The General Conversation Area

Tachi said:
Yeah i'm alittle concerned that the "stiff upper lip" attitude that once made this "great britian", a 1/3 of the planet strong empire. Has diminished into the pitiful grovelling, back-peddling britian we are today.

And again, i blame the government. If they didn't bend over for every other country and accept everything the others say and never stand up, have a backbone for their own country's people and say "no" we wouldn't be in this overly P.C world we are now.

Bring back the freak-show circus just to piss off the P.C Brigade i say

we're in PC world? no wonder we're paying over the odds for everything
Tune in next time for Ryo's comedy corner!

lol not bad, i'm taking deep breaths and just relaxing as best as possible in this 30mins of lunch break, hoping this week flies by as i'm low on funds and should be able to save £500 next week towards a holiday
I swear my post office has a note in there somewhere that says "Delay all deliveries to Josh Stevens, it'll be fun".

I wait ages for the postman to appear and what does he give me? No, not K-ON! Season 2 Part 1. No, not my little brother's Tom & Jerry boxset....a bank statement.
Just sat thinking of what i'm going to say in my interview this afternoon, if i don't get the job then i'll probably just leave this afternoon with the mindframe "if they've got someone better for the job then they'll be fine without me"

Giving me more time to find another job within the trust or accept a team leader role in another trust. Eitherway its the gf's mums birthday so i'll be going to that tonight and good or bad i'll be drinking.
F---ing Bulls---- PayPal!

So I send a transaction of about $80 to Play-Asia for my White 2 pre-order. I hear nothing from Play-Asia. Thinking this is odd, I go to PayPal and see that my account is limited because I need to confirm information. My first thought? Well, I wish you'd fecking told me about that! and then Wait, PayPal have the money on hold?! Why not just, NOT take my money until I've verified stuff?

So I go through the process of confirming my stuff, then it comes to phone number, where they give you an automated call and you enter a four digit code. I told them to call me "Now"....cue 15 minutes of silence from the phone. I try again, same result. Now, it says I have up to 3 attempts to do this - but before I could try again, I got an email to say that I will receive a letter in 7-9 days with a confirmation code.

Needless to say, I'm pissed off. VERY pissed off. I've had my money taken away and I won't even receive the damn thing I paid for for well over a week, so I've emailed customer services pretty much telling them to sort it out in 24 hours (I'd phone them, but I absolutely hate phones and phone calls).
Interview went fine, because of the car crash and sickness they've given me a further 4 weeks trial as of monday this week so i'm already a week in and still smiling.

Seems if i'm in for the full 4 weeks and on time (despite roadworks causing horrendous traffic in a morning) then the job is mine.

Since monday my job role is more defined and it seems that i've got a majority data clensing, systems creation and audit history reports. Supervisory accounts that i've had for weeks can now be put to use as i've received 3 lots of training on different systems and now much happier with the way work looks.

I've pretty much built the documents, shared drives and all systems that the team use bar carenotes (patient records) and PC-MIS (a primary care management program) and cognos (data management + auditing report program).

Even if the weekend has crap weather i'll be enjoying a well earnt rest.
You might have wondered why I have been absent these last few days (Actually, I doubt you have xD).

Basically, on Monday my Mum went into hospital for physiotherapy and hydrotherapy. During that time, my 8 year old brother fell ill. Due to norovirus breaking out in Mum's ward, she was discharged on Wednesday and her treatment cancelled. On Wednesday I was asked by my local GP to bring Luke, my 8 year old brother, up to the hospital to see why he wasn't improving. While there I ran into Mum and we were told that we had 24 hours to turn him around or he'd have to go to hospital. Next day he went to hospital.

It turns out that the reason he's had stomach aches, constipation etc throughout his life is because he was born with an extra upper bowel - which was stuck to his first one like sticky back plastic - and which had an infested cyst in it. Luke was in surgery for five hours as surgeons removed his bowel, cut off the extra bit, got rid of the cyst, cleaned it etc before putting it back in. Since then he has been in intensive care (his life isn't in danger; it's to let his body rest and focus on healing) while pumped up to morphine. He was on a ventilator, but I heard a few hours ago that he was taken off it. I think the current plan is to move him out of intensive care in a couple of days (onto a normal ward) and for him to stay in for a minimum of 2 weeks.

Mum and my step-dad are now staying at accommodation a charity has set up at my hospital for parents of kids in intensive care and my Mum plans to sleep with him in the ward when he is moved to a regular one.

An awful, awful situation.
Geez Josh, that's been a stressful week. Thank goodness they got him some help swiftly once the problem was discovered, though your family must be reeling. I hope he's back up on his feet and watching anime with you again soon.

Awful? It is just a matter of perspective. His life is not at risk, and he has just successfully undergone an operation to cure him of a problem that had brought him pain and discomfort up until then. This is surely a new beginning for him, and something he will look back upon positively. I understand that it is heartbreaking to see a loved one in such a weakened and vulnerable state, but remember how much the operation is helping him, and let this knowledge ease your worry. Best wishes to you and your family.
@Mutsumi - As in, the situation as a whole is awful. Obviously the result of the operation isn't awful and is better than the alternative...but in an ideal world, the situation itself wouldn't have happened.

EDIT: Just got confirmation that he's moved off intensive care and is now on a regular ward. Hell yeah.
A friend of mine recently got an order from FedEx which we were both expecting a custom charge for. I hear they send you a bill later on, but do they notify you that you will receive a bill on delivery, or does it just show up in the letterbox one day like a nasty surprise?
Joshawott said:
A friend of mine recently got an order from FedEx which we were both expecting a custom charge for. I hear they send you a bill later on, but do they notify you that you will receive a bill on delivery, or does it just show up in the letterbox one day like a nasty surprise?

The latter. Your friend can give them a call and ask how much it will be though, using the tracking reference. They should be able to tell the recipient over the phone so you can make preparations (or just pay it immediately, sometimes).

Rui said:
Joshawott said:
A friend of mine recently got an order from FedEx which we were both expecting a custom charge for. I hear they send you a bill later on, but do they notify you that you will receive a bill on delivery, or does it just show up in the letterbox one day like a nasty surprise?

The latter. Your friend can give them a call and ask how much it will be though, using the tracking reference. They should be able to tell the recipient over the phone so you can make preparations (or just pay it immediately, sometimes).

Thanks. Geez, I can imagine how that method would piss off a lot of people.
Got an email from HMV this morning with a tracking number for Angel Beats seems they're fast tracking the delivery to make up for their mistake with the release date on their site. Just hope I don't miss the delivery now.
Had a nice morning,

Woke up.... eye was stinging from the get go because of rubbing *curse pollen* went into the bathroom and had a wash and got sorted before heading out the door, i get into the car and start her up.

Indicators and start a turn in the road.... traffic is all stopped on one side...... and on the other. A police car that almost rammed into the front end of the car.

Car windows went down. Shouting happened and laughter afterwards, the person driving was a friend. Thing is, last i heard she was working for cambridge police, not lutons.

Anyway.... the moral of the story is: there is no moral... even police drive like idiots.
Tell me about it, I wouldn't mind the iris turning red... it'd be like having a sharingan part time (just in the left eye though) but the itchy eye is rediculous!

Here's hoping for a nice relaxing shower before chillin in some shorts and tshirt with a pint of cider in the garden tonight.

Finish in 30mins, just looking forward to the drive home. I strangely enough enjoy driving and traffic, i get to listen to my music and chill :)
even police drive like idiots

There's no even about it. Some police do drive incredibly recklessly, and they do kill people this way, they will probably lie and claim that their sirens were on, and then they get off scot free with little to no consequence. This is fact.