The General Conversation Area

No, I haven't. Too far to go for just a wander, and I've not had a reason to go there myself.

As for insurance, I got a renewal from DirectLine for my 2nd year (1 years NC bonus) for £947.10. I found one on Aviva for £651, so I'm gonna ring DirectLine to get them to consider lowering it. Then I'll see what to do.

In terms of similarity, their polar opposites. Stevenage is okay, there train station is mucky and the town centre is widespread but basic. The shopping centre they have is small and tacky. Milton Keynes on the other hand is huge, surrounded by a quizzical patchwork of roads like highways and roundabouts surrounding roundabouts. The shopping centre is massive, spread roughly 4 times the size of lutons “mall” home to MK1, very clean and spacious. There’s a market outside, but thankfully that doesn’t wreck the general cleanliness of the centre itself.

Some of my friends have joked that if you got all the stores on oxford st and surrounding shopping areas and placed them all together, they could fit inside the MK centre. (lets not forget that MK itself has snowboarding and indoor skiing facilities.
Tried to buy some Laxative today with a friend for a totally obvious prank. I had to tell the woman (who had a fuckin' 'tash?!) that it was for me and that I had a clogged hole, but she wanted me to give the pharmacist details. I couldn't ******** my way through that, so, the prank failed.

Was still a fun day, though. Some kid managed to last 35-40 minutes in Spoons. Surprised he wasn't, like, injured, or something. lol.
Chaz said:
As for insurance, I got a renewal from DirectLine for my 2nd year (1 years NC bonus) for £947.10. I found one on Aviva for £651, so I'm gonna ring DirectLine to get them to consider lowering it. Then I'll see what to do.

Holy crap dude, that is expensive. ;_; My first year of car insurance is costing me about £525 fully comprehensive with Admiral. Previously it was about £418, but when I told them I had passed my driving test, they asked for more money. :/
Godot said:
Tried to buy some Laxative today with a friend for a totally obvious prank. I had to tell the woman (who had a ****' 'tash?!) that it was for me and that I had a clogged hole, but she wanted me to give the pharmacist details. I couldn't ******** my way through that, so, the prank failed.

Was still a fun day, though. Some kid managed to last 35-40 minutes in Spoons. Surprised he wasn't, like, injured, or something. lol.

polo's + water + blender = laxative.

Spoons? as in a pub? lol depending on the age, thats not bad. i was visiting the pub at 15 and somehow managed to get a pint. that place is now my local :p
Tachi- said:
Spoons? as in a pub? lol depending on the age, thats not bad. i was visiting the pub at 15 and somehow managed to get a pint. that place is now my local :p

Nah nah nah man. Spoons the game. The cruel game that you do to new sixth formers.

Both contestants put a spoon in their mouth. One bows their head, and via 'head-flick' the one hits the other on the head. They take it in turns until one gives up. It's much like Knuckles/Coins etc., but with an awesome twist - The Year 13 will have someone else actually smack the new kid with a spoon in the back of the head. So; the year 13 feels all to no pain, but, the new kid (Year 12) is in a lot. It's basically seeing how long until that Year 12 gives up.

Now, this kid was a dick, who kept making bad jokes throughout the day - that's why he was 'challenged'. One of his jokes was (And I warn, this is offensive); Isn't it funny how people with downs syndrome are so ugly? After that joke, it was deemed okay to bash him in the head with a spoon for a while and video it - But he was determined. He last 35-40 minutes being smacked pretty damn hard in the head, lol. He was shaking by the end of it, and he only stopped cause we called it off for him. He did see the video, needless to say he was embaressed.

To clarify, most last 5 - 10 minutes tops.

It seems cruel, but I take comfort in the fact I was just part of the crowd, not the one pounding his head with a spoon. :D
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Wow, why waste 30 minutes of your time doing that? We just used to ram kid's balls into the iron pole in the middle of our common room, I can guarantee you no-one lasts very long as the participant in that game.
ilmaestro said:
Wow, why waste 30 minutes of your time doing that? We just used to ram kid's balls into the iron pole in the middle of our common room, I can guarantee you no-one lasts very long as the participant in that game.

It was raining heavily outside. What else could we do? Haha.
Stuart-says-yes said:
fackin 'eck I though there was a zombie Armageddon or terrorist attack, I woke up and all the power was off, naturally thats the first conclusion I jamp too.

Then my mother implied I had problems of sorts for believing in something so irrational, so I told her "If people believe in god, then believing in zombies isn't much different" which promptly shut her up.

point out to her that a university in the US is offering a course on Zombies and how to deal with an amageddon stage

they obviously know something we don't
Stuart-says-yes said:
Then my mother implied I had problems of sorts for believing in something so irrational, so I told her "If people believe in god, then believing in zombies isn't much different" which promptly shut her up.

It's scientifically proven Zombies won't exist. Also, as for a Zombie Armageddon? Read this.

Religion is based on faith. Not everyone believes things to the exact word to their Holy book (especially as many religions don't even have a Holy book. To have faith in something you can't see is hardly unusual. Can you see love? Can you touch love? No. But you'd probably still say you love your family. Can you see a religious deity? Can you feel a religious deity? No. But many would say they can feel one.

So, how do you prove you love someone? Romantic gestures? Gifts? These things are both accepted ways of showing love for someone.

How do you prove that you're a person of faith? You go to gatherings, you act upon what you believe.

Please, don't be so close minded to all religions. You'll find at some point in your life you look to your horror scope, or you'll look to a palm reader (or anything similar, the list goes on) to help you see what is ahead. These are just as irrational acts of faith. Just because you don't tag yourself to any particular religion, it doesn't stop you being someone of of faith - and the way that post was going, you were seemingly implying that all people who act on a faith basis (as opposed to scientific) are lunatics who 'believing in irrational things'.

/rant over.
ilmaestro said:
Wow, why waste 30 minutes of your time doing that? We just used to ram kid's balls into the iron pole in the middle of our common room, I can guarantee you no-one lasts very long as the participant in that game.

I had someone tell me about their school days in the Walsall area, and it involved a "knacker pole" as well. The phrase is brilliant.

Is this some strangely sadistic West Midlands thing?
Why can't kids just do what we used to?

turn school tables on the side and throw stuff at each other's newly found "trenches"

makes me wonder "what the hell would i have to have done or been part of to NOT have been made a prefect" but i mostly plant it down to how much of a nice guy i am ;)
alot more interesting than our 6th form i'd say, all we do nowdays is sit around being bored, no one has some damn sense to bring in some poker chips (card games are a common room passtime, along with using bits of wood and tennis balls to play "common room cricket") though last year some of the year 13s did some crazy ****, and it ended up with alot of stuff being broken

one of the cupboard doors is still broken, it's hanging on one hinge, holes in the walls everywhere, i broke the leg on one sofa by accident and nearly smashed a light

now all we need to do is organise some porn hunting , as i'm dying to know what goodies lie in the cupboards in the main block
memorium said:
no one has some damn sense to bring in some poker chips

A lot of people play for coppers in my 6th. You could try that, until the school go **** on you and tell you it's against the rules.

Just play some other game bar poker. We've been playing ******** lately. I wish the morons who bring in the cards spent more time learning the rules to card games, as opposed to fancy shuffling techniques, though.