The General Conversation Area

some intelligent conversation:

Person A:"Foxes are a wonderful species. Spanning all over the world from America, Europe and Japan"
Person B:"It's the same thing with pigeons"
Person A:"Well you'd hardly think of a pigeon as majestic"
Person B:"Yeah, but i hardly think 'fox pie' sounds a treat"

I feel like climbing down the interwebs and beating sproy to a pulp fiction ;)

he's starting to piss me off again....there seams to be a problem with his machine every few months. grrr
On a really random note, i somehow got deemed a fox in uni at the end of the last uni year, and it seems to have stuck. Apparently its because i don't sleep during the night and i have red hair.
Arbalest said:
On a really random note, i somehow got deemed a fox in uni at the end of the last uni year, and it seems to have stuck. Apparently its because i don't sleep during the night and i have red hair. ;)

:p thats unlucky mate...still...could be worse!
Off home now *grabs bag and jacket and heads towards the door*
I never said it was a bad thing, but it was a tad annoying at first ;p

Hah, thankfully i don't gamble, and i detest bingo. I really don't get the whole fandom over it at the moment, seems stupid really.
Tachi- said:
I feel like climbing down the interwebs and beating sproy to a pulp fiction ;)

he's starting to piss me off again....there seams to be a problem with his machine every few months. grrr


Bah it aint that bad!

I'm not really pissin' ya off though, right?
RetroRainbow said:
Embrace the foxyness! :D You're rather lucky having red hair. It would look horrible on me, I'm afraid, so I push my dream of having red hair onto other people, hah.

I rarely see people with red hair about. Only one person I know has true red hair. She's incredibly tall and skinny, and has this massive head of red frizz; rather intimidating to look it! When we were shopping together one time, random tourists came up to her and asked could they take a photo of her. Very surreal, but apparently it happens to her quite a lot!

So there you go Arbalest, you could have people taking your photo soon, too! :lol:

Its surprising actually, there was only like 2 other people in high school in my year with Red Hair, then i come to uni and about 3 people i'm friends will are red heads themself. It was almost like they all decided to attend the one university.

Hah, the reason there is no picture of me here on the forums is because i detest having my picture taken, if possible, i will avoid cameras like a plague.

On the fox thing, we eventually decided that "Mr Fox" was suitable enough for me, so it kinda stuck. I don't get called it often, but on occasion i still will.

EDIT: Again with the red hair bit, its strange, when you ask someone with red hair when they are young if they like it, i find they usually detest it, but when they get older, they would never have their hair colour any other way, like myself.
Arbalest said:
EDIT: Again with the red hair bit, its strange, when you ask someone with red hair when they are young if they like it, i find they usually detest it, but when they get older, they would never have their hair colour any other way, like myself.
Probably because adults (or adults who actually act in an adult manner anyway) don't get the piss ripped out of them for it by their peers. Kids notice anything different about people and then turn it against them. It's kind of worrying when you think about it... Built in intolerance.

I can't say I really even notice red hair on guys but:
RetroRainbow said:
Only one person I know has true red hair. She's incredibly tall and skinny, and has this massive head of red frizz; rather intimidating to look it!
Can you introduce us? :p
Spyro201 said:
Tachi- said:
I feel like climbing down the interwebs and beating sproy to a pulp fiction ;)

he's starting to piss me off again....there seams to be a problem with his machine every few months. grrr


Bah it aint that bad!

I'm not really pissin' ya off though, right?

lol no don't worry about it :p

Well Arby....they do say that kids are innocent of many things...but to be honest they can be right horrible pieces of work lol. i had a....strange hair colour most of my life...always wanted brown hair.....thankfully i've worked out something....when its short...its blonde. when it grows it gets darker...towards redish...carry on growing it and eventually turns brown :)

then i get the random blonde streaks coming out of nowhere!! :/

@ Ayase :lol:
Ah red hair, it was my bane when i was younger, although my hair has long since changed colour as i grew, now its more brown, annoyingly though in bright sunlight it does show a redish tint.
i find it ironic that so many people like anime AND have red hair...its like slapping a sticker on our heads saying "stereotype"