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To be honest...there is a episode where a shiningami goes to find Ryuk and they talk about the events in deathnote...i don't know much else about it as i turned off part way through it and decided to watch it when i finish the marathon.

i was abit stuck with the manga in my opinion. i loved the storyline and the characters, and the genius battle between minds. very enjoyable. and when Near is introduced along with the blonde guy i've forgotten his name.... well i wasn't impressed because it sort of spoiled L vs Kira. its like "round 2" and part of me was happy because the story's carrying on and i was enjoying it so its abit of both worlds i guess.
I meant more of Ryuk challanging another Shinigami to see who'se chosen person could win in a duel of death notes :p The introduction of Near and Mello was just the beginning of the end, once the Oh-look-i-can-pull-facts-out-of-the-air Near started then i lost intrest.
iisan said:
That video just made my day, thank you.

Daaaaym right.

@BlackWolf: I don't see why you hate the second half of Death Note so much. Some of the best characters are introduced (Including my favorite XD) and it draws the show to the only possible conclusion, Yagami Light dying.

It was inevitable that Near/L would win, and that needed to be portrayed. Although I preffered Kira's justice, it was obvious it'd be "wrong" for him to win. Though, saying that, I thought it'd be ******* badass twist for Matsuda to shoot Near in the final episode/chapter instead of shooting Light

The only really argument for the second half of Death Note being bad is that Nate River is a fag. Everyone hates him (with the exception of like, a few people? I do belive Tachi liked him but I can't remember. Been ages since I talked Death Note with Tachi XD... Actually, it's been ages since i've spoke to Tachi at all. *Hint to Tachi-: Teeeeeext me :lol:* )

duel of death notes

And you critisice the writters on the second half? XD

Wow- epic duel that would be. Two people writting names in a notebook, whoever wrote the others name the fastest wins... but inevitably both will die due to the 40 second rule. (Was it 40? I cant actually remember...)
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I've just gotten onto the first few episodes of the second part of deathnote (watching it as the dvds come out) and honestly I'm not enjoying much since L died. Maybe it'll get better and change my mind but I think it would've been better if it had been wrapped up during the Light vs. L arc.
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:p i knew that would get you talking, in my opinion, 1st half > 2nd half, and i agree that would of been awesome, to add to it slight and it may go against what i've been saying but imagine if Matsuda shot both Near and Light, and claimed the Death Note for himself

Also the duel thing, i wasn't meaning it like that and it was just a quick idea anyway :p
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iisan said:
I've just gotten onto the first few episodes of the second part of deathnote (watching it as the dvds come out) and honestly I'm not enjoying much since L died. Maybe it'll get better and change my mind but I think it would've been better if it had been wrapped up during the Light vs. L arc.

If you name the Arc you'll spoil it for Ayase, so i'd edit your post to include spoiler tags like I quoted ;)

I sense you are an L fanboy who raged over his death, mI'right?
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Edited my post, sorry bout that.

Haha, nah not really, I had it spoiled for me before I'd even seen a single episode, I just think the storyline has kind of gone downhill since it happened. Besides I'm not a L fanboy, I'm a Ryuk guy. Anyway, before that point I rated it as a great (but overrated) series generally but afterwards it's just gotten kind of dull. Maybe the last volume will change my mind though.
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okay...i'm outraged.
bloody kids have just had easter, a 4 day weekend thanks to the bank holidays and the one at the start of this month and yesterday.....AND THIS BLOODY WEEK IS ANOTHER HALF TERM?

they didn't have this amount of time off when i was in school i swear. what i'd give to go back to school and live in year 10 mode for a good 10 years :p

then again, i couldn't drive, or drink, or have a contract fone...the money and independance i have right now....hmmm

awell...rant over lol.

i don't see the harm in saying the L vs Light arc as tbh its clear from early on that L thinks Light is Kira, so its not spoiling it anyway.
someone else who thinks Death Note is overated? :D

Ryuk is probably one of my favourite characters, i mean really he's the one who wins in the end, he got something to do to kill the time and he found apples

@Tachi, i think we did you know, one difference is there may be more Teacher Training days now, besides remember that kids now have to go through 2 extra years of mandatory education :p
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Tachi- said:
i don't see the harm in saying the L vs Light arc as tbh its clear from early on that L thinks Light is Kira, so its not spoiling it anyway.

I'm reffering to the fact that since its
L vs Light it implies one dies at the end of the Arc. It's not hard to guess who :lol:


@Iisan: The last 2 episodes are the most epic ever. It's what makes it a 10/10 show.

We all know what's gonna happen- but ****, I rewatch those episodes sometimes just to bask in thier greatness.
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iisan said:
Ah is that right? Looking forward to seeing how it ends :)

It is. I'd write more but i'd have to put it in spoiler tags and then it'd ruin everything but- stick with Death Note, srsly.

I know i'm a livid fanboy but when Mikami Teru enters the whole series just gets a kick up the ****.

Although i do wonder what Ryuk was actually upto in the timeframe from when Light relinquishes ownership of his deathnote whilst in confinement and when misa misa digs it up again and Ryuk comes back.

I have to admit…If I was a shinningami, I’d drop my deathnote….then whilst its on the ground I’d go eat as many apples as I want…then hope nobody picks the deathnote up :p
Another thing….does Ryuk ever need to sleep?

Well there’s also academic review days (days where students only go in for a brief 1 to 1 interview with their tutors on their performance thus far in the term) only thing is…I had one every term……my sister (in year 9) has 2 a term. It seems that schools are spending more time training the tutors and having away days, academic review days and the 6 weeks holidays that they still complain about *wtf shocked face* and the G.C.S.E’s are constantly getting easier. To the point that the examination board used some of the same questions for 4 years running in a science paper!
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See we never had acadmic review days we had good ole parent evenings, and if a tutor wanted a one on one chat, we did it in the brief time after registration but before lessons began, or our Mentor called us in for a chat (i had the headmaster as a mentor, wasn't bad though only saw him twice through out the final two years :p)

Don't listen to spyro though, his love for that spefic character blinds him to the fact that Death Note isn't a 10/10 its a 9/10 at most (i believe i gave it a glorious 8/10), i mean for it to be a 10/10 it would have to be loved by everyone with no excpetions, and i've known people who dropped it after one volume :p

but then again do the best thing and don't listen to either of us :p just watch it and form your own opinion and don't let hype ruin shows, i watched Elfen Lied thinking it was supposed to be 10/10 matrial but i was let down, i think watching it without listening to other people and i would of like it a lot more apart from the dog killing scene that was really unneeded
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BlackWolf said:
Don't listen to spyro though, his love for that spefic character blinds him to the fact that Death Note isn't a 10/10 its a 9/10 at most (i believe i gave it a glorious 8/10), i mean for it to be a 10/10 it would have to be loved by everyone with no excpetions, and i've known people who dropped it after one volume :p

Bra'- nothing in the world would ever be 10/10. Everything is flawed in one way or another. Death Note is a 10/10 because it's good point vastly outweigh it's bad. Saying "It's not 10/10, it's 9/10" is just ridiculous.

I've rated Ghost in the Shell 10/10, heck, I know it has it's flaws, but it's brilliance makes these 'flaws' redundant.

Also, d00de, I did say I am a Death Note fanboy :p But I don't think anyone can deny Mikami rockets the show forward. I'm not gonna put why cause I cba to use spoiler tags and i'm going out soon but- it's pretty obvious to anyone who's see the show why.
Different Strokes for Different Folks is the term to best apply here :p

Also i disagree with him moving the show forward, i've seen far far far better support characters (which was what he was in the end,with a bit more time he could of been made into a main) but he's your favourite and i try not to knock favourites, as it just invites the same back at me, i mean Type Moon stuff already carries a pretty big target on its back
Afternoon all. I'm only sticking my head in coz I'm busy today. God damn Union meetings are leaving us short handed. There'll be a strike next :p

Hows all?

@Tachi Sorry I haven't replied to your email yet mate. (busy busy!) ;)
Afternoon Mono and Voddas!

I'm glad we've stopped with the Death Note talk. I had to cover my eyes when I came in here and that didn't make it easy. :p