The General Conversation Area

20thCenturyBoy said:
This frustrating line of dialogue continued on for another 10 minutes or so. This guy is my oldest friend, and I always said best, but recently I've wondered if we would actually be friends if we hadn't grown up together. We've never really had an argument, not since we were kids, but in the last year we've come awfully close to it, I'd never say a bad word to him because I don't like upsetting my friends (also I'm passive agressive rather than directly).
Any anime will tell you that the more someone fights, the better friends they are, so if you never had an argument, you're not really friends.

Seriously though - having a heated argument (or few "friendly" punches) is sign of a healthy friendship.

I recently yelled at my friend as she was flipping over me and that didn't keep us from being friends later, after we both apologise for our bad behaviour. Letting a little emotion pour over it is just part of the fun, I guess.

As to your friend's "I'm popular" argument, did he ever had any of his friends bring soup to him when he was sick? Were any of the friends at his side when he was "no fun"? It's easy to be popular if you're buying the drinks....

GolGotha said:
Sadly I know exactly where your coming from!

I gave up after years of trying to get everyone to book a holiday somewhere, but atlas they all just want to get **** faced every weekend instead and moan about how they have no money. So, I decided I had given up of waiting and I cut back on going out so I could afford to go travelling.

They know moan that I go abroad without them.... :roll:
LOL =)
Enjoy the holidays.
I quit smoking in June and I had to quit drinking for medical reasons in September. I'm amazed at the money I'm saving, which at the moment is already enough for a nice holiday somewhere abroad.

Oh, and now that we are talking about holidays, I wanted to get enough people together to rent a house for a week during Lucca Comic

Friends who have been there says that the whole city transforms during the con time, and people all around walk in cosplay and stuff... This looks like an amazing place to go =D
GolGotha said:
Sadly I know exactly where your coming from!

I gave up after years of trying to get everyone to book a holiday somewhere, but atlas they all just want to get **** faced every weekend instead and moan about how they have no money. So, I decided I had given up of waiting and I cut back on going out so I could afford to go travelling.

They know moan that I go abroad without them.... :roll:

Some of that sounds familiar actually, hah. Because of where i live at home, the only form of entertainment people seem to think up for themselves on weekends is going to the pub and getting boozed up. every weekend without fail they do this, and they wonder why my brother and i don't. Well asides from not liking drink much, it's a waste of money, and there is better things to do. Besides, i don't like that all they can do is get drunk every weekend, shows no will to do new things in my opinion.

Sadly though i can't save up to travel with that cash, it's all going to my flat still. So yeah. The job hunt back in edinburgh is still ongoing.
Wow, the last time i posted was the 3rd of december?!

I'm still alive, i hope everyone enjoyed the festive period, be it in the traditional way or otherwise. Im still off work and have been since late november - not unemployed, just ill. It appears that my car has been leaking carbon monoxide into the cabin rather than through the exhaust and as a result of that leak, i have been blacking out alot and signed off till 3rd of feb, (have a blood test in 3 hours, hence why i am awake at this time lol - when your only 2 fears are heights and needles, the knowledge that you'll be faced with one of them in hours time is enough to wake anyone up early!!)

Anyway, enough about me, what did all of you get upto at christmas/new years? :)
Tsk, these modern cars made airtight for air-conditioning. Less of a problem when you have holes in the floor for drainage and a road draft tube for (perfectly legally) venting those engine gasses directly to atmosphere... I'm going to environmental Hell, I know. I do care about the environment, but my solution is still just less people (or more planets). If we're staying here, we should really lower the population voluntarily before someone decides to do if forcibly.

Thoughts of impending genocide notwithstanding, I had an enjoyable Yuletide. Spent it with my mum, sister, her partner and his two sons, all of whom are excellent company. Didn't give or receive a right lot as there was a bit of a financial squeeze on all of us this year - although I am in many ways a bit of a selfish person, I actually really like being able to select and give extravagant gifts. Got a nice hand grinder for coffee, a couple of books and the obligatory beer and chocolate. Spent the new year in a nice local pub with the same family crowd (minus the two lads who, being younger and having social lives, had better things to do).

This is going to be an interesting year, I think. It involves climbing out of the financial and geographical rut I've ended up in but I can't really work out how to do that with the minuscule amount of money I have left... An immediate jettisoning of my obligations here in the UK, a selling off of non-essential assets to create a surplus of cash, sticking everything else in storage and heading off to see my dad in France (to help renovate his house for free board and lodge) seems like a start. Anyone else have plans for the new year?
Curiously, a robin not far from my current residence keeps unsociable hours. Over the last several days I have heard its call incongruously piercing the urban hum as I attain a state of somnolence.
I still watch Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged. About it. Was really the only one I ever found funny.

I tried to apply for a job at Sainsbury's the other night, except their online application form was giving me server errors. I emailed their tech support and they told me to contact HR, so I did (Attaching my CV for good measure).

My reply was a stock response about how they don't accept CVs any more and how you have to go through their online application forms.

They. Didn't. Even. Fecking. Read. My. Email.
Joshawott said:
online application form
Don't even get me started on those. Even when they work they're a right load of bollocks - You draw up a quality CV and then you're forced to disregard it in favour of filling in dozens of boxes over several pages. If I see a job that requires me to fill in one of those I go right off it - I could apply for twenty jobs by e-mailing / attaching my CV in the time it takes me to fill one of those bastard forms out with the exact same information. Even more galling, I've had a far better response rate from people I've been able to send my CV to.
ayase said:
Joshawott said:
online application form
Don't even get me started on those. Even when they work they're a right load of bollocks - You draw up a quality CV and then you're forced to disregard it in favour of filling in dozens of boxes over several pages. If I see a job that requires me to fill in one of those I go right off it - I could apply for twenty jobs by e-mailing / attaching my CV in the time it takes me to fill one of those bastard forms out with the exact same information. Even more galling, I've had a far better response rate from people I've been able to send my CV to.
The forms certainly are a pain in the ass (they must take a good 45mins to complete and my typing speed is around 90wpm). Some have absolute stupid questions too, like McDonalds asking me if I swear. Of course I ******* swear when I want. That doesn't mean I'll swear at work though, in a place where I know children will be present.

My problem is that I have zero work experience, yet almost every job I find out there are ones that require managerial or senior executive level experience. Even when reading through a job description to be a bloody PA, I needed experience of being a PA for a senior executive before.
"Requiring" experience at a certain level or in a certain field is often just something recruiters put to weed out easily dissuaded applicants before they've even applied. If you make a good enough impression with your application (unfortunately near impossible using those bloody forms and without a proper CV) it is possible to at least get to interview without it.

I can imagine it being particularly difficult with no work experience at all though. While not at a particularly high level, at least I have a few years of employment behind me. Good luck with your job hunting anyway Josh, it ain't easy right now.
ayase said:
"Requiring" experience at a certain level or in a certain field is often just something recruiters put to weed out easily dissuaded applicants before they've even applied. If you make a good enough impression with your application (unfortunately near impossible using those bloody forms and without a proper CV) it is possible to at least get to interview without it.

I can imagine it being particularly difficult with no work experience at all though. While not at a particularly high level, at least I have a few years of employment behind me. Good luck with your job hunting anyway Josh, it ain't easy right now.'s an absolute pain. It took my older brother two years to find a job and he had to relocate to London just to be a sales assistant at HMV.

I'm currently a part of the Shure Trust, which means that if a company hires me for less than 25 hours, they get around £1300 and if they hire me for more than 25 hours, they get around £2300. I was told to keep on mentioning that too xD