The General Conversation Area

Tachi- said:
lol Time is man made, its a measure the cm. the cm isn't natural, its something that man has implemented to measure something else against it.

Time exists on its own, but men needed a way to measure it. Same for space / distances. It exist in itself, but men needed a wya to quantify them.

I agree that the concept of hour, minutes, seconds, metres, litres, etc are man-made though. Same as numbers.

And Hi Mono

And by everyone.
Yeah, it's great. I'm looking forward to them uploading more as I've just watched the last of whats on there.
Kyon makes the show for me, he's a hilarious narrator. ^^
Koizumi is great, and Mikuru's (japanese) voice makes me lol hard.
It's hard to choose from such a great cast, but I'd still say Kyon comes out on top for me.

How about you?
Aah, I havn't really seen much of Tsuruya yet, she's only appeared in the baseball episode for me so far.
Haruhi is (obviously) great though.

Have you been watching the english or the japanese dub?
I'm curious as to what the quality of the former is.
mornin everyone.

we have people away on holiday so i'll probably be roped into helping covering others so might disappear from time to time.

hows all?