The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
Nothing stopping you creating your own interesting life story Tach, I for one don't intend to stay here (or anywhere) for ever. You could go to Brazil and take over an anime forum. :p
Ditto! But is still fun to meet people and exchange stories. Is the sort of thing that never gets boring.

As for goign to Brazil, well, it should be relatively easy to get there if you really wanted.

Tachi- said:
and Chaos. i think i should be free tomorro lol how about meetin up at a town half way?
LOL - =) Thanks mate, but my niece is in town and she wanted to visit Stonehenge tomorrow.

Tachi- said:
i've always wanted to live on the move too. there's just something about that lifestyle.. going all over the globe, meeting new people, seeing things, going places, making history, oh and the range of girls lol the phrase "plenty more fish in the sea" i imagine would only be understandable if you lived out of a suitcase and travelled the world over :p
I've worked as a consultant for a while and I've lieved on the road for a little over 6 months, staying no longer than a week in each city. One of the Best times in my life!

Then I joined another company which also made me travel a lot. I've been everywhere in Brazil and many different places in latin America. I actually wanted to drive from Brazil to the Caribean, but I would have to pass through Colombia, which didn't seem sensible.

And dude, travel as much as you can. It makes you a better person =)

ayase said:
This, I think is what we all want deep down, more or less. To be in control of our own lives and not have to fit into the neat little boxes society has made for us all.
We'll have plenty of time for that when we're dead. ;)

Athough recently I have a feeling I'm going where I wanted to be with my life. Just a while longer and a few things to sort out before I have to review my life goals =)
My mate just bought She, the ultamate weapon for 15 pound sterling.

Naturally he'll be watching it dubbed, recon i should get him some ear protectors when i come back from Devon
Damn, lol i guess i'll have to spend time with the gf now lol.

awell...another weekend...maybe after i get back from egypt and once i've got my tattoo :)

2 more the hell? it feels atleast 4pm.
Tachi- said:
Damn, lol i guess i'll have to spend time with the gf now lol.

awell...another weekend...maybe after i get back from egypt and once i've got my tattoo :)

2 more the hell? it feels atleast 4pm.
You almsot make it sound like spending time with your gf is a bad thing.... =P I wish I had one.

My summer weekends have been pretty much fully booked already, but I'll make sure to make some time for us to arrange something!

And yeah, today is dragging =(
chaos said:
You almsot make it sound like spending time with your gf is a bad thing.... =P I wish I had one.

I've spent so much time with her already this week! i age on tuesday. lunch on wednesday, bowling lastnight. she's meant to be coming over tomorrow and on sunday i'm meant to be going round hers and meeting her parents.....something i'm not really in the mood really does feel like a really long task that i'm being compelled to carry out....and i never like things like that lol.

chaos said:
My summer weekends have been pretty much fully booked already, but I'll make sure to make some time for us to arrange something!

And yeah, today is dragging =(

lol alright mate :)

and i know the feeling....i looked at the felt about face was a picture when i found out it had only just hit 15:00.

its now only a hour and 9 mins...and i'm playing in spreadsheets but there not my spreadsheets so i don't find em fun =/
Today really is dragging! Whatever scientists say about the nature of time I'm sure it's bent, stretched and compacted on a regular basis (I should know really, being a time-traveler and all). :p

I seem to have had time to read half of Wikipedia this afternoon... I got through several articles on Hong Kong, The Hell's Angels, The Altamont Free Concert and Documentary Film Making (Cinema Direct and Cinema Verite).
I never realized that there were differences between cinema direct and cinema verite.

I have to stay in the office untill 17:30 today, then I'll spend another hour at the gym (only 3 more stones to lose!) an finally home.

I'll try to leave home early tomorrow to make the most of the day out.
i find it even more strange when everyones day is dragging...its just proven that time isn't, as to the point at scientists thought. scientists can only guess what course the world is taking around the sun because of star allignments and guessing the distance from the sun and the earth.....and considering time is a manufactured product of man....its not measurable in this instance. mainly because the course can change.

sure the sundial is a clock of sorts and if anything probably more measurable than a watch...simply because its calculated by shadows and thus gives a more accurate timeframe with accordance to the suns spread of the given part of the world.

with that in mind its almost a proven fact that time travel is another which can never actually happen.

yes...i've had enough time to work out the universe...thats just how much today is dragging.
Some find it useful to distinguish Direct Cinema from cinéma vérité. Cinéma vérité has many resemblances to Direct Cinema. The hand-held style of camera work is the same. There is a similar feeling of real life unfolding before the viewer's eyes. There is also a mutual concern with social and ethical questions. Both cinéma vérité and Direct Cinema rely on the power of editing to give shape, structure and meaning to the material recorded.

Some film historians have characterized the Direct Cinema movement as a North American version of the cinéma vérité movement. The latter was exemplified in France with Jean Rouch's Chronicle of a Summer (1961). For these historians cinéma vérité is characterized by the use of the camera to provoke and reveal.

Direct Cinema, on the other hand, has been seen as more strictly observational. It relies on an agreement among the filmmaker, subjects and audience to act as if the presence of the camera does not substantially alter the recorded event. Such claims of non-intervention have been criticized by critics and historians.
Well there ya go. :p

@Tach - I've always thought we wouldn't ever be able to tell if time did speed up or slow down, as presuming it was the universe (our our little corner of it) which was being distorted clocks would go go faster or slower along with everything else (including the sun) so we'd have nothing to measure the distortion by.
i think to surmise what time is and take into account distortions and ripples affect the universe we'd need to know what the universe is first.

travel as far as possible...if somehow we could extend our lives then traveling out to space would answer most of the questions we have.

OMG a bit of sexy eye candy just walked into the office...

Ayase - subtle difference I see =) for me they were different names for the same way of doing documentaries.

Tachi - time is not man made. But the same as "0", time is a very complex concept, which probably only man gets a hang of it.
Tachi- said:
i think to surmise what time is and take into account distortions and ripples affect the universe we'd need to know what the universe is first.

travel as far as possible...if somehow we could extend our lives then traveling out to space would answer most of the questions we have.

OMG a bit of sexy eye candy just walked into the office...

So I guess the next puzzle is, do said ladies have an effect on our perception of time? ;)

Hi Mono, bye Mono. :p

Time for me to pack up and go. Might swing by HMV on the way, see if there's anything interesting on offer. See ya later guys.
chaos said:
Tachi - time is not man made. But the same as "0", time is a very complex concept, which probably only man gets a hang of it.

lol Time is man made, its a measure the cm. the cm isn't natural, its something that man has implemented to measure something else against it.

Time is man made in the sense that the earth travels around the sun, it turns as it goes round the sun....the only measuring devices we have to tell us where we are compared to the sun is the stars. sailors understood this and thats how they could travel at night simply by the stars allignments. you can't accurately measure the distance from the earth from the sun. because 1 the sun would destroy anything you try to touch it with, hence a ruler would be pointless ;) so they guess the distance, using stars as a measuring device.

plus as the earth is a sphere and not a flat surface unless your at a direct pointon the earth that is closest to the sun. it's abit hard to explain really...but picture a ball. now place a pin on it, the point that the pin lays on without rolling to one of the sides is the pinacle of the objects height. so to accurately measure the distance from the earth and the sun you'd need to wait for the earth to turn to the pinacle point and then measure the distance.....but then you can only vaguely guess the distance to the sun itself because as i said...there's nothing to accurately measure it with.

and as the sun is our light source we've used that light as a rough measuring device. hence the sun dial. now digital clocks aren't like sundials. they don't account for change like a simple sundial would be able to. hence why time can lapse....because were running off something we've made.

in a nutshell time is just a measuring and guessing game thats constantly changing.

complex stuff to explain.....also one of the subjects thats usually talked about at 3am when people become drunken genius's and can deliberate the world and the universe ;)
thank you for appearing on science class 101 with me, your host. Tachi! *bows*

hopefully someone will understand me and think i'm a genius with really in depth thoughts and make me just as famous as leonardo, einstein and newton :p

see you lot later! and have a great weekend :)