That sounds like it'll be nice
I'm meant to be going to america next year for a wedding, my oldest cousin is getting married, though i've been talking to my closest (both geographically and emotionally) cousin nathan, hes always been a kid brother to me and he's the one coming up to halifax with me next month.
Both of us are of the opinion that we'd rather not go. for similar reasons to you infact.... the major tipping point was a month ago when one of the youngest cousins came out and told everyone she was pregnant. So by default the father of the baby (due in feb, oldest cousins wedding in the june) will be automatically invited. However my gf, whom i plan to get engaged to next april OR next month on holiday (undecided yet) and have been together 5 years in april.... she isnt invited to the wedding.
My cousin and me agreed that as the oldest of us wont give us the time of day and general courtisy of a plus 1 for other halfs who have been together longer than those actually getting married then we will bouycot this wedding. I'm the 4th oldest (barely a month between me and the 3rd oldest) in our family there are loads of cousins and the rule of thumb has always been that the younger ones are to listen and learn from the eldest, being one of the eldest and not being given the same courtisy as one of the youngest and to boot i've been in my relationship longer than any of them really offended me.
In the end, family or friends... eventually someone will do something to annoy somebody, i think its a shame because the word fair doesn't mean anything anymore. Then again Karma is a bitch, so if i make the effort to spend thousands to get across to seattle for 3 weeks then i expect the same when i get married, something i highly doubt will happen as by that time my cousin will bring out the "shes pregnant" line and save himself a flight back to the UK, then karma will find a way to screw him over.
Being that i am the last line of my surname, something my family are very aware of (think of them like the lanisters from game of thrones, sitting with millions yet none of that matters, only the name matters to the entire family) i've been told that it would be disrespectful to decline the wedding invitation. Personally i couldnt care less. i was offended first and thats all that matters.
On the subject of my gfs mate, he turns 21 on sunday. I have little to no feeling of sorriness for his situation, he was pulled over twice the week before he crashed and didnt pay attention to the warnings. As harsh as it may be, he had it coming.
This has gone down a darker path than i expected haha.
On a nice note, im on leave tomorrow so i'll be throwing my car in for a oil change and a fanbelt replacement. Upgrading all of my lights to Xenon again (after the free halo headlights i received had 1 pin H1's not 2 pin H7s like my normal lights) and starting work on my gf's little peugeot, along with a free house this weekend i'm debating on buying some whipped cream..... if you know what i mean haha