The General Conversation Area

Foxstripe said:
Got my interview tomorrow, eeek!!
Good luck and hopefully, you get this one man!

Tachi- said:
Have a shirt on....and my england shirt on underneath!
I guess I'm the only one here in the office who doesn't really care about the english match today. I'll watch most of it anyway, as I sit right in front of the office TV =)

Arbalest said:
Wasted shirt, england will lose ;p.
Ah the scottish support!!! =D

Arbalest said:
So i get rudely awakened this morning to home calling me telling me "we need you've been asked to work", apparently the shop at home is in such a bad situation, they need me there, tis quite something. Regardless, it means i have work. So hoorah!. It also means that if i am home most of the time, i should really start moving things back..goody. Tis gonna be a long summer =/
Well, I guess that's a good news even despite the rude awakening =) Congrats on your new job man!

Voddas said:
I'm wearing a red and white t-shirt to go with the England theme without wearing a football shirt. It's gonna be dead in here this afternoon. The office will be empty from 2.30 onwards. Just me and a few others holding the fort. Joys!
Don't worry I'll be here as well. We could "twit" the game in the forums... :p

Voddas said:
Anyway, I'm just popping on to let you know that I'm training some new starts this morning so I won't be able to posts (looks like I'll have to work). I may get to post a little but if not, I'll be about this afternoon wondering why I'm still here.
See you later =)
Congratz on getting some work Arby, patience really must be a virtue,

The others on the floor have said there's a tv downstairs thats free, so we might be able to sit and watch it still :D
@Tach: it does, but the main problem here is that it isn't in edinburgh the job, but back home. I'll need to arrange to get back up here more often than not to sort out flats and everything else. So yeah, pros are that i have a job and income, cons are that i have to get back to edinburgh to deal with everything.
Arbalest said:
@Tach: it does, but the main problem here is that it isn't in edinburgh the job, but back home. I'll need to arrange to get back up here more often than not to sort out flats and everything else. So yeah, pros are that i have a job and income, cons are that i have to get back to edinburgh to deal with everything.
=/ so did I get this right? You'll be working back home, wherever taht is and coming back to Edinburgh for uni? What's is your commute time like?
*drum roll followed by a clash of cybals as Voddas walks into the room*

Greetings! At last the training is over for the day. I just sat there and waffled about bollocks for the last hour untill they left. They new I was waffling because I told them, "no i shall waffle untill home time".
Anyways, hows all? Watching the match this afternoon?

Edit: Not literally bollocks btw. ¬_¬
Voddas said:
*asks the drummer to leave*

Well that was a waste of a classic entrance. :roll:

Hello Vod- damn i'm an hour late.

Hello all, just handed some Job Applications and just off to work at my voluntry workplace.

Watched the first 5 minutes of the England game and it doesn't look promising.
Good luck Reevo. :thumb:

Watching the Match off another computer so I'm running back and forth in the office. I'm hoping for a 2:0 win. Second goal will be late on in the game I forsee.
*rubs crystal ball*
Thanks Guys :)

Mutsumi said:
Passed my driving theory test earlier today! Woot!

That took me five attempts to get through, FIVE ATTEMPTS!!, twas hell.

Like pretty much everyone, I forgive England for those 2 poor perfomances. Well done to USA too.
@chaos: no no. I finished university back in May, so i don't have university to worry about until september. I'm working at home as it was the only option. I need to get back to edinburgh to search for flats, keep the place clean for flat viewings, and look for a job to start in september, as this will only be a temp job. What it means is that, i'll need to work 4 days a week, and spend 3 days in edinburgh at a time.

England went through =/ You maybe english, and so will always support them and the like, but england really didn't deserve to go through to the next round. They've been terrible, and the reporters don't help that. They should have gone out to be fair, but i guess i'll settle for only france out at the moment.
stuart-says-yes said:
We got to watch the first half of the england game in maths, I don't like england but I don't want USA to get through so I want England to win this one. ENGLAND
How much mathematics did you learn in the process? (Note that I would only allow shot statistics highly begrudgingly.)

I myself was gardening during the match.
@Fox - You will definately find volume 1 of FB. The problem is when you get to no.4. Years ago back in my early days of anime watching, I niavely decided to buy the last volume in the run up to Christmas. Big mistake! I couldn't find it anywhere. It took me two whole months to find it. An experience I would never like to repeat...

@everyone - World cup comments... My office became suspicously vacant during the match.

@Matsumi - well done :)
Reevothemusefan said:
Mutsumi said:
Passed my driving theory test earlier today! Woot!

That took me five attempts to get through, FIVE ATTEMPTS!!, twas hell.

This was on my first try. I can barely believe I managed to score enough on the hazard perception part, as it penalised me for clicking too many times on a clip featuring a very crowded town centre road with lots of legitimate potential hazards. Not only that, but that was my double-hazard clip, so that penalty cost me ten potential points. Thankfully I did well enough on the other clips to get 49/75 for hazard perception. The multiple choice part was easy though, as having been a road user for five years now on a motorbike, road signs, markings, and other such things were all very familiar to me, so I only got one question wrong there, about why driving with the clutch down is bad. That question doesn't even apply to me anyways because I'm going to drive an automatic. ^^;

At least the hard part is over. I am less nervous about the practical test.