The General Conversation Area

Pfft. Jennifer Aniston's not even that attractive.

Aion said:
Females are more interesting to type with - males tend to be idiots. I'd rather talk shoujo than shounen. That's why it saddens me that I only have Geek to have lengthy forum 'discussions' with...
I'd probably rather talk neither but if forced I'd rather talk shonen with a woman who appreciates it. Just as some men are more interesting to talk to, so are some women. And I've found that the people I get on best with are the women who think more like men. I get on better with them than women who think like women, or men who think like men.

It's just a shame not many of them are straight.
lmao i don't know if that was a rip at me or not...but it sounded like a really weird night.

I spent the night with my gf, watching tv. eating Pizza, got free Garlic bread and wedges in a meal deal. and resisted the constant offers to have a beer.....Since Sunday i haven't touched a drop......had to clear out the works so i don't end up with alcohol poisoning or something stupid tonight.

Got home and watched the final 2 eps of True Blood...and yeah, i knew the evil sods would end it on a cliffhanger....i'm not sure what they'll do for the second series, they killed off half the staff in the first series ¬_¬

Anyway, i'm overseeing most of the office today as i've gotta step up.....So very busy today :/
i'm finding it how very creepy Hellsing goes with Alladin songs

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

the syncing is probably the best syncing i've seen in an AMV since that Evangelion with Engel playing 8) :)
Lupus said:
You guys have ruined this thread.

anywayz... just got back from my mate joe's, had a crazy night... started with me mates all going out, went to some bar... watched this bouncer solo like 10 guys at once... he was my best mate btw. after that went into the bar... got this girl a drink... turned out it was jenifer aniston pulled her ofc... had one too many and then... i woke up in my room and my mate joe's house... wtf... jenifer aniston was laying next to me in bed... but i turned to my side... there was a free pizza!!! so i woke up, put my clothes on and walked to work munching this pizza and left aniston there.

so what did you guys get up to?

What? It did happen.


I would like do add soemthing productive to the end of this, like how MY day went, but it's only 1:40 and the New year's day party isn't untill later on
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I don't know if the lack of girls is all that unusual. Most of the other anime/manga forums that I've ever used always had significantly fewer females than males (at least as regular posters). The only places you really get a high concentration of girls (when it comes to anime/manga forums) are sites that cater to their interests, as far as I can see anyway. So, if Aion is so desperate for some female attention, I reckon he needs to sign up to some yaoi sites.

Tachi- said:
lmao i don't know if that was a rip at me or not...

I'm sure it was and it's one of the first things I've read on AUKN that's made me genuinely LOL :]
Quality video, that. Doesn't beat this though:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
in a very cheerful mood now, not only did i have some jerk try to knock my block off at work, but just found out i get to spend new years all alone

happy bloody new year
My National Express journey was interesting.
Due to the young passengers seated upon the seats in front of me, I soon found myself in a precarious situation. But a few inches from my feet, a multitude of plastic carrier bags gradually accumulated. All of which filled with the contents of those travellers' stomachs.

It wasn't too bad in the end. I just had to hold my breath whenever they seemed inclined to 'produce'.
Just got into work myself....loads of fun on the roads....and already called a meeting with my team leader due to other staff in the office's attitudes of late.
Dont wanna go, Dont wanna go, Dont wanna go, Dont wanna go, Dont wanna go, Dont wanna go, Dont wanna go...
Argh! I never get "snowed in" and if Ryo can get in, I'd be in work too. :(

Rather get all the housework done than spend an hour waiting for my shift in the cold, and then have a f***ing late dinner.
its meant to be atleast 25cm's for the east/south chaos....expect things to really hit the fan this week (hopefully i can have a snowday :p )
Afternoon all. Had a snowy walk to work today. There's supposed to be more on the way... at least it's put a soft surface on top of the ice. Last night it was treacherous. My back still aches from falling before Christmas, I should have been quicker off the mark and sued the council. I don't like the litigious culture that's developed here recently, but I might as well get something out of it.