The General Conversation Area

hehe never thought of that before.

Not that there's much to see in my case anyway :p

I guess I've just got used to those formal trousers, as I have to wear them since forever.
Anybody else ridiculously excited about what's shaping up to be a fantastic day of televised sporting awesomeness? Cricket, Monaco GP, last day of the Premier League. For once I can legitimately say that I don't have much time for anime...
fabricatedlunatic said:
Anybody else ridiculously excited about what's shaping up to be a fantastic day of televised sporting awesomeness? Cricket, Monaco GP, last day of the Premier League. For once I can legitimately say that I don't have much time for anime...

You know i don't watch any of those. Least of all football, detest the sport. Still, there is the French Open on today, which is usually worth a gander.
Hah, i'll be honest though, Cricket is one i've never quite understood. Yeah i get the whole points system, but i don't get how each game is set out and such, which kind of puts me off.
fabricatedlunatic said:
If it were not for all those great anime shows in your top ten, chaos, you'd be dead to me :(
If it serves as any consolation, I'm not really into any sport =)

I used to go to stadium back home, but since I moved here, I've never decided on a team to support, so I don't bother watching it.

Criket is impossible to understand if you don't learn it from a tender age.

Formula One lost its charm to me when Airton Senna died.
Hey all!

@ Otaku - Yep. Seen the 1st ep of the new series, and glad to see the gang back on the screen. The whole time travelling thing was interesting, with Yuki being on stand-by for 3 years/Kyon not noticing he/Mikuru were in the other room and never suspected it.

@ sports topic - I'm not much of a fan of many sports myself. I'll watch parts of football games (unless it's England, then I'll take note) and the start and crashes of F1, but it's usually because my bro's watching it himself and I had nothing better to do.
I should put more effort into watching more martial arts events (olympic/tournaments etc.) as that's more like my thing rather than kicking a ball or racing round a track.
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Chaz said:
Hey all!

@ Otaku - Yep. Seen the 1st ep of the new series, and glad to see the gang back on the screen. The whole time travelling thing was interesting, with Yuki being on stand-by for 3 years/Kyon not noticing he/Mikuru were in the other room and never suspected it.

Hah, if you liked that episode i think you'll like the episodes to come then, though i expect the next episode won't be for 4 episodes or so if we go by chronological order.

See with football, i can't stand it at all. Even when the national team play, i just can't watch it, and its generally for the fact that i don't like the players now and the fans are the worst i've ever seen for a sport, its pathetic.
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Arbalest said:
See with football, i can't stand it at all. Even when the national team play, i just can't watch it, and its generally for the fact that i don't like the players now and the fans are the worst i've ever seen for a sport, its pathetic.
Dont get me wrong, I think 90% of a match is completely boring, and I hate the fact premier league players get huge payslips just for a kick about (even if they put training into it). And no, I dont go to pubs when a match is on, just for the reason that they're gonna piss it up and make a scene of it.
Arbalest said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Anybody else ridiculously excited about what's shaping up to be a fantastic day of televised sporting awesomeness? Cricket, Monaco GP, last day of the Premier League. For once I can legitimately say that I don't have much time for anime...

You know i don't watch any of those. Least of all football, detest the sport. Still, there is the French Open on today, which is usually worth a gander.
Hah, i'll be honest though, Cricket is one i've never quite understood. Yeah i get the whole points system, but i don't get how each game is set out and such, which kind of puts me off.
Football is the only one of those sports I watch from time to time, but being a Middlesbrough supporter I don't even want to think about football right now...

F1 is viewable as background material when I'm doing something else - But not only does cricket absolutely bore the **** off me, it actually irritates me to watch it. I just want them to start hitting each other with the bats or at least something remotely interesting to happen. Where's the drama? Where's the speed? Cricket seems completely lacking in any of the things which make sport enjoyable for me to watch. It's as bad as golf. But not quite as bad as bowls.

Rally driving is the competetive sport of kings (followed closely by banger racing). Basically: Cars + Speed + Recklessness = Win. :thumb:
ayase said:
Arbalest said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Anybody else ridiculously excited about what's shaping up to be a fantastic day of televised sporting awesomeness? Cricket, Monaco GP, last day of the Premier League. For once I can legitimately say that I don't have much time for anime...

You know i don't watch any of those. Least of all football, detest the sport. Still, there is the French Open on today, which is usually worth a gander.
Hah, i'll be honest though, Cricket is one i've never quite understood. Yeah i get the whole points system, but i don't get how each game is set out and such, which kind of puts me off.
Football is the only one of those sports I watch from time to time, but being a Middlesbrough supporter I don't even want to think about football right now...

*snigger* i :lol: 'm sorry i can't help but laugh about that :p although due to my proxmity to Middlesbrough if i were to laugh at them in public i surely wouldn't survive it.

I don't really care about any sports though, i was never good at any of them in school and there was no connection to watching them on tv.
ayase said:
Rally driving is the competetive sport of kings (followed closely by banger racing). Basically: Cars + Speed + Recklessness = Win. :thumb:
I myself would upend such a hierarchy. In which sport other than Banger Racing can you see an old hearse smashing into an immobilised Ford Capri in a field in Essex?
ayase said:
Where's the drama?
The drama's there, but enjoying the sport in the first place is kind of a prerequisite for being able to experience it. What could be more dramatic than the Ashes in 2005, when the outcome of the 5-match series against England's fiercest and oldest rivals came down to the very last day of the very last game? Nothing, I tell thee. You might enjoy the 20 over format more -- it's much faster-paced and the games are over in three hours. World Cup starts in England next month.

Rallying is great, though, I'll give you that.
I quite like watching Tennis... the rules are pretty straight-forward, and there's genuine tension with certain points. It's a neatly sectioned off game, whereas Football is like watching a poorly balanced see-saw for 90 minutes, going 'ohhh!!! eehhh!!' everytime one of the buckets nearly half falls off. And yes, I still pride myself on not understanding the offside rule... but it's hardly as impenetrable as Cricket. I think you have to have Cricket seriously whacked into you to understand it. I mean, only the places the British Empire whacked about seem to play it anyway...

Now, Formula One... I actually used to watch it in the mid 90s, but a bunch of cars going round in circles for two hours is no longer my idea of fun. And frankly, if Jenson Button can start winning races after, ohh, about a decade of absolute obscurity (I mean, I remember him racing)... that just goes to show that the driver's skill is the tiniest of tiniest variables inside the calculations they use to develop the cars.

I suppose that's not really the point though. It's all about the glamour and the big engine noises, and the nazi-themed bondage sessions. And what better race than Monte Carlo to show that off... IIRC, the general consensus is that the cars are so big and powerful that there hasn't actually been proper racing there for decades. Seeing them move around those roads is a little like seeing Dawn French try to get into one of Lenny Henry's suits. Except that analogy sucks.
Urgh *scratches head and yawns*

Anyone else ever had that thought......maybe i shouldn't have used yesterday afternoon to 3am trying to do a deathnote marathon. out of 37 eps i got to 28 before falling to fatigue this morning.

i must say, its just as good as the manga story and marries up very closesly. well i think i found one part that wasn't in the manga (off the top of my head) Ray Penbers girlfriend doesn't have her little storyline where she speaks to light and he pretends to be part of the task force in order to find out her real name, as she's using an alias. i don't remember that in the manga but i could be wrong.

oh and bank holiday weekends mean one thing, trouble! sunday night: if your going to go out drinking…and you drink too much….most of your girl mates are with you from highschool and the DJ starts the foam party….you decide to check your fone because your girlfriend has just text you…and its at that point you realise…..THE BACK OF YOUR FONE IS MISSING, the battery is exposed and your stood in the middle of a foam need to put your fone away and somehow retrace your steps to find the back of the fone....but your drunk and can't focus your eyes nor can you walk properly (but you can dance without a problem? funny world we live in right?) so anyway. i start to retrace my steps and after much looking around decide to give up, hell i guess the asains who own fone shops in town will have a back for a tocco ultra.....*facepalms* like hell they would. so i go and order 3 redbulls and try to sober up....but having yeagarbombs earlier in the night was partly all it does is fuel the yeagarmyster more. a drunken glance at the floor...back where i started....whats that shiny black thing on the black floor? soap? no...too shiny...ITS THE BACK TO MY FONE :D , its time to find simon and get a taxi home whilst my last bit of focus is with me.....but where IS simon? oh, chatting up a fat bird again....right...need to get him away from her so he can walk me down to the taxi's, i don't think i could walk that far on my own.... *txts simon* , *simon walks over*, *head to the taxi*, the two 27 year olds simon was talking to are coming with us?? i'm dropped off at home, go to pay the driver and simon goes to punch the driver.....turns out simon had paid when we first got in...awell. he's going home with two women, i'm going home to get a few pints of water before going to bed..last minute draft text on my fone to tell me that my last genius idea of the night isn't "don't get that drunk ever again" nor is it "text kayleigh to let her know your home safe like she said" its "wake up and sort out your head, then start a deathnote marathon" :lol:

i might explain friday night later, if anyone finds my weekend a laugh.
Very stream-of-consciousness Tach! :lol:

Hey, you're at about the same point in Death Note I am after... er... however long it's been since the first DVD was released - About 8 months or something? Only six days to the final DVD... I haven't read the manga though, so anyone spoils the end for me and they die first. :twisted:
ayase said:
Very stream-of-consciousness Tach! :lol:

Hey, you're at about the same point in Death Note I am after... er... however long it's been since the first DVD was released - About 8 months or something? Only six days to the final DVD... I haven't read the manga though, so anyone spoils the end for me and they die first. :twisted:

THEY ALL DIE!!! :lol:
yeah, big meteor comes out of nowhere, nobody expected it. very good ending in my opinion :p

I'm not sure what to watch after though. on a slightly different subject... i'm growing a liking to pheonix wright so may have to play a few games and see how it goes :)
So your watching Death Note...

>_> ... <_<

*checks no one is around to attack after comment is said*

Death Note is overrated in my opinion, the first half was good but the second half was not, so i still think that Manga wise the story should of ended vol 6 With Kira rulling supreme in a perfect utopia...

If they wanted to continue they could of had one last panel showing Ryuk convincing anonther Shinigami to drop another death note into the world, so he could see just how fun humans could be.

I can't even be bothered to continue past vol 1 on the anime :lol:

Probably a good thing though, money is going to be very tight so i suspect Gundam 00 and TTGL will be my big purchases for the summer, and then nothing.

Oh a draft picture is now up in my thread ;)
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