The General Conversation Area

There's an idiot sat in the office making weird and tone deaf noises, i've asked them to stop but she's still making "nuuuh, nah ne neeer naaaa, nuuur" noises. I wonder if she knows that were on the 8th floor....and if she carries on she'll be at the ground floor within a few seconds if i push her out of the window.

Apart from that, works not bad. i've got a headache but i've taken a few ibuprofen for it. i have nothing planned tonight so i'll be able to sit back and watch the highlights and then play abit on the ps3 and maybe get started on some of the anime i bought at the expo.

How're you feeling, any better?
Haha thanks Devil, i like my taste too :)

Yeah I wanna see Burst angel Tachi, although i seem to remember Voddas saying it was the most boring thing he has ever seen with his clothes on......or was it off.......
better yeah just having pasta now. don't want to temp fate by eating something that i will later reget. what did u get at the expo? u can always gag her or just give her sleeping tablets....
Foxstripe said:
Yeah I wanna see Burst angel Tachi, although i seem to remember Voddas saying it was the most boring thing he has ever seen with his clothes on......or was it off.......
I beg your pardon. :shock:

I've never seen Burst Angel. Must have been someone else, or a different anime we were discussing. :lol:
Voddas said:
Foxstripe said:
Yeah I wanna see Burst angel Tachi, although i seem to remember Voddas saying it was the most boring thing he has ever seen with his clothes on......or was it off.......
I beg your pardon. :shock:

I've never seen Burst Angel. Must have been someone else, or a different anime we were discussing. :lol:

whoops sorry Voddas, must'nt of been you then haha *shields from voddas' fireballs*

well cex has the boxset for £25? is that a good deal?
don't buy boxsets from places if the boxset is over £15, thats the rule i go by, you may find that buying it in Vols will be cheaper than the price their selling it as a set
No worries Fox. :p Heh. *controls urge to throw fire balls*

6 Volumes at £2.99 works out cheaper though. I'm the same as Tachi when it come to having a tight grasp on the old wallet. With the bills I have, I can't justify buying a boxset for £30. That's why I don't own some of my all time favourite series. Trigun being one of them. T_T
Other series on my wish list are Gurren Laggan, Code Geass, Haruhi Suzamiya (spelling), Full Metal Alchemist, Welcome to the the NHK. Just to name a few out of my price range.
the point that your buying from CEX means your not too bothered about it being second hand, with that said:

VOL 1 from amazon: £1.13
VOL 2 from CEX £2.50
VOL 3 from amazon: £3.94
VOL 4 from amazon New £4.33
VOL 5 from amazon: £3.60
Can't find VOL 6 from here or CeX

OR its £17.99 from amazon as a boxset.
Thats alot cheaper than £25, ohhhhh plus volumes look impressive.

Yes Gurren Laggan is a must for me too, it seems everyone loves it, as with Black Lagoon. Full Metal Alchemist is good so far, only on Volumer 6 though :(
devilrules666 said:
u need some excel saga in ur life!
Nabeshin makes a special appearance in Hayate. Also, althought Hayate is less non-sensical than Excel Saga, I find it more funny as sometimes I've got the feeling that Excel Saga was forcing things a bit too much.

Tachi- said:
The bloody IT Dept have taken off the Adobe flash ad-ons!! So i'm furious right now, their stupid websense filter is blocking my WMP radio function and ALL radio websites..... Either i'm going to buy myself a radio attachment for my ipod, or writting that command prompt i have at home to make another profile on the server and make me a default admin, download adobe onto my computer and then watch the england match no problem....or just bring in a copy of adobe flash and install it myself.
A friend of mine overrode these restrictions by installing a linux server on his work desktop. Not advisable for most people though.

He did that so he could watch the whole gunslinger girl series whistl at work.
Foxstripe said:
Thats alot cheaper than £25, ohhhhh plus volumes look impressive.

Yes Gurren Laggan is a must for me too, it seems everyone loves it, as with Black Lagoon. Full Metal Alchemist is good so far, only on Volumer 6 though :(

See, before shelling out on things...come see the sages of tightness (Voddas and myself) well always advice you to look around for the cheapest deals.

Given the time of day and how busy i am i'll track down bargains on shows people want.

WRT shows, Andrew at beez gave me a little discount and advised i try out Gurren Laggaan, Haven't watched it yet but i've seen a trailer on it and it looks rather good :)
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
The bloody IT Dept have taken off the Adobe flash ad-ons!! So i'm furious right now, their stupid websense filter is blocking my WMP radio function and ALL radio websites..... Either i'm going to buy myself a radio attachment for my ipod, or writting that command prompt i have at home to make another profile on the server and make me a default admin, download adobe onto my computer and then watch the england match no problem....or just bring in a copy of adobe flash and install it myself.
A friend of mine overrode these restrictions by installing a linux server on his work desktop. Not advisable for most people though.

He did that so he could watch the whole gunslinger girl series whistl at work.

Ahh, minilinux maybe my saviour. I'd completely forgot about that! cheers Chaos :D they have "damn small linux" aswell according to My friend Toby. either way, a mini OS loaded through a data stick is easier to deal with thatn basically hacking the servers for my own gain and risk being fired lol