The General Conversation Area

Hopefully they'll think you are a step above the other applicants. Put your heart and sole into it, and you'll soon get your foot on the career ladder there. Give your doubts the boot and lace your thoughts with optimism, you'll tread a path to success then. :)
Well I have had a weird day at work so far. The security guard tackled some shop litter through the checkout tills. A customer came up to me and asked with a serious face with a bag of crisps

Are these ready to eat? I nearly laughed in her face ! :eek:

Then I saw a milk cage attack my section managers ankle. He is now off for two months. That leaves me in charge of the department! :eek:

By the way good luck to renga. Hope you get it. You too wolf.

I am sunbathing on the roof at the mo on my break!
Good luck on the job hope you get it

By the way my dads making a shed bar in our garden.

His putting lights and switches and bar stoves like the ones in the pubs I think its a bad idea but hey what ever you want right.

I also need a new bike my old ones worn and torn I'm just waiting til its completely worn down just the way I like it then I'l buy a new one.

I need a few suggestions on what sort of bike I should get.

I'm looking for something that's easy, cheap, and for working purposes
Good luck Rena! I need some new shoes actually :) *hint*

The aircon is broken in my office and I can barely think with the uncomfortable heat. I love the weather like this when I'm off work, but here with broken aircon... argh. I think I've done at best an hours worth of real work today between the heat and all the many, many meetings.
FourthLion said:
Good luck Rena! I need some new shoes actually :) *hint*

The aircon is broken in my office and I can barely think with the uncomfortable heat. I love the weather like this when I'm off work, but here with broken aircon... argh. I think I've done at best an hours worth of real work today between the heat and all the many, many meetings.

I know what it's like working in an office with broken aircon in the summer - where I work we had the outside cabling for our aircon stolen one time meaning it was out of commission for a while. The staff were told not to go anywhere near it until it was fixed as the thieves made a real hash job of it (the gas for the unit was leaking) since there is a high percentage of people who smoke who work here (and they don't always follow the legal requirements such as not smoking in doorway which is a pain fo non smokers such as myself :evil: ).
Ours is out of commision for at least 2 weeks as we have to get a part over from Germany to fix it. Idiocy. Why didn't it break a couple of weeks ago when it was cold and rainy?

I don't think I've ever been in a London office where the aircon/heating didn't break at least once. Some of these Land Securities owned buildings in London are a real bodge-job.
devilrules666 said:
Well I have had a weird day at work so far. The security guard tackled some shop litter through the checkout tills. A customer came up to me and asked with a serious face with a bag of crisps

Are these ready to eat? I nearly laughed in her face ! :eek:

Then I saw a milk cage attack my section managers ankle. He is now off for two months. That leaves me in charge of the department! :eek:

By the way good luck to renga. Hope you get it. You too wolf.

I am sunbathing on the roof at the mo on my break!

May i ask what the litter did that was so bad as to have a security guard jump on it like that? lol

I got into the office this morning and was told i'm now perm here as the team administrator and Data Analyst :) though still part of the management i don't have the qualifications to lead a team on my own yet so they are setting me up on a course to enable me to lead one myself :) the one down side is that to accept the job i have to conform to the rules as anyone else would - so i can no longer listen to music on my headphones...... they didn't say i couldn't play from a speaker though ^___^

Alot of happy people in here today, when the weathers as nice as it is currently i can't blame them, just a few more hours till hometime and tomorrow is payday :D it's all looking up

I saw batman lastnight with the lads and the missus, got a unexpected text from one guy who used to be one of the lads but moved in with his gf and had a baby - that shouldn't have changed anything but the fact he moved to bedford meant we couldn't meet up anymore. so he's asking for a catch up drink.

This weekend i'm going to be putting the missus' birthday present together and enjoying the sun (if it stays that long lol)
What did you buy her then tach if it needs putting together?

Not going to be around here long today, woke up late so it's put my whole schedule out of sync, got to get up the centre in a little while to meet the missus for the fun that is shopping...
BlackWolf said:
What did you buy her then tach if it needs putting together?

Not going to be around here long today, woke up late so it's put my whole schedule out of sync, got to get up the centre in a little while to meet the missus for the fun that is shopping...

Well she's been moaning that i go to the gym and she doesn't and wants to get herself fit for the holiday (she's not even fat) so i offered to pay for her gym membership as a birthday present, she said no. So i've done the next best thing: i bought her gym equipment: a 2 in 1 cross trainer and exercise bike. I have 2 rowing machines and may give her one if she's really bothered about it otherwise i'll keep em.

So as i've bought it for her, i'll be building it too.

Its been dispatched so just waiting for it now :)
cheers for that Mangaman, it's as if you could read the future and know i'd lost all control of my hands and couldn't type for myself ;P
> Dragonball Z Season 1 is rated PG.
> Fairy Tail Part 1 is rated PG.
> Squid Girl Season 1 is rated 12.

I wonder if it has anything to do with Sanae being a lesbian....
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Lol I meant shoplifter! He damned near destroyed the tills trying to get the guy! He is new and i don't think he is going to last long. Today he said he will throw out any chavy people he saw. His words not mine. I don't think he will last long.....

Anyway today me and some of the lads went out for a few drinks. Haven't seen them in a long time what with a baby to look after. We all noticed how much weight we have put on. It's not a pretty sight. We have let ourselves go.

Congrats Tachi on the course hope they will be paying you more money!
Just back from holiday and trying to catch up with whatever news I can, there's just so much I won't attempt it all :?

Was expecting to arrive back to find my pre-orders of Black butler S2, Fairy Tail Part 3 and Clannad S1 Part 2 only to discover that I have none. Seems HMV have been having some serious stock issues :evil: Fairy Tail and Clannad should be here within days but no word it seems on Black Butler.