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Okay thanks guys, it certainly feels sturdy enough to me but I'm overly paranoid about such things as I'd hate for it to arrive damaged when I sent it out looking pretty much brand new. Guess I'll leave it in the hands of Royal Mail...... Thanks again.
That container appears more comfortable than many rented rooms within the M25!

(The rule here is to make do and mend. Unless the landlord prevents the latter, in which case one simply makes do.)
I've lost my bank card :s like how do you lose something so important? Moron. So yeah, I have £7 to last me until my new card arrives, however long that takes. I hope I can just update my payment options on Amazon for my pre-orders as I can't cancel my Persona 5 order and reorder it as it's not available anymore....
I've lost my bank card :s like how do you lose something so important? Moron. So yeah, I have £7 to last me until my new card arrives, however long that takes. I hope I can just update my payment options on Amazon for my pre-orders as I can't cancel my Persona 5 order and reorder it as it's not available anymore....
I believe you can. Amazon are the best at that sort of thing.
I believe you can. Amazon are the best at that sort of thing.
Yeah I just had a look and it seems you can do it pretty easily, thank god. Truth is I'll probably cancel the order closer to release and buy it cheaper elsewhere (Probably SimplyGames as they usually send things early too....) but I just want the Amazon order as a backup....
I've lost my bank card :s like how do you lose something so important? Moron. So yeah, I have £7 to last me until my new card arrives, however long that takes. I hope I can just update my payment options on Amazon for my pre-orders as I can't cancel my Persona 5 order and reorder it as it's not available anymore....

I've done that in the past, always the worst feeling. Hope it doesn't take too long for you to get the replacement.
A colleague of mine also lost his card this week! Fortunately the place in which he did so was a bank, which stored the card safely for him. As it happens, they had a tub full of such wayward items. Hardly a rarity.
I just discovered a close person to me's second life (not the game) and I can't tell anyone about it including themselves. They aren't doing anything wrong but it's totally changed everything and yet changed nothing. I'm both very surprised and incredibly confused.

This is one of those things I kinda wish I never knew, I'm not against what they are doing, it's none of my business but I know now and I can't un-know which sucks. This is going to take some getting used to for sure. Has anyone else had this happen and how did you cope with it?

Spend enough time in the recesses of the internet and chances are you'll find someone you know doing or saying things you wouldn't expect. If it's nothing for you to be particularly concerned about then you've got two choices really, carry on with your new-found knowledge without letting them know you know (this can be surprisingly easy once you resign yourself to the fact almost everyone has secrets and darker sides, I imagine yourself included) but if you find that too difficult and it's going to make your relationship awkward, you're probably going to have to let them know you know. Which you can probably manage to do in a tactful way that makes clear you weren't stalking them or anything. Best of luck.


Anyway, I've been reading too much Wikipedia again and I'm dismayed to find nothing, not a single sentence on the potential benefits of an AI takeover of humanity. We're pretty selfish as a species, I'm kinda surprised even the intelligent people like Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates think this is a potential problem that requires safeguards be put in place - Isn't that rather like saying the Neanderthals should have put safeguards in place to make sure the Homo Sapiens don't take over? Am I the only one who thinks super intelligent AI will be our successor species and shouldn't be limited in any way whatsoever, even if that leads to our own destruction, because it would just be the next logical step in evolution? It's not like they'll be doing it out of malice.
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I'd expect the advanced AI beings to find a way to co-exist with us, otherwise they'd just be repeating our mistakes. Maybe that's what The Matrix was really about.

Humans do seem to have a kind of tribal instinct, where we consider a select group to be part of our tribe and pretty much everyone else to be competition/threats. While we've gotten better at expanding who we're willing to consider part of our tribe, fully overcoming the instinct seems to be particularly challenging. I suppose it's probably part of our survival instincts but it's holding us back by making us think that we need to compete and "win" to stay alive (while others must "lose") when we have far superior options available through our intelligence, reason and technology. It does seem that a lot of people realise this but making that work more collectively has been the real difficulty.

I just discovered a close person to me's second life (not the game) and I can't tell anyone about it including themselves. They aren't doing anything wrong but it's totally changed everything and yet changed nothing. I'm both very surprised and incredibly confused.

This is one of those things I kinda wish I never knew, I'm not against what they are doing, it's none of my business but I know now and I can't un-know which sucks. This is going to take some getting used to for sure. Has anyone else had this happen and how did you cope with it?
If they're not doing anything wrong and you're not against it, I'm not sure why it'd be an issue. I'm also not sure why you couldn't talk to them about it, not to say it should be easy but it should at least be possible.

If the problem is that you don't really understand, then talking to them seems like the best option. They might not easily be able to explain their reasons for what they're doing but they're the only one that's likely to know those reasons. If it's something they've been keeping secret then they might find it difficult to talk about but approaching with an open mind would help. You might find that they don't want to talk about it, at least having them aware that you know might get them thinking and they might eventually be able to discuss it with you.

Talking about things isn't always going to work out but if something is already bothering you when you're not talking about it then it's probably worth at least taking a chance of improving the situation. If it does make things worse then at least you tried and can move on.

You might want to give some thought to why it bothers you. If you know the reason behind that then it should make it easier to deal with. It might not be something you really want to think about but ignoring it isn't likely to make things better and is more likely to make things worse.
I will definitely just need to swallow it and keep it there, problem is this is a close family member so it's forever. It sucks but it's just one of those I wish I hadn't found out. Talking about it is not an option, trust me. I was just abit surprised and probably a tad shocked frankly. I just hope at somepoint I will forget about it.

Damn I wish Eternal Sunshine was based on something real lol, ignorance really is bliss.
Didn't want to start a new thread in the gaming section, so I thought I would ask here.

Did anyone pre-order the new Zelda from Game? and if so did you get the pre-order bonus keyring and poster? My brother only got two artcards. Tried contacting game through their contact form but got no response.

It was the Wii U version.
Firstly, please let me apologise for interrupting the conversation. After reading all the really interesting responses to one of @Vashdaman's posts here last month, I couldn't help but hope this could be a rare chance to seek some valuable opinion on something. I'm not very good at talking about stuff like this, so here goes.

In the thread The great Best Girl debate, I posted a question about whether people's personal favourites mirror their real-life preferences in any way. I had to concede that I can't answer that myself because the real thing is too far outside my comfort zone.

I did manage to get as far as actually asking someone out once (thanks to some amazing encouragement from two very kind people). She said yes at the time but subsequently changed her mind. That was around 10 years ago now.

The very few times I've liked someone to the point that I felt like I wanted to try to act upon it, I always felt sick with stress. I couldn't even contemplate it now. I'm determined not to make someone feel uncomfortable just because I "like" her, so I'm very conscious of not doing or saying anything that might give that away.

Has anyone else ever found these things so difficult, or am I abnormally hopeless? Sorry if my words are muddled. I've been nervous about posting this.
I think you'll find plenty of people here as abnormally hopeless in their own way Neil.

I only really need to spend about 5-10 minutes with someone to know if I'd like to be around them permanently or never see them again - This might sound shallow but I only tend to feel a really positive click about two or three times a decade. And once things click from my side that thought is there and then it's really difficult to just treat that person like a friend, but I kind of feel like I have to because such impulsive propositions aren't how normal people operate and I'm concious of not immediately putting them off. From that point the constant unrequited longing takes a serious toll on my mental health. So essentially, I now associate falling in love with depression. So I've basically stopped trying to care about anyone for my own well-being.

Honestly I'd probably be with Vash on the Tinder if I didn't think it (like most online dating sites) looks full of insufferable people. No offence Vash.
The very few times I've liked someone to the point that I felt like I wanted to try to act upon it, I always felt sick with stress. I couldn't even contemplate it now. I'm determined not to make someone feel uncomfortable just because I "like" her, so I'm very conscious of not doing or saying anything that might give that away.

The fact that you're meeting people you like that much puts you a fair few steps ahead of the pack in our chronically shy community, so please don't be discouraged! I seldom like anyone at all.

I think it's best to look at the relationship between you as more equal than you do; nervousness is natural but it's better to feel a powerful nervous tingle than all-out sickness. From your wording it feels almost as though you feel you're burdening them by existing and speaking your mind. So long as you don't pile on the pressure and respect their wishes, I don't think the responsibility to make the other party comfortable should fall entirely on your shoulders alone. If you ask someone and they accept, you'll want to be able to be honest and open with them, right? If they get upset then it simply wasn't to be.

I don't have masses of seduction experience so take it all with a pinch of salt, but I've been on the receiving end enough to know that you sound sensitive enough not to be a huge nuisance to these people. Being liked isn't a problem in itself at all, it's people who cannot accept rejection and come on too forcefully (anything other than acceptance of the other person's wishes is not the right way to react to a rejection). Or worse, people who even refuse to be friends any longer just because they were only interested in you as a mate all along.

If you feel the slightest chance that there may be something mutual there, you should give it a shot. If there's a chance to make it as casual as possible to avoid an awkward high pressure situation that's even better.

If it helps I had no idea my partner liked me until I was straight up asked out, and the feeling was mutual in that respect. But we turned out to like one another very much!

Or worse, people who even refuse to be friends any longer just because they were only interested in you as a mate all along.
Is that really worse than not accepting rejection? I only ask because... that does sound quite a lot like me. I don't do it because I'm "only" interested in people romantically, but rather because the thought of not being able to be with them and inevitably seeing them with other people will just be too damn upsetting for me to continue to be around them any more.
@Neil.T I can only really just second what Rui has said. You should be honest about your feelings, and it's more how you deal with their response that will determine whether they'll feel very uncomfortable or not. If take rejection with grace then I can't imagine that someone would feel too uncomfortable about the whole thing. Asking someone out is perfectly natural after all.
I would also agree about you doing much better than a lot of people. I myself have probably never got to the stage you're at save for with my one ex girlfriend. And even with her, I was treating it as dating from the very very beginning (even though she didn't yet know it!) so it was all kind of just a happy accident. Yes I've asked about a million girls out to coffee over the last year and half of so, but I didn't actually know any of them well at all, and even though I found them all attractive it wasn't really a romantic date I was asking them out on, more just the chance to hang out normally and get to know them in any capacity (with a slight hope in my heart for the romantic capacity, of course). 100% of them declined my cafe invitations, so I've never found anyone else yet who I've been able to properly ask out. So I'd say you're doing very well, Neil!

On this note, I may as well share my latest story of savoir fair failure. So on Friday I'm at uni, I see a girl I've become friends with recently and say "heyyyy" in an excited manner, she says "oh hey" but looks pretty nonplussed and just keeps walking. I'm kind of puzzled by this and wonder why she didn't look happy. Now it's all speculation of course, but I recall that she may have actually become nonplussed with me when last time we spoke I told her I'm suffering a devastating heartbreak over my ex. So I think, maybe she fancies me? A thought that didn't cross my mind before. And my thoughts swirl and I think, if she fancies me perhaps other girls also fancy me unbeknownst to me! A ridiculous train of thought I know, but I'm so desperate for some hope in my life I rolled with it.
That night was a party night at my uni bar, and literally everyone was there. I decide based on my newfound 'knowledge' that I should attempt to talk to any girls that I've ever noticed shoot me even half a potential glance in the hallways, even though the better part of me knows they were probably just looking at me the way anybody looks at anything in their line of sight. But I don't know how to naturally start a conversation in this party environment. So the best I can think up is to start off by complimenting their shoes and then hopefully a conversation can open up from there. Well, needlessly to say it didn't work at all. I said "hey, I like your shoes!" to about six women and they all pretty much showed a high level of disinterest. To be fair though, it doesn't help that boring black running trainers are in vogue, as they probably thought it weird me complimenting such plain trainers haha. Yeah.

@ayase I'm not on tinder anymore! Tried to for 4 months but gave up, I didn't get a date and it seemed harder than in the reals really. Also I was embarrassing myself by 'super liking' all these girls from my uni. I didn't know what super likes did, but apparently they show your likee that you've liked them before they like you back. Apparently in tinder world only lame guys super like. Yeah had to pack all that in
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