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Tachi those ideas are rarely pulled off successfully, besides what if he doesn't have space for something like that, maybe it wouldn't be worth losing a percentage of his stock for the changes.

I saw the Wolverine film on monday, was good, didn't offer too many continuity problems with the Xmen films it prequeled, and now Deadpool is confrimed as getting his own film.
Tachi- said:
Hey Black, Ayase and Ryo.

i still say you should sell drinks too, and have beanbags. or a few chairs and tables outside, hire a woman and have it as a bookstore come cafe, especially when the heatwaves hit. people will love to sit with a drink and a good book, also bought from your store :p see where i'm going with this? :)

This is britian we're talking about, a heatwave is something that comes from a microwave to us

Tachi- said:
anyome played the new xmen game? or seen the film for that matter?

not yet but it's on my to do list
Legally the premises can't be used for food Tach, there's no kitchen anyway, just a bathroom. And I think I might get some complaints if I started setting out tables in the bus stop outside. :p

There's certainly room for a bit of growth though, and I do like the idea of having a bigger open area at the front for people to sit and read if they want. I can't see it being against the rules to offer tea and coffee either. Come the summer I'll see how much the shop can really take (I get the feeling it's so seasonal here that the summer will more or less finance the winter) and then I can start planning whatever Phase Two is going to be...
:) well, come what may i hope its all good luck
i did know that shops have to be specific to what they other words a bookshop can't become a restaurant without a load of licenses and the such.

I saw it on monday too. i enjoyed it, just looking forward to getting the game, as i've played the demo on the ps3 but it finishes just as a monster appears :(
there was a ps2 game with wolverine as the main character. it was a really good game :p

also...i didn't know wolverine had a brother...and i'm right in thinking that victor is sabertooth?
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That was the x men 2 game i believe :p

yeah Victor Creed is Sabertooth, although he appears to be a bit smarter in this film then the monster he appears as in the first X Men movie, nice to see Stryker's son being mentioned since he uses him in X2. Of course the brother's thing has just been invented for this movieverse
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well it certainly explains why sabertooth never dies lol

Xmen 2?? hmmmm i don't remember him being in that...
...I hope you're not talking about Wolverine not being in Xmen 2 since up to now, along with Cyclops and Prof X they are the only characters to be in all x men films. Sabertooth is only in the first film and then disappears.

If you're talking about Stryker then it probably doesn't help that they use different actors (about 10 years pass between the wolverine movie and X2 judging by how old Scott is in wolverine and then how old he is leading the team in the movies) but he is the badguy in that film and uses his son (who he's expermented on) to try and force Xavier into killing all the mutants in the world (Magneto stops this and then turns the tables and tries to kill all the normal humans in the world).
BlackWolf said:
...I hope you're not talking about Wolverine not being in Xmen 2 since up to now, along with Cyclops and Prof X they are the only characters to be in all x men films. Sabertooth is only in the first film and then disappears.

If you're talking about Stryker then it probably doesn't help that they use different actors (about 10 years pass between the wolverine movie and X2 judging by how old Scott is in wolverine and then how old he is leading the team in the movies) but he is the badguy in that film and uses his son (who he's expermented on) to try and force Xavier into killing all the mutants in the world (Magneto stops this and then turns the tables and tries to kill all the normal humans in the world).

nope i was talking about stryker don't worry,
Who's the guy who turns into a mutant and squeezes through the big circle covered by bars in one of the films?
That would be Senator Kelly :p after Magneto tests out his system to turn everyone into mutants, Kelly of course doesn't surivive for much longer after he escapes as his body breaks down.
BlackWolf said:
That would be Senator Kelly :p after Magneto tests out his system to turn everyone into mutants, Kelly of course doesn't surivive for much longer after he escapes as his body breaks down.

Ahh, i remember this.
stryker Jr is a beast with those Katana. really enjoyed the special effects in the film :p
actually that wasn't strkyer jr, that was Daniel Wade aka Deadpool (now starrng in his own feature film which should actually be pretty good) The effects were so-so like the cgi claws in the bathroom scene. Was intresting to see them give Wolvie his bone claws from the comics (they only appeared after Magneto had ripped all of the adamantium from his body)
BlackWolf said:
actually that wasn't strkyer jr, that was Daniel Wade aka Deadpool (now starrng in his own feature film which should actually be pretty good) The effects were so-so like the cgi claws in the bathroom scene. Was intresting to see them give Wolvie his bone claws from the comics (they only appeared after Magneto had ripped all of the adamantium from his body) is stryker jr the angel guy?
and i didn't know wolverine had bone claws....i thought the only power he had was regeneration. and was captured by scientists and they did a load of experiments on him. then he escaped and joined the xmen......blame xmen evolution lol
no strkyer jr isn't angel/archangel either :p he's a kid in a wheel chair who has powerful psychic manipulation abilities (He made his mother kill herself) best option is to go and watch X Men 2 again :p

As i say the bone claws was only in the comics although a bone claw version of wolverine did make it into the Marvel Vs Capcom 2 game (go and play this) as a playable character (was stronger then normal wolvie) plus in the comics he only got the bone claws because his regeneration powers went overdrive after Magneto preformed the aforementioned "metal removal"

Probably wasn't the best fight to go into really, a guy with bones laced with metal against the master of magnetism
I'm pretty sure his bone claws were always there in the comics, they just got covered in adamantium by Weapon X.

I refuse to even go and see this film. What the hell have they done to Deadpool?

Hi by the way ^_^
Hi panda long time no speak :) I was expecting more from the merc with a mouth but still it was good despite that. In hindsight i think they should of gotten someone else to fulfill that role like a clone and then they find the original locked away and he helps out.

Btw that email from yesterday....everythings fine :D my parents have agreed that it wasn't my fault and everythings goooood ^__^

you should go see it, i liked it.
i remember the old Xmen eps....they where good :) and thundercats was a good programme too.

Right im off to sort out my mates birthday card and things :)
cya all in 30-45 mins
When you say xmen which xmen cartoon? as xmen 94 > xmen evloution :p I will probably be gone by the time you get back as my g/f is coming over soon so i'll talk to you later Tachi :)
Glad everythings okay Tach, sorry I didn't get a chance to reply yesterday, I just can't seem to get more than 5 mins peace here at the mo!
@Black - I totally agree x-men 94>x-men evolution :D

Got to go again, works calling - I'll try and get back on later! :)