ayase said:
I guess it's been a fairly uneventful week for everyone, eh?
Well, my week has been absolutely fabulous.
Last Friday a friend of mine came to visit London and she stayed home, it was great fun. Then on Saturday my cousin came from Amsterdam with a friend of her who came here to take a few pics at a modelling agency. We did a bit of tourism around London on Saturday / Sunday and we chilled out at Brick Lane Sunday evening, where I've met a few of my cousin's friends.
My cousin left on Monday at 3m, which got me quite knackered for the day, but I had a Suicidal tendencies gig that Monday, which was fantastic as they played all the songs I've loved since my teenage years - at the end they evne invited people to jump over the fence and join them on sstage. IT WAS AWESOME.
I also came to know a band called Inspector Kluzo, which is actually very good. I've got a cd and a t-shirt from them on the day and spoke to the drummer a bit.
Chilled on Tues, went to the gym on Weds and went for a few drinks with that friend from my cousin, who is a great girl, but unfortunately, she is moving out =( Guess it's just my luck, when I met someone nice, she is leaving the country.
Ahead of me we have more drinks with that girl tonight, an AUKN migration on Saturday, a lunch / dinner party on Sunday, a dinner with that girl again on Tues and the AC/DC gig on the 26th.
I know I'm showing off, it's just that I've never felt so great in a long, long time.
Ryo Chan said:
why no one sending me e-mails
I only receive his emails, I don't send

Anyway, I'll email you when I'm back home =)