The General Conversation Area

Congratz muts,

Morning all, in a nice mood today. was walking down to work (from the carpark) and my gf just happened to be walking up to the dentists :D so had a nice few minutes just being with her, before the townhall clock started chiming, so we both had to rush off.

Turns out this week and next will be choca.
Tonight i'm on call. Tomorrow i'm going round kayls, saturday were off to milton keynes (taking her for a nice meal and shopping....hoping to get a chance to buy anime whilst there) then coming back and heading off to her best mates house for a house party.

Sunday she's coming over, so will probably be sat nursing hangovers.

Monday - on call again.
Tuesday - Going to a rock bar/club with the lads for a £12 free bar :D
Weds - spending the whole day with kayls
Thursday - heading back to the gym
Friday - heading over to Hitchin to go pubcrawling with Toby
Sat - suiting up and heading into london for a night out drinking with a few people.
Sunday - Time to head home and iron stuff for work. will spend the evening on the phone to kayls and probably watching anime.

Thus is my busy life. If Naruto shippuden Vol 2 appears at some stage this week, i'll squeeze that one in before i head off to Hitchin.
Morning Tachi and any others!

Firstly, congrats Muts! I never win anything myself.... but then again the only competition I really enter every week is on The Gadget Show (I can dream). Other than that I always buy a lottery ticket every week and have done for the past 6 years.... so far I haven't even won the minimum prize!!! It's so bad that I can only assume that they have bigger plans for me in the near future. A rollover jackpot would be nice like. (like I said, I can dream).

Well, as per usual it's busy here in the office... Due to the lack of staff in the office due to illness and summer hollidays, I've been juggling several contracts instead of just the one recently. It's not been too bad I suppose as it's been anything but boring. Days are passing quite swiftly which is what I want. Holliday in October!!! Woop!

I really need to get back into my anime... recently I just haven't had time or have just not been in the mood. My backlog has increased too with further DVD purchases! I forsee some hardcore anime watching in the next few weeks. I kicked it of with 10 episodes of NANA last night. Skipping the opening and end credits obviously helped me cram like. Heh. Still ended up being a 3am bedtime though. =_=
Busy and going to get more busy soon I imagine! TT_TT

Morning Manga. hope your doing well mate. I noticed you told me to watch Bleach the other day, I'm assuming your uptodate with it? I have plans on watching it, but I have the rest of NANA, Beck, FMA:B and EVA 1.11 amogst others that I want to watch too. I hate having so many options.... ¬_¬
Voddas said:
Busy and going to get more busy soon I imagine! TT_TT

Morning Manga. hope your doing well mate. I noticed you told me to watch Bleach the other day, I'm assuming your uptodate with it? I have plans on watching it, but I have the rest of NANA, Beck, FMA:B and EVA 1.11 amogst others that I want to watch too. I hate having so many options.... ¬_¬

Sorry Voddas, you are confusing me with Stuart-says-yes (I just checked). I have watched 3 seasons of Bleach plus the first movie.

I'm fine thanks for asking. Just busy with with work as usual.
Afternoon gents,

I've just updated the "what've you bought today" thread a few bargains on the web at the moment.

@Voddas: whats the plan with the 15days off? Just going to relax, or are you heading off to better climates for a while?
Have you seen Saiyuki yet Tach? Nice prices by the way. :thumb:

For the 15 days at the end of October I will be across the Atlantic Ocean and soaking up some rays in Florida USA! I can't freaking wait!!!! XD
Nope, i've read the basic idea of what its about on MAL. Looks interesting, so i'll just need vol 2 to complete the set. (*sigh* another 7 disc set to take up more space)

You what?! you've kept that pretty close to your chest! when the hell did you book that?
(2 holidays this year?! getting greedy mate)
Universal everytime mate! :thumb:
Disney's good if you've never been before but once you've seen it you've seen it.

Greedy? Oh Yes! Heh.
Tachi, I meant have you seen Saiyuki (as in the first series). Saiyuki Reloaded is it's sequal isn't it?

Anyway, off to lunch now. Laters!
I dunno, I find there to be a lot of fun in the Disney parks, especially in America. I probably do prefer the Universal parks though. The Incredible Hulk ride is siiick and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter looks amazing. October is a good time to go, as well. Comfortable weather.
Your not wrong, Disney does have a lot to offer (especially the Florida one). It has Pirates of the Caribbean, It's a small World, The Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain etc. But they're all relatively chilled out, sit and watch rides. Like you said, The Hulk is awesome and I'm more of a Rollercoster Fanboy. Plus I love all the movie themes throughout the Universal parks.
I'm also looking forward to the new Harry Potter area too! Woop! Ontop of all that, I'm going at Halloween so it'll be epic!

On other news, my town cinema has decided to show Scott Pilgrim (previously they weren't going to) so I have already got myself booked in for Saturday! XD
Haha. Brilliant! :p

I'm currently trying to get ringtones for my iPhone. I looked into it once, but it seems to be easier now or something. Not sure what I want though.
Hi all.

@Tachi (From yesterday) - I do eat Fajitas!! But I actually cook them through and make sure I aint rolling on my bed in pain. And I have Chilli sauce a lot of the time too, so that's no excuse either. :p

Anyways, Florida is indeed a nice place to go. Where we stayed wasn't too bad either, as long as you dont mind leaving the hotel area and finding long stretches of cheap amusements and fast-food resurants. But it wasn't bad though.
When I went, we went to Disney, Universal and Epcot. I like my rides too, and I enjoyed "The Mummy" ride the most. MIB was fun too, just for holding a plastic gun and acting like a 6 year old shooting aliens.
Epcot is something I'd not spend all day with with each visit. I had my general taste of it, looking around the different (stereotyped) countries, but I'd probably only go back there to on short visits to one or 2 countries, especially Japan. Got my nice $150 kimono from there, and I still wear it with pride.

Anyways, enjoy the flight - I mean the holiday. ;)
Hello peeps,

Just got back from lunch. Managed to go to a restaurant, offered free pizza and garlic bread (turned it down) wiped the face of a small child (the kid my gf's mum is fostering looks up to me) talked to kayls, then went and wandered around town, organised a mate to come to the expo next month and bought lunch (greggs mexican chicken oval sandwich) now its time to count the pennies and buy my early entry tickets

@Chazzy chaz: Your bloody picky then :lol: