The General Conversation Area

Hah! :lol:

Shame your not closer Ayase or else I'd take you up on that offer. Guess I'll just have to bite my lip and pay more or less £160 again. *Tears constantly fall from his face*
Last time (a month ago) it was done by an man arguing with his partner. He was taking his anger out on cars they past. I only this because a neighbour reported this as it happened... and still no idea who it was.
*heavy sigh*
well the gain for the prepatrator could be simply revenge (like a student vandlising the house of a teacher that gave them detetnion or something like that) Could be an insurance scam disguised by an act of vandlism. Although what's wrong with sercuity camera's in public places, only place i wouldn't want one is in my house or toilets.
They keep saying their gonna put a camare aiming up my street. It never happens like. This Is the 6th time this has happened in the past 6 years! 5 times it was the wing mirrors and the one time I put my carin a lock up car park... someone hot wired it and tortaled it by driving it repeatedly into the secure walls. My luck with cars sux. Can't wait till I can afford to move to a nicer area... a drive would be nice. ^^
ouch, records like that suck, surely the lock up place had cameras and could catch the people who did it. A while back there was a gang of "hub cap" collectors going around for somereason they thought it funny to steal people's hubcaps and then use them as frisbees, thankfully i think the police managed to collar them
What's the damage like Voddas? You could always try sorting it yourself. I'd just obtain new stick-on mirrors from a parts shop (shouldn't be any more than £15 each) if you can reattach the housings and they aren't too badly damaged - if they are I'd try and get some complete mirrors with housings from a scrap yard or off ebay. If you're not sure how to attach them a Haynes manual might help you out. What motor have you got anyway? My interest's piqued now we've started talking about car repairs (sad or what?) :lol:

@Black - I just don't like the presumption of guilt the police / government seem to place on everybody these days. It's very "Big Brother is Watching You" - rule through fear of the law rather than respect of it. If people respected other people and their property more there wouldn't be any need for them, and I think we need to create respect for laws rather than simply make people obey out of paranoia that they might be caught.
The damage is the area of no wing mirror :( The whole thing has gone. I need the whole thing doing, including the fixture that it connects to the car with. I have a Mitsubishi Black Hawk. I've fixed the damage before when I used to have a saxo coz the parts were easy to get a hold of however this is out of my car repair skills range. Well, I could do it but I would like it done nice like.

It's not sad... I find it intresting at least. ;)

I like cars. 8)

EDIT: I agree that in some cases the big brother theme does get old when it comes to the eye of the government but I wouldn't mind just one more camera.... maybe on my street perhaps. Heh.
I find cars to be meh, just give me one that won't break down in the next year or two and actually is able to move forward :p and i won't care :)

@Ayase, always seems to me that people make a fuss out of nothing, i agree you can't rule with fear i mean, doesn't any one in the goverment watch movies? I mean look at the Empire from star wars, they didn't exactly end up in a good place :p but as long as people just do the right thing and follow the laws i don't see a problem at all, i feel better surrounded by sercuity camera's then i do people sometimes :lol:
Well, take some consolation in the fact that you have a hell of a nice car. Rather blows my old '97 Fiesta out of the water :p

Ah, there is no mirror left at all. Not content with smashing it off they nicked off with it as well? F*ckers. Doesn't look like new mirrors for that model are easy to come by either...

I have to admit I'm more skilled in patching up bangers than anything newer (I don't think anyone in my family has ever had a car newer than about ten years old) The complicated nature of new cars scares me. I like to see a noticeable metal engine block when I open the bonnet rather than a nondescript mass of black plastic. :?
Thanks Ayase. It is a nice car isn't it. :D
I have always had bangers up intill this car. I bought this from the will of my Gramps after he passed away. I thought it was better than paying for banger repairs for years. I guess the problem with a new car is that you don't pay anything for repars... but if you do have to repair... stuns your wallet.
All is clear Black. I tried to find a picture of you actually and say here is my Black Hawk... ah wait... that's my Black Wolf lol.

Alas... I couldn't locate it.
Come on Black, cars are as close as we're likely to get to mecha. :p

The design of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X was apparently Gundam influenced...
if it doesn't have legs, arms and a camera head then i'm not intrested :p i've heard that before about the car but i can't see it myself :lol: I think i'll just put myself in cryo till we've got mecha that are affordable and not deathtraps (so that rules out Gundam Wing's Leo's and the Ball from UC timeline)
See ya Panda. Good to see you too. :)

I will be packing up my netbook in preparation for heading home very soon... See you all later once I've gotten home. :p