The General Conversation Area

There are idiots in every profession, we just don't get to hear about all if them because some of it is covered up. Generally, if you don't need to be clever to get the job, you are more likely to find idiots doing the job. I would have expected better from the police though. :(
Mutsumi said:
Generally, if you don't need to be clever to get the job, you are more likely to find idiots doing the job.
Intelligence is no guarantee of not being an inconsiderate prick though. There are very intelligent people in very demanding jobs who are still complete and utter bastards.

Mutsumi said:
I would have expected better from the police though.
Seriously? I say this as someone who has had a relative in the police and knows someone else who wants to go into it as a career, but there are probably almost as many thugs drunk with power in the police force as there are in organised criminal gangs. Not that that's always a bad thing as often you need to fight fire with fire, but if you're looking at things realistically then Dixon of Dock Green the majority of coppers are not.
Through my own work i know the majority of managers across 3 counties (hertfordshire, bedfordshire and essex) within the NHS and on great terms with a few of the service directors.

My gf's mum works as a forster carer and knows all the social services across bedfordshire, her best friend's husband is the head of beds police (i've been round his house and spoken to him rather alot over the years)

One of my friends works for St. Johns ambulance and another is a newly promoted policewoman.

So across alot of emergency services in the south east of england i know alot of people who are at all tiers of authority yet out of them i would say that the police are the worst of the bunch with NHS shortly behind.

What did you think would happen when you put a ceramic mug in only a jiffy bag, and then leave it in the care of the Royal Mail?

Dear UPS,
I am 12 and what is this?
  • Hong Kong 06/27/2012 4:27 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS
    06/27/2012 6:48 P.M. Pickup Scan
  • Kwai Chung, Hong Kong 06/27/2012 8:25 P.M. Origin Scan
  • Stansted, United Kingdom 06/27/2012 9:35 P.M Package data processed by brokerage. Waiting for clearance.
    Package data processed by brokerage. Waiting for clearance. / Released by Clearing Agency. Now in-transit for delivery.
  • Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong 06/28/2012 12:04 P.M Departure Scan

Dear St. Albans General Hospital

I have just walked up to your "shop come cafe" and must say, the lack of choice is disturbing not to mention the chicken and bacon sub roll i purchased for £2.55 was not only over-priced but strangely 95% bread with 5% chicken and bacon paste..... i request you follow the ways of the Lister Hospital and open a WH Smiths with a couple of hot young women to serve me, this will aid the 5minute walk i have to make from trust HQ to your abismal establishment.

Cheers 'n all best chuck

VoxPhantom said:
Looks like your package data was forwarded to London to be cleared before it could be sent. And one of UPS's flight routes into Europe goes via Dubai.
Why didn't UPS just say so before I fired an email at them?
*sigh* Why do they make this so confusing?
Dear Josh,

I am sending your package to the moon so that the clangers may wrap it and send it back. ETA 25/12/2012.

Best regards


Tachi said:
Dear Josh,

I am sending your package to the moon so that the clangers may wrap it and send it back. ETA 25/12/2012.

Best regards


Then it'll get sent to Dubai.
I'm actually finding this delivery talk quite amusing. My Im@s nendo's seem to have come straight to England and completely avoided customs! I'll find out tomorrow, but it seems like a job well done having avoided using UPS completely! :D

Although don't get me started on DHL. We go back a long way and it is not a happy relationship...

On a more serious note, anyone got any specific remedies for a messed up neck? I've slept funny and holy crap I can't turn my head to the right without being in severe pain!
MercenaryRaiden said:
On a more serious note, anyone got any specific remedies for a messed up neck? I've slept funny and holy crap I can't turn my head to the right without being in severe pain!
Usually, I suddenly jerk in neck into the direction of the pain. Sometimes that solves it, sometimes it's made worse.
Joshawott said:
VoxPhantom said:
Looks like your package data was forwarded to London to be cleared before it could be sent. And one of UPS's flight routes into Europe goes via Dubai.
Why didn't UPS just say so before I fired an email at them?
*sigh* Why do they make this so confusing?

Isn't that part of their customer service?
Stansted, United Kingdom 06/29/2012 8:01 A.M. Adverse weather conditions.
...It's England UPS. England.

I swear they just bullshitted that out to explain a delay - it's supposed to be delivered today, but only arrived in the country this morning. Sure Stansted is only 44 minutes away from my house and my nearest depot is only an hour away, but they'll have other packages to deliver etc.

Also, this youtube exchange made me laugh. Basically, on a video of the "Screw English" scene from K-ON!!, I commented at how the dub didn't bother to rewrite it, making it awkward in that they're discussing how Japanese is the superior language and to screw English. Someone replied to my comment with:
Where did you find an English dubbed versions, I only found one site, but the links didn't work, please tell me where
So I replied:
I purchased Sentai Filmwork's official blu-ray release.

Just realised that linking to's page on it or something would have been better, but eh. Purchasing anime? What is this sorcery?! xD
I think i've scarred my left eye, with so much rubbing over the past few days, its still swollen and red from the moment i wake up.

Im not sure if this is hayfever (as i've not having any problems with breathing or my other eye) but rather conjunctivitis. A quick google search may help.

Seems it is the case, hopefully leaving at 4 to get home and buy some antibiotic eye drops
F*cking UPS. Came, £21.80 charge - I only have notes. They can't give me change and wouldn't keep the change. Have to redeliver on Monday >>
The hell? If only he'd have kept the change or agreed to go to the shop to buy a snickers or something.

The brains of some people.

Appointment with GP booked for 5pm.
He said if I had £22, he could put the rest in the charity box and I even said "Why can't you just out £8.20 in the charity box?"

What kind of company has on-the-door charges but no change on hand? Makes no sense.

Considering the PayPal delay, then this...if I had ordered with fecking AirMail via Debit Card it would arrived by now!