The General Conversation Area

CitizenGeek said:
Voddas said:
I don't get what your talking about Geek. Guess your well off?

The point is that no matter how bad you think you've got it here in the West, you've really got it much, much better than you would in an Eastern Bloc, Balkan, Middle Eastern, African, Central American, Indian, Chinese and most other Asian countries.

That's all opinions. They value life so much more than we do. Sure we have technology, but who are we to say they are worse than us? I think claiming that anyone living in an LEDC is "worse" than us is a very sweeping and naive statement. Just 'cause it isn't Britain or America doesnt mean it's shite. It's just, after you're used to living your nice, easy life, a life of work seems to be horrible to you. However- there is a certain joy to finishing a job, and a certain joy in knowing you've done your part. A feeling they know better than us.
Congratulations Arbalest!
Finished myself last Friday, great feeling to be free of the 'exam pressure' that hangs over one for a month or so.

God damn UPS, couldn't find my house and it's seems I'll be an extra week waiting. :(
Spyro, they are worst than us. It really shouldn't even be a debate. First, being the key word in First World Countries - not third. The line about valuing life is also very subjective, based upon some videos you've probably seen at school or on TV.

I'm sure they'd rather live in the land of the free than stay in the slums, and that is what it would come down to.
I think "foreigners" coming here to work is great. That they travelled so far and bothered trying to learn a second language generally puts them well above the effort threshold of many locals and I wouldn't feel right saying that by virtue of luck of the draw at birth I inherently deserved more than another human being. I'm happy to compete with them for jobs on even terms. Even then it's still much easier as a native speaking local with connections to access help and do things like set up a business, which is why so many foreign workers take on the terrible leftover jobs rather than the best ones.

I also rather like all the cultural bits they bring with them. We have about five ethnic supermarkets now in my town as well as Asda and some of those imported sweets/vegetables are tasty!

Incidentally I'm the only one at my company who was born in this country. I can't imagine they'd get many natives willing to work there with it being a small, struggling company with no perks whatsoever. All of the non-natives are excellent workers and wonderful people who pay income tax, rent and also for their education (they're all enrolled in local colleges and go after work, making me feel incredibly lazy in comparison). They all suffer through being separated from family and friends but came here to make something more of themselves and deserve every penny they get.

Where it's actually a problem is big companies farming out their grunt work entirely overseas, cutting out local workers entirely. I'm talking about call centres and the like. A lot of the working class seemed to fall back on that kind of work in certain regions over here and having it snatched away and whisked literally across the planet is far more damaging than a few Polish people outbidding us on local work. It's made so many people unbelievably racist to Indians because of this practice too! I hope that the economies of those countries we're leeching underpaid work from in this manner improve so that it becomes less cost effective (ridiculously) to outsource our call centres this way and those people don't have to put up with verbal abuse from angry Brits for having accents or not knowing how to fix their computers. It must be a soul destroying job.

Jayme said:
Spyro, they are worst than us. It really shouldn't even be a debate. First, being the key word in First World Countries - not third. The line about valuing life is also very subjective, based upon some videos you've probably seen at school or on TV.

I'm sure they'd rather live in the land of the free than stay in the slums, and that is what it would come down to.

To be honest my school haven't shown me any videos to do with it. And infact, my school discourage my views.

As for saying they would rather live in America as opposed to thier own country, I don't belive thats true in all cases. America and Britain are depressing **** holes. I'm sorry- I live here and I can tell you it's crap. There is no sense of community where we live, and going out anywhere you end up worrying more about being assaulted than the reason you're actually out for. Maybe where you live it's different, but heck, I go into town and get threatened with knives n ****.
My opinion? Tear up all the borders, customs check points, passports, national insurance numbers, tax returns, and let people do what they want, where they want on their own merits.

If someone can do a job, let them. If foreign workers come to a country and start working more cheaply than the indeginous workforce, then they'll have to start working for less as well if they want to compete. Globalisation in action. We're happy to buy cheap things which are so cheap because people in China on very low wages make them. But we don't want them to come and work for less than us in our country? That's just hypocrisy. They have every right to come and supplant us (as do the robots which will no doubt eventually follow). They will work harder for less, which for employment purposes makes them better than us.

Why should there be any incentive for any company to base a business in a country like Britain, where in world terms hourly wages are incredibly high? It's always been the case that humans have to "adapt or die" and if the people of first world countries want to survive in this new Globalised World, they're going to have to work just as hard as the Chinese or Indian workers. We are going to have to work harder, for less pay. I'm surprised so few people (not necessarily here, but in the wider world) have seen this coming.

It's true that it's taken our little refuge out of it's comfort zone a bit, but I think everyone's having their say and behaving in a fairly decent manner which, given the subject material is a pretty positive sign.

Hey, it's even made CG venture in here to waste his time with us. ;)

Coutries serve very little purpose anymore IMO. World government is the only way forward for humanity, and for us that begins with the EU. I'm just hoping people in the UK don't all vote for the dead end parties like UKIP and the BNP in the upcoming Euro elections... Spurning Europe is the worst thing this country could do right now politically and economically.
ayase said:
Coutries serve very little purpose anymore IMO. World government is the only way forward for humanity, and for us that begins with the EU. I'm just hoping people in the UK don't all vote for the dead end parties like UKIP and the BNP in the upcoming Euro elections... Spurning Europe is the worst thing this country could do right now politically and economically.

I actually agree with this, i've actually put it forward as an idea before myself (although to keep with the anime context of the site it didn't work in Gundam Wing :p)

The idea of a World Government though does have pros and cons, pros being (finally) a united earth one that isn't bound by race or beliefs (personally i would love for something like this and i hope i'm not the only one) but the cons is that it could easily fall into a dicatorship which would harm the aforementioned peace.

Realistically though if mankind does ever want to leave this rock though then a world government is ideal otherwise there will be problems.

As wacky and terrible as it sounds its a shame that we don't know of a encroaching evil alien threat, it would quickly get all of mankind to look at the same page for once and stop all petty squabbles.
I think the European Union is probably the best way forward, for sure. I reckon all countries should follow that example and open up closer trade ties, remove tariffs and limits on travel, etc.. The EU can be described as the most successful peace process ever - especially considering Europe was the main theatre in the two worst wars ever in the past century. Countries are much less likely to go to war with each other when they share free travel, the same currency and stuff like that. It's just unfortunate the British public are silly enough to fall for the lies of right-wing tabloids.

Morning anyone who's about.

friday atlast :) and i have my wallet today so its time to buy some new work trousers.
roll on 1.30!
Morning Tachi and anyone else who may be about. *yawns also*

I'm at a fancy dress party tonight! Can't wait. Going as Batman! I'm even going to shave off my beard to get into character! Now that's commitment! Hah.

...I liked Ayase's idea of removing borders. Now all we have to do is enforce it!
Ryo Chan said:
look, simple matter, borders won't mean a think once i'm supreme overlord of the entire planet

It's Geass time \o/
Not before my old Business Management teacher becomes El Presidente. He always talked about bombing call centres and complained about the customer service of various companies. He was a funny chap.
Voddas said:
Ryo Chan said:
It's Geass time \o/
Well we did used to be refered to as the British Empire!
We'll do what we've always done Pinky... try to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!

"right brains" *goofy face* :p

It's been a while...but my urge to kick the chair over, smash up my desk and stand on top of it with my tie round my forhead and shredding some serious air guitar, has returned with a vengance.

If only me and the band decided to reform. i'd love to have a Mic with me right now. (the closest singer to my singing voice is the lead singer of 3 days grace, most importantly in their song "Animal i have become")
Bigging up your singing voice aye TAchi? ;)

In that case, closest singer to my singing voice would be Elvis Persley. :p (minus the American accent).
:lol: Just messing with you mate.

If I really had to compare my voice to someone, it would be more like Bjork with a cold. ¬_¬