The General Conversation Area

Had a bloke go past our place with skies about quarter to one in the morning. Quite the spectacle, otherwise I just made snow angels in the local recreation grounds
This far north of Watford Gap, no-one is able to afford skis.
It is fortunate that this week's working hours allow me to avoid most of the negative consequences of the weather. So far I have yet to slip.
Tach, Foamys are on YouTube, btw. I've actually lost track of that show quite a bit. Whenever I watch the odd one now, I feel like I've missed a load of storylines.
Aogu said:
Otaku-san said:
I am here to post on page 900

also a 'how do' to people, I got into some minecrafting the past couple of days. Check out my MAL, cause thats what i've been watching blahblahblah

Oh yes minecraft! Have a free Aogu cookie for being awesome *gives*!

I play at least 6 hours of minecraft of week and run an alpha multiplayer server in my boarding house, tis epic.

Quick PM me IP address for epic multiplayer action. actually I've been only on peaceful on single player, due to newbesness
It was a Friday thing, there was nothing better to do so decided to watch foamy episodes online, sadly there’s no access to youtube at work, so friendsoffoamy came in useful.

Weekend was another good one :)
Friday night was round kayls till only 1ish, the snow had started to get really bad so decided to head home to make sure I could actually get back.

Saturday I got up and went to town, spent the majority of the day shopping with kayls and her mum, at times I had to leave kayls and her mum so that I could go buy kayls a present or two.went to the pub and kayls older sister and her bf dean turned up along with cayden in his pushchair and kim, kayls mums friend. Had a few drinks before finishing off Christmas shopping, headed back to kayls for a few hours, sat talking and joking away, watched harry potter – half blood prince and then the x factor.. before kayls, me, dean and kayls dad went to the pub and had another few pints and a laugh. Witnessed drunken old people falling over each other, was amusing.

Then after an hour or two we got a taxi down to the Indian restaurant near my house, mirage. Love it there… and as I’d been drinking pretty much since 4pm I was starving.. so wolfed down everything :D finally we went back to kayls house and I ended up staying round… woke up at 7 on Sunday, not by choice… one of kayls cats has different fur to normal cats and I’m hyper sensitive to it. The thing only has to walk in the room and my chest tightens up and I start to struggle to breathe… which is a horrible reminder of the asthma I had as a child (thankfully its gone now) so after a pint of water and piriton I went back to sleep and woke up around midday :) stayed round till 4pm before going home and wrapping presents.

Parents are kunts, but what can you do?

and booked my tickets to northampton :) so looking forward to the end of this week.
Tachi- said:
yes AUKN, foamy will tell you how it is.

its too quiet around here. start something

If you care to heed Foamy's advice then it's not much point starting something, if the topic is going to be self righteous and biased.

There I've said my piece, Good day
Otaku-san said:
Tachi- said:
yes AUKN, foamy will tell you how it is.

its too quiet around here. start something

If you care to heed Foamy's advice then it's not much point starting something, if the topic is going to be self righteous and biased.

There I've said my piece, Good day

All he was saying that you don't have to attack the person to make a point - there's some merit to a lot of posts, so understanding that and developing a discussion based on opposing views is the way it should happen, instead we get flame wars.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Jayme said:
All he was saying that you don't have to attack the person to make a point - there's some merit to a lot of posts, so understanding that and developing a discussion based on opposing views is the way it should happen, instead we get flame wars.

Flame wars?
Otaku-san said:
Aogu said:
Otaku-san said:
I am here to post on page 900

also a 'how do' to people, I got into some minecrafting the past couple of days. Check out my MAL, cause thats what i've been watching blahblahblah

Oh yes minecraft! Have a free Aogu cookie for being awesome *gives*!

I play at least 6 hours of minecraft of week and run an alpha multiplayer server in my boarding house, tis epic.

Quick PM me IP address for epic multiplayer action. actually I've been only on peaceful on single player, due to newbesness

'fraid you wouldn't be able to get on. Its actually adapted to run as a lan server and we are also using a complicated mix of yourfreedom and openvpn to hide ourselves from the school firewall. It may actually be possible to connect, but I know that just sticking the ip into minecraft from outside the network won't work. If you really want and you are a skilled network engineer then I'll happily give you the details I think might help... but I'm not confident.
We should get a AUKN minecraft server :D
Stuart-says-yes said:
How is everyone else this fine day?

Wonderful on this end. No snow, all gone from the rain.

I was nearly killed by a falling electrical plug from the loft the other day, so with a week off from work I decided to, ahem... force my parents into clearing out the damn place.

Scary thing is that it has NEVER been cleaned in the 20+ years we've been here.

Worked on it many hours today and got nowhere near finished. Saw a terrifying spider, a hibernating queen wasp, three wasp nests, a legion of dead cheeselogs, cobwebs thick enough to stop a tank and old anime videos.

Also found my Vic-20 (old Commodore computer), along with its moth eaten manual: ‘Pretty colours in low-resolution graphics’. So much change in such little time.

Tomorrow the battle continues in the darkest corners. No hardboard to walk on, fibreglass everywhere, bigger cobwebs, and god forsaken boxes with who knows what horrors waiting inside.

Lofts are interesting.
examinations and assessments for the remainder of this week have been
cancelled. More details on the exams which have been cancelled will be
posted by 17.00 tomorrow (Wednesday 8 December).

...It is currently anticipated that next week's examinations will proceed as planned. We will update you if this changes due to adverse weather.
Looks like I'll be studying over Christmas. ****! :evil:
My co-workers sent me home early today as I was keeping them awake with my coughing and sneezing. It is one of those annoying coughs with no other symptoms I don't feel ill at all the only bad thing is the two sleepless nights.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Maxon said:
examinations and assessments for the remainder of this week have been
cancelled. More details on the exams which have been cancelled will be
posted by 17.00 tomorrow (Wednesday 8 December).

...It is currently anticipated that next week's examinations will proceed as planned. We will update you if this changes due to adverse weather.
Looks like I'll be studying over Christmas. ****! :evil:

I hear the weather in the Central belt, (edinburgh/glasgow) was pretty bad last night, the A9 and the M80 were still shut/ delayed this morning I believe.

I suppose you'd rather just get them out the way, but at least your can enjoy the snow now.
It was more like yesterday morning and early afternoon. Everything that had snow melted got totally covered again. I hate snow so I won't get any enjoyment out of this.
Maxon said:
examinations and assessments for the remainder of this week have been
cancelled. More details on the exams which have been cancelled will be
posted by 17.00 tomorrow (Wednesday 8 December).

...It is currently anticipated that next week's examinations will proceed as planned. We will update you if this changes due to adverse weather.
Looks like I'll be studying over Christmas. ****! :evil:
So I take it that means that some of your exams will be the other side of Christmas? That does indeed totally bite. :(
it does, bar the fact that he only has one. I raged.

The weather was indeed bad here, so much so that the lothian buses withdrew every bus service for 5 hours, taxi's refused to go to my uni because of the weather, and yeah, everyone who finished their exams when i did had to walk home. I was able to avoid the 2 and a half - 4 hour walk because i got a lift. Imagine my rage though after hearing, seconds after my first exam finished "4:30pm exams are now cancelled and tuesdays exams also are". Words cannot describe how much rage i had. I mean, why couldn't they say Wednesday as well, so i could have missed this GOD AWFUL CRAPPY PATHETIC EXAM?! First person on chat gets divided by zero tonight =/
Heriot-Watt is on the outskirts of Edinburgh, not within the city itself. So you have to trek into the city, past the western side bypass and through sighthill, etc etc. It can take a good couple hours.

Oh, and tach/maxon are divided by zero now. You have more non-existent people bar yourself now ;p