The General Conversation Area

Just the way the system "works" im afraid,

My main thing is to order items then completely forget what i've ordered (as best as possible) as the more you want it to come, the more sods law prevails and your order will have all sorts of problems before it gets to you (then theres the hassle of possible damage)
Joshawott said:
He said if I had £22, he could put the rest in the charity box and I even said "Why can't you just out £8.20 in the charity box?"

What kind of company has on-the-door charges but no change on hand? Makes no sense.

That's ridiculous, the whole thing sounds like something from a sitcom.

Just got an email telling me one of my scripts was "too high brow", it made me cringe.
20thCenturyBoy said:
The whole thing sounds like something from a sitcom.
Story of my life.

Just got an email telling me one of my scripts was "too high brow", it made me cringe.
I now have EXACTLY £21.80 to set aside for them. Oh how I was tempted to go to the bank and get £21.80 in 1p coins...

It's funny though - they'd waste more money on driving back to mine on Monday then they would have if they'd shouted me the £1.80 (and let's not forget my offer of them keeping the £8.20 spare...).

I really hurt my knee today so have been on crutches..I should have answered the door on my crutches.

Lawrence said:
Joshawott said:
Stansted, United Kingdom 06/29/2012 8:01 A.M. Adverse weather conditions.
...It's England UPS. England.

I swear they just bullshitted that out to explain a delay - it's supposed to be delivered today, but only arrived in the country this morning.

Actually, there has been a big storm across the North sea and northern England over the last 24 hours, haven't you seen the flooding? I imagine they'll have they're work cut out for them.
I see.
Joshawott said:
Stansted, United Kingdom 06/29/2012 8:01 A.M. Adverse weather conditions.
...It's England UPS. England.
If we're talking countries, the United Kingdom is also a country so officially speaking either would be correct. Geographically speaking even "Stansted, Essex" would be correct.

If we're speaking politically then Britannia sharpens her trident at your elevation of England above the Union.
ayase said:
Joshawott said:
Stansted, United Kingdom 06/29/2012 8:01 A.M. Adverse weather conditions.
...It's England UPS. England.
If we're talking countries, the United Kingdom is also a country so officially speaking either would be correct. Geographically speaking even "Stansted, Essex" would be correct.

If we're speaking politically then Britannia sharpens her trident at your elevation of England above the Union.
I meant, what kind of adverse weather conditions can we have here?, but Lawrence noted that there were storms. I don't really feel like juggling the different terminology to give Alex Salmond a hard on xD
Okay so first i call into work to say i'll be late because of an appointment at the doctors because of my eye is still really red and swollen.

Get into work and fine for about an hour before.... crunch.

My filling on a molar, not just any old filling though - a filling that covers 3/4 of the tooth, including walls of the tooth.... falls out.

so now i'm biding my time till 2pm where the dentist will receive calls again and i'll be able to book an emergency appointment.
the biggest piss take? i'm meant to be saving for a holiday, now this has really stuffed things over as i'll have to pay through the nose to get an emergency slot.

Got my course results today!

15 marks at Pass for level 2 (the bare minimum, only grades are pass or fail)
18 marks at Merit for level 3
39 marks at Distinction for level 3.

Over the moon. Could not be happier. Even choking on my IT exam didn't cost me, as my coursework was so strong it brought my IT unit 3 grade up to a merit. It's the only main subject that I didn't get a distinction in. And for graded work I didn't get anything lower than a merit. Can't believe I was ever worried :D

Gotta wait on some other results though, which should come in the middle of august, before I know if I've made it to my uni of choice or not. So...I kinda feel like I can't celebrate just yet. It's a weirdly hollow feeling as I'm overjoyed at this, but part of me knows it could still go horribly wrong...
Trainee manager where I work has taken to forging signatures to cover his own incompetence. He didn't count on me, it seems. Now myself and the other staff he has wronged have plans. Plans to bring the truth to those he would hide it from. But how exactly do you tell someone that their husband has been cheating on them? Should we reveal his secrets at all? Why should we allow them to remain secret? Do those who cheat and deceive deserve mercy?

There is every chance that we'll be satisfied with him getting fired though, which may well happen soon.
Congratulations, Raiden! Hope your other results come through for you as well.

Mutsumi said:
But how exactly do you tell someone that their husband has been cheating on them? Should we reveal his secrets at all? Why should we allow them to remain secret? Do those who cheat and deceive deserve mercy?
Presuming you weren't just going off on a rhetorical monologue there, I guess that would depend on your individual morality. I wouldn't want to get involved in anything like that, because I consider my relationships with people entirely separate from their relationships with anyone else (that and I'd have no desire to potentially make my own life any more complicated by interfering). The question of whether anyone "deserves" anything or not is another that's dependant on making subjective moral judgements, something I try to avoid doing until I'm in possession of all the facts. And where relationships between other people are concerned, I know I can't ever be in possession of all the facts.

I guess my own position is that I don't think people should cede their affections to one person in perpetuity in the first place, because there's the distinct possibility they'll end up making a liar of either themselves or their partner. I think sensible marriage vows would replace "'til death us do part" with "'til one or both of us no longer feels the same way, at which point we agree to inform the other party of this fact and dissolve the partnership". Surely these days everybody goes into relationships with the knowledge that they're probably going to come to an end at some point?
That's how I've been feeling, ayase. I would like to see what would happen though, so maybe someone else will do it? It could never be me anyway, because I know less about it than some of the others.
In other words you would gain more satisfaction for his wrong doings against you if you repayed him with justly deserved portions of karma.

Im not one to mince my words, to peoples faces or otherwise. Personally i believe that instead of going around in the shadows seeking revenge, the best defence to a persons wrong doings against you is to establish a firm but fair offensive.

That doesn't mean i haven't accrued information silently until my moment to strike, i've done that in my previous department. But when i presented my evidence i didn't do so quietly - confront them, belittle the bully and shame them for what they have done. It gives them the option to think again before being a dick to someone.

Then its just a nice balance of authority and respect against possibly turning into another bigger bully. I'm certain people don't see me as the latter though as i bribe their subconscious with cake and other sweets :p

Anyway, i broke my filling yesterday, spend a whole 2 hours in work for monday and apparently do not have to give the time back as i had to leave for doctors and dentist appointments :)

Have a temporary filling in, got home lastnight and swollowed that. So back to the dentists this morning for another filling and £40 down. Glass ion cement filling to be done on the 16th.

Sat here with that horrible dentists taste in my mouth still but atleast i can smile about it lol
Royal Mail, what good does it do to leave me a collection card that was meant for the previous day when the Post Office is already closed today?

My manager gave me the choice as to whether we let him have a warning and leave it at that, or to give him to the area manager to be fired for his crimes. I chose to be merciful. He doesn't deserve mercy, but no matter how much someone may have earnt punishment, I just can't. Sure, I might enjoy talking about their potential punishment, about what might happen to them, but actually doing it just isn't for me.
And the best post of the week has just been awarded :p

Thats one bonus to summer, all the great looking women come out from the woodwork.