State Alchemist
Yeah great, let's take more power away from the ordinary working people in a way that can only allow employers to take further advantage of their employees and set them against each other. Maybe while we're at it no-one should be able to form a government without 50% of the vote.Kite said:So the unions are not happy with the law requiring a 50% turnout for any result to stand?
They should be lucky the turnout requirement is that low, should be at least 66% (2/3s)
Looking at the reactions to strikes and unions I despair at the people who seem to think "Well my life / work / pay is sh*t so other people should be happy with theirs" rather than thinking "Hang on a minute, maybe if we were ALL in unions things wouldn't be so sh*t for me either?" And if you happen to be better off than the people striking, you really don't have any reason to be complaining. It's not the unionised workers who are getting paid too much - It's the non-union workers who aren't getting paid enough because they can't be bothered (or aren't allowed) to fight for their rights or for some inexplicable reason think it's "bad" to do so even when they're on £12k a year and their CEO is on £1.2m.
Inequality is increasing and yet still low and middle income people want to blame each other instead of the ridiculous excesses of the super-rich who are creaming off all the profit for themselves and get to exploit taxation and pension loopholes less well off people don't have access to. No job anyone can possibly do can justify their rate of pay being a hundred times that of someone else working the same number of hours.
Frankly, I'd rather have a government who rob from the rich to give to the poor than one that robs from the poor to give to the rich, which is what this government is doing.