So, as a few of you know from last night in the chat, my cat Princess (aka Ginger Ninja) has been acting unusual.
We blamed her eating habits on the heat as she would only eat in the evenings, but then she started to stay out for 24 hours at a time without eating. We wanted to take her to the vet as she had lost a lot of weight, but as her nickname suggests, she is a tricky one to catch.
Eventually we got hold of her today and she was leaning towards the food as if to eat it, but at the last second she would pull away, so we decided to try and force feed her and during so I noticed her paw was yellow and we tried to work out what would stain fur yellow.
I then noticed her skin was yellow and immediately checked her eyes, and that's when we realised it was jaundice. We took her to the 24 hour vet and after a quick look she said that because she is young (Estimate her age to be 4, but as we adopted her we don't know for sure) some antibiotics should sort it out and went to feel her stomach and she thinks it may not be the liver, but her pancreas. If that is the case, she there is a chance she would be put to sleep.
She had a shot of antibiotics, some Vitamin D, a tablet which should make her want to eat etc... but warned my mum, who is about to go on holiday for a week (Taking her mum back home for one last visit) to say goodbye, just in case. Now, she is a family pet but is attached to my mum more than anymore, where as Angel is attached to me, so it's been really hard for her.
Also, Princess is an outdoor cat, but due to her disappearing acts we're having to lock her in my brothers room, which is pretty heartbreaking as you'd want her last days to be comfortable...
Princess is scheduled for a blood test tomorrow morning to see if it's the liver or the pancreas....fingers crossed I guess.