Urgh *scratches head and yawns*
Anyone else ever had that thought......maybe i shouldn't have used yesterday afternoon to 3am trying to do a deathnote marathon. out of 37 eps i got to 28 before falling to fatigue this morning.
i must say, its just as good as the manga story and marries up very closesly. well i think i found one part that wasn't in the manga (off the top of my head) Ray Penbers girlfriend doesn't have her little storyline where she speaks to light and he pretends to be part of the task force in order to find out her real name, as she's using an alias. i don't remember that in the manga but i could be wrong.
oh and bank holiday weekends mean one thing, trouble! sunday night: if your going to go out drinking…and you drink too much….most of your girl mates are with you from highschool and the DJ starts the foam party….you decide to check your fone because your girlfriend has just text you…and its at that point you realise…..THE BACK OF YOUR FONE IS MISSING, the battery is exposed and your stood in the middle of a foam party....you need to put your fone away and somehow retrace your steps to find the back of the fone....but your drunk and can't focus your eyes nor can you walk properly (but you can dance without a problem? funny world we live in right?) so anyway. i start to retrace my steps and after much looking around decide to give up, hell i guess the asains who own fone shops in town will have a back for a tocco ultra.....*facepalms* like hell they would. so i go and order 3 redbulls and try to sober up....but having yeagarbombs earlier in the night was partly redbull....so all it does is fuel the yeagarmyster more. a drunken glance at the floor...back where i started....whats that shiny black thing on the black floor? soap? no...too shiny...ITS THE BACK TO MY FONE

, right...now its time to find simon and get a taxi home whilst my last bit of focus is with me.....but where IS simon? oh, chatting up a fat bird again....right...need to get him away from her so he can walk me down to the taxi's, i don't think i could walk that far on my own.... *txts simon* , *simon walks over*, *head to the taxi*, the two 27 year olds simon was talking to are coming with us?? i'm dropped off at home, go to pay the driver and simon goes to punch the driver.....turns out simon had paid when we first got in...awell. he's going home with two women, i'm going home to get a few pints of water before going to bed..last minute draft text on my fone to tell me that my last genius idea of the night isn't "don't get that drunk ever again" nor is it "text kayleigh to let her know your home safe like she said" its "wake up and sort out your head, then start a deathnote marathon" :lol:
i might explain friday night later, if anyone finds my weekend a laugh.