went inside, watched team america **** yeah :lol: and then shaun of the dead and ordered pizza's.

at 3am we had gone through the vodka, me and sam had had 4 cans of fosters and half the bottle of shnapps between the three of us.. leo was completely wasted ¬_¬ he's so lightweight it's almost worrying sometimes. and he was asleep at 3, me and sam where sat talking about our gf's and random stuff. at almost 4am we all crashed for the night. Me and sam awoke by 10....leo woke up around 1 ¬_¬

went back home and relaxed on my bed watching giant robot (a film about a giant robot....go figure :p ) and played monster hunter, i'd restarted my ps3 and missed that afoia had sent a chat sent one back....was ignored ¬_¬

anyway....that was my weekend....not as epic as usual adventures but probably equal in length :lol:

how was yours?
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Good to hear Tachi :)

I had a nice relaxing weekend as well Tachi

Yesterday I started watching the second series of Higurashi which I'm really enjoying so far
Hello everyone how's things?
I'm back from sunny Scotland, I had a really good time. It was great to be able to see my sister's graduation and I also got to spend the whole week with my little niece :)
Bet your maternal side was kicking in....lots of "aww bless, look at em, having loadsa fun" :p

I'm fighting my unbearable urge to throw my heater out of a window.....our windows don't open.....i'll see to that!

*sigh* the fatty in the room is always too hot (maybe if she wasn't the size of a prized pig it might not be the case) but she prefers to work in a freezer atmosphere.....if my heater packs in then i'm screwed, its lovely and sunny outside so i left my hoody at home :/
There's been a fat middle aged woman who is always too hot temperature-wise in every office I've ever worked in - it's like it's the law or something. It makes me glad we haven't got air-con here actually - at least they can't make it too cold here - all they've got is desk fans. I just keep sneaking upstairs and putting the heating on when no-one's looking :D