The General Conversation Area

I've had the internet for a few days, since the weekend. friday to be exact. i've just been quiet. noticed you on msn the other night....but thought i'd leave to your devices for abit as i wasn't intending to be online for more than a few brief minutes.

Works okay, worked hard and now reaping the benefits of being able to come on here for abit lol.
finishing early too. have a driving lesson at 4pm.
lol 8th lesson today :thumb:
last lesson wasn't so good...mainly because i had a knock to my confidence. awwell..i'm riding high today :)
lol no, just a bad day in the office....they come around once in a i hadn't driven in 2 i was rust to start off lol.
@tachi-: Hey, that fox comment didn't come outta knowhere, otaku mentioned a fox and the thing just popped into me head.

Job hunting, how i hate it so. I need to get a flat still as well, and it just seems to pile up when i least notice it.
Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful da... *gets sniped from a nearby bush*

*Voddas steps out with a rifle*

He's an imposter and he speeks in lieing tounges!

*empties a few more rounds into the body* :evil: