The General Conversation Area

Aion said:
Underneath all the 'O's', you're clearly a very intelligent young man.

What does that mean? O's?

Since you're so eager to express why a (straight) member you're fond of has built up a hate worthy internet persona, do you also wish to explain why you're disliked on AUKN to the same degree? You don't even act aggressive and homophobic to draw a reaction; you just post, being yourself without any other reason other than expressing your views.

I don't even know why you had to post thousands of words in essay format saying you're insecure (actually, I do: you're unrestrained and impetuous with your attention seeking) because the constant reminders to yourself that you're straight already characterized you as such.

I'm not as obnoxious or as arrogant as you. So I don't assume everyone cares enough about me and my actions on a forum to have any kind of extensive opinion about what kind of person I am. I'm not deliberately crude and mockingly sarcastic in every post I make so that I'll draw attention because I'm not trying to cultivate any kind of "image" for myself, but you clearly are and that's sad ;]
Right.....Why's it every time i take a leave of absence from lot can't stay civil?

I've read through the posts people have put....and tbh knowing as much as i do about all of you....Aion and mutsumi, you two are both alright guys in my book, if anything your argument was more comedy than anything else....suprised that you both managed to attack each other through the hard skin you both have. but needless to say, thats it for a while.

CG, i know what your getting at but i implore you to use the tactic of ignorance to posts recently posted here. if you want to talk to Aion or Mutsumi more about the whole it on MAL, the chatroom on here or something, just not in here thanks.


Well, christmas was excellent :) can't think of a better time of the year, the week leading upto crimbo i spent alot of time with the lads. christmas day my household played host to our neighbours from across the road. screaming toddlers, and a baby (morgan) who in my opinion is probably the biggest baby about. funny how he's really quiet and happy and his sister is a toddler from hell. I got rather a good stash for crimbo this year;

over 2,000 minutes worth of dvds.
Black lagoon series 1
Black lagoon second barrage complete series.
True blood complete first series
Role Models the film
Ricky gervais, Extra's; complete series 1 and 2 and the christmas movie (special)
Ricky gervais, live gig boxset (3 dvd's)
Some Davidoff - cool water aftershave,
aftershave protection stuff (before, during and after cream)
An alarm clock.

erm.....there's more but as i've just phone is dead and because of the stupid morning i had (everything i need for work decided to sod off) i forgot my phone charger.....
In the end....i guess you could just say that my family, gf and friends believe that i should shave more...spend more time in the house watching tv thatn going out and wake up/be at places on time :p

What did everyone else get?
Yeah, my understanding was that you two got on anyway.... just thought i'd say my part as i don't believe conflict in this thread is needed, people come to chill and talk about things on their mind, have a laugh and other things....not to read people wind each other up lol.

Anyway....hopefully i can get some things in the christmas sales without standing about for hours....i'm a busy man you see. things to see, people to do......;)
Well, being the one who created it. some would argue that i do.

Considering its the same as any other thread in value.....the publishers of a thread can complain when there's insults/derailing of the threads true intention.....and as this thread is for general convo's but as i wrote on the very first post....people have to be civil. i think thats enough right to enforce my own will on this thread.

savvy? ;)
CitizenGeek said:
Tachi-, you always pretend like you have some kind of ownership over this thread or something. You don't :]
He's telling you all to shut your pie holes in a polite manner. We've had enough drama in the past. Stop adding to it.

Also, what Tachi said about the thread's purpose.
Tachi- said:
Well, being the one who created it. some would argue that i do.

No, no one would argue that. This is a forum.

i think thats enough right to enforce my own will on this thread.

Again, no. You can't "own" a discussion and you can't order people to only discuss things you're interested in. Not how forums work ;] I'm not in the least interested in how you got a free pizza (and I'm fairly certain no one else is) but I'm not commanding you cease with the daily running commentary on each and every inane occurrence in your life. I think you should do the same.
I'm sorry, but I would have to agree with CitezenGeek, for the first time in my life, on that point. Creation of a thread doesn't make you it's leader or whatnot at all, and doesn't give creator to right to dismiss subjects/topics that spark up in it, especially in a conversation thread... unless you're a moderator.

Nothing against you personally Tachi-, but you do definitely give off the "Okay, I'm the head-honcho" vibe around the thread
No-one really cares that Tachi doesn't own the thread because we all know he doesn't. CG, stop finding things to bitch about and try to have a proper conversation.

So what's everyone up to for New Year's Eve? I'm undecided about going to the street party in the town my mum lives in or going to a ceilidh with my best friend. The street party will have a lot of drink, but I'll be in the company of people I don't like (most of the town). I'll get to dance with many women at the ceilidh but there will be significantly less drink available.
I've heard something about someone owning a thread here? There's no such thing, after all it's a public forum.

Posted here and there while infected with pig flu, I've noticed the argument, but I thought it was sorted when I got to it, so i just ignored. didn't think much of it, but I can only find it ironic, that the biggest opponents of the random conversation thread actually started using it =P
This thread has improved significantly since I've started posting in it.

I'm constantly bloody tired lately. Sleep or no sleep, I want more. To be young and lethargic; it's bothersome...

Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Nothing against you personally Tachi-, but you do definitely give off the "Okay, I'm the head-honcho" vibe around the thread

Yeah, the sucka (/Russia) doesn't know his place. It's a well known AUKN fact that people view me as the unofficial leader of AUKN, which is why Chaos cannot ban me. I'm a stealth admin.
I'm going up to the street party at princes street myself with a few friends, probably stay around St Andrews Square as its apparently quieter usually, which works for me. As for new years day, i have a feeling it'll just be another day with nothing special going on, which is fine, i quite like some peace every now and then.
I think I'll be going to the local nightclub down here in Tipperary (which means I won't get a New Year's kiss, because it's obviously not a gay club :/). It should be fun because everyone from town will be out and that - just have to make sure I don't drink too much, because I know too many people here and I can't cope with the embarrassment of people telling me what kind of state I was the night prior (even though no one else cares because everyone else is usually in the same horrifically inebriated state, but for some reason I just become extremely embarrassed when I recall even trivially silly things I do when I've had more than a few drinks).

2009 sure did go VERY fast though. I was reading about Sarah Palin today and was reminded that the presidential election in the U.S. that I followed so closely wasn't earlier this year but in fact earlier 2008 (!!). Time goes too fast :'[ To be honest, I'm not looking forward to 2010 because it'll be the year I leave my teens and become 20 and I really don't like the idea of that ...
I don't really care about how I am in front of most people when I'm drinking, except my mum. She's only seen the results of my drinking in the morning, and she brings them up when she's in the mood to embarass me. I try to not drink often to avoid such things.

The only thing I anticipate about being 24 this year is that I'll have about 1 year until my car insurance goes down. Otherwise, I'm not thrilled about being in my mid-twenties. At least I look younger than I am.
2009 did indeed go fast, in some respects anyway (Watchmen was March, really?!). I thought Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles finished airing last year for some reason.

Anyway, I purchased The Secret of Monkey Island from the App Store earlier for my iPhone. It's fantastic - I can see why some may complain about its controls but apart from it being different to most point-and-clicks, it works fine. I don't remember much from that one time I played it round my cousins, so its a first experience for me, really.
Hi CG, that's a nice link you sent.....although i fail to see where it states that a Thread on a forum cannot be owned by the maker?

a place, programme or publication where opinions can be expressed and openly discussed.

Now i don't know what that says to you...but to me that says that my opinion (which in this instance is that i think the arguments should stop as its ruining the purpose for the thread) are justifiable and acceptable.
If you can find where it states that i cannot take pride in something i've created and strive to keep the peace in this thread then i'll put my hands up and admit that i can't try and rectify/conserve peace in a thread i've created for good intentions.

Okay Chaos, fair that case and from what you've said, any thread on this whole forum i can derail in a major way and it can't be called trolling nor can anybody complain that i've wrecked the thread they created......okay, i'll make a note of that. can't have double standards now can we? ;)


As for me, i'm meant to be heading off to my mates with all the lads....then were all heading into town :thumb: considering a pub crawl across 3 counties, but only going to the decent pubs/bars.
Either way, i'll need to make sure to buy some gaviscon later today as i dare say i'll have some heartburn over the weekend.
Aion said:
It's a well known AUKN fact that people view me as the unofficial leader of AUKN, which is why Chaos cannot ban me. I'm a stealth admin.
Aerosmith's Dream on came to my mind automatically, I wonder why... =P

CitizenGeek said:
To be honest, I'm not looking forward to 2010 because it'll be the year I leave my teens and become 20 and I really don't like the idea of that ...
Can't really say it's a great thing to grow older. It just means that responsibilities will pile up, some people break because of that, others simply snap and became responsible overnight, but the vast majority will learn on a trial and error basis.

I believe that there are far scarier stuff on the way into adulthood. Now the only thing that really scares me is to stop being myself to comply with the world and what society expects of me.

I guess it's my rebellious nature that draws me to things like couch surfing and anime. This way I'm not so orthodox. Now if only I could find a nice paying job some place else other than a bank...