Hey, on reflection that doesn't look too melancholy and/or nihilistic for one of my drunkposts. It does however stray from the point again.
The intelligent brain is as much of a hindrance as it is a blessing, and causes us all kinds of unnecessary problems. I think to really understand some things we need to make our heads empty.
It certainly does cause problems, because we become intelligent enough to ask questions before we are able to answer them. But I don't think that's a hindrance. Believing as I do that there is no meaning to life beyond that which an individual chooses to give it, searching for the answers to the unanswered questions (and coming up with more questions) seems to me like the only worthwhile application for human intelligence. But the
only people who promote that way of looking at things is the scientific community. Religion thinks it already has the answers. Most people don't even think about the questions as long as they're fed, housed and entertained. Blissful ignorance doesn't appeal to me though.
Are there any reasons why you can't take love and compassion yet do away with possessiveness, attachment and the other negative emotions?
In the cold light of day and coffee I'm normally happy to embrace both the pleasure and the pain of existence (when I'm depressed being entirely unfeeling is generally preferable to the pain), but to think that you can free yourself from negative emotions without also freeing yourself of the positive ones - I don't see how it's possible. How do people feel compassion for others when they no longer feel the same pain that they feel? It's a massive contradiction I see in Buddhism. Particularly devout Buddhists for example do
not strike me as compassionate or loving, because they attempt to free themselves from passion altogether. The aim is supposed to be happiness, but what are people supposed to be happy about if they have no passions? They
do strike me as being more like machines, but seem to spend all their time maintaining this state of mind rather than actually using it for anything.