The General Conversation Area

CitizenGeek said:
Well when you say foreigners are undeserving of jobs, then that's obviously racism and obviously it should be called out as such.

Good job i didn't say that then :) or i'd have looked pretty racist.
*looks at Voddas with a grin* :p

I know both sides of the coin, which is why i said, i understand that their coming over here for a better wage to take home and that in their position i'd probably do the same thing, but it is annoying for us brits as we can't do the same in effect its jealousy i guess.
then again, it could be said that its just karma coming back one point the british empire had control of a third of the earths countries.
i guess at some point they'd find a way to exploit us back.

the only thing that pisses me off in the whole when people start shouting racism when its not racist at all. or when one person jumps on something and complicates others lives just for something stupid.
an example of that is in the NHS. we had a random guy off the street take our trust to court because 2 questions on the mini interview we have before giving them a application form where deemed discriminative by him. the questions where;

Do you hold a permanent national insurance number


Do you need a work permit?

Because of his complaint, of something that isn't discriminative at all. we now have to send out a application form to everyone regardless of if they are legally in this country or not. this wastes money on making application forms. the recruitement teams time - as they will be going through application forms for people who don't have a right to live here legally and thus will be rejected instantly.
This is when political correctness goes right out of the window and things become stupid.
I'm on tachi-'s side for this one. It'll be "Well lets us lot pilferage their wear's and such" but we couldn't do that cause that be morally wrong.

I got no ill will against most foreign workers, it just feels like were the only country that actually has jobs, even with technology cutting down jobs more and more

You're "jealous" of poor eastern Europeans who must leave their families and their homes for a foreign country they don't understand (and a langauge they do not speak), only to work in the lowest tier of jobs (McDonalds, cleaning, retail, etc.), and face the kind of mean attitudes that have been expressed in this thread? I think you need to grow up a little. The UK isn't being "exploited" by migrant workers, if anything wealthy western European countries are benefitting becuase now we have people to do the jobs we don't want to do (because we think we're above doing them, the wages aren't high enough, etc.). The British populace are really horrendously stupid if they're falling for these kind of BNP talking points, tabloid sensationalisms and profound Euroskepticism.
see my previous post. there's proof of the time that i feel they overstep the border.

and CG your doing a wonderful job of quoting things Voddas has said. but not actually understanding that i'm not being offensive nor racist at all.

read my posts. their neutral. bar the last one which i explained my view that political correctness has overstepped the border on something i personally deal with.
as stated. opinions are freedom of speach. i'm not offending anyone, just explaining that i personally believe that what they've done to the recruitement team is a waste of money and completely unfounded.
Otaku-san, please start watching the news or reading it or listening to it or something. The UK is not the only place in the world with jobs, and technology is not making any kind of major impact on employment.
I can also see both sides. I just feel strongly about the lack of jobs at the moment. Obviously, it's not just here, it's everywhere. I don't want to start arguments about foreign workers rights, it just feels sometimes we get a raw end of the stick.
Poor British people living in one of the most entitlement-abundant countries, with one of the best standards of living in the whole world. You're right, us Westerners sure do have it rough!
I understand what your saying, through the sarcasm.
and yes i see what your saying the UK is much better off than other countries and for that we naturally attract other nations to come here with a possibility of a better life. its all understandable.

now what i meant by people appear to me to be jealous of the foreigners, not because of their back ground. but because of their opportunity to go to a better country and better themselves. the only ones us brits could ever do that to is the americans....but then again...they don't have free NHS so in a round about way...we have nobody we can go to to better ourselves.
CitizenGeek said:
I think you mean "exploited" instead of "explored"?
oh, yep. both translates to the same thing, even thought they carry different meanings in english.

Legit immigrants pay taxes as well. And we do not have the same rights british citizens (or europeans citizens) have in here.

Until last week, losing my job would have meant deportation for me, as I was here under a sponsored visa. Which meant, I could ONLY work for the sponsor of my visa.

Right now you can't get a sponsored visa if you're not qualified, unless you're european. The minimum requirement for a sponsored visa is a bachelor degree.

Non sponsored visas requires one of the three below:
- At least 750k invested in the UK (fixed income, equities or other financial product);
- At least 200k towards a business and you must create at least 2 jobs within the first few months of your busines opening;
- A master degree and enough work experience fro higly skill jobs.

In other words, the legit route is not so easy to flood the country with immigrants. But anyway, I'm just looking after myself here.
And on a more positive note, My exams are finished. FREEDOM!, Free of the burden of studying day and night. I can relax...and focus on getting myself a flat for third year now. So things are on the up

@mono,voddas: Thanks, i'm hoping this one went well, but i'll wait and see. No idea when we get our results, but until then, i'm gonna have nothing more to do with the damned things.
Tachi- said:
...we had a random guy off the street take our trust to court because 2 questions on the mini interview we have before giving them a application form where deemed discriminative by him. the questions where;

Do you hold a permanent national insurance number


Do you need a work permit?

Because of his complaint, of something that isn't discriminative at all. we now have to send out a application form to everyone regardless of if they are legally in this country or not.
Sounds a bit off considering Jacqui Smith's UK Rigth to Work law, which force all business to have proof of the person right to work in the country.

@Arby - congrats! you have a pm.
Glad your all done Arba. Now, just keep your fingers and toes crossed for those results. ^_^

OT/ I agree with Tachi. Nothing against people coming into the country to work. We just don't have the option so much to find jobs abroad (for better pay that is). If things keep going as they are, we're gonna end up using the Euro and having the same rates as the rest of Europe anyway.
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
...we had a random guy off the street take our trust to court because 2 questions on the mini interview we have before giving them a application form where deemed discriminative by him. the questions where;

Do you hold a permanent national insurance number


Do you need a work permit?

Because of his complaint, of something that isn't discriminative at all. we now have to send out a application form to everyone regardless of if they are legally in this country or not.
Sounds a bit off considering Jacqui Smith's UK Rigth to Work law, which force all business to have proof of the person right to work in the country.

I was waiting for somebody to try that card.

That law is enforced for the employer to have proof of their staff's right to live in the country....but it doesn't mean that they can't have a application form. so their legally allowed to ask for a application form. and we are legally allowed to refuse on grounds that their an illegal immigrant.
then their details are passed to the police.
Basic protocol.
I'm gonna slide out of this discussion now. Hopefully when I come back the converstaion will have swung onto a nicer topic. Like talking pets!

Catch you laters ;)
Tachi- said:
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
...we had a random guy off the street take our trust to court because 2 questions on the mini interview we have before giving them a application form where deemed discriminative by him. the questions where;

Do you hold a permanent national insurance number


Do you need a work permit?

Because of his complaint, of something that isn't discriminative at all. we now have to send out a application form to everyone regardless of if they are legally in this country or not.
Sounds a bit off considering Jacqui Smith's UK Rigth to Work law, which force all business to have proof of the person right to work in the country.

I was waiting for somebody to try that card.

That law is enforced for the employer to have proof of their staff's right to live in the country....but it doesn't mean that they can't have a application form. so their legally allowed to ask for a application form. and we are legally allowed to refuse on grounds that their an illegal immigrant.
then their details are passed to the police.
Basic protocol.
Sounds completely insane, but that's bureacrats for you =)
Tachi- said:
now what i meant by people appear to me to be jealous of the foreigners, not because of their back ground. but because of their opportunity to go to a better country and better themselves. the only ones us brits could ever do that to is the americans....but then again...they don't have free NHS so in a round about way...we have nobody we can go to to better ourselves.

I think that's a bizarrely silly point, all the same. And I don't see quite how it's relevant to anything we've been discussing, either.
Voddas said:
I don't get what your talking about Geek. Guess your well off?

The point is that no matter how bad you think you've got it here in the West, you've really got it much, much better than you would in an Eastern Bloc, Balkan, Middle Eastern, African, Central American, Indian, Chinese and most other Asian countries.