The General Conversation Area

Yeah it's pretty good, but it's really hard. I keep having to restart missions or I die lots. The annoying part is skirmishes can be an hour or more long, so failing when you get far in is annoying as hell. You can save during skirmishes but I prefer to run through a mission in one shot.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Ryo Chan said:
poor maria :(
You let someone die? You awful, awful man. I send someone in to rescue fallen characters. And if they get offed in the process, it's restart time. Damn my humanism. It cost me many hours in various Fire Emblem games as well, grrr.

Same here :lol:

That's why I gave up on Fire Emblem I think...
Spyro201 said:
Mutsumi said:
Lol. If you are going to lie, at least try to keep it realistic. On the subject of 'manliness', what use is such a claim when you are lonely & single? Just means you would take longer when you tug tbh.

Bro, lets not get personal yeah? That's below the belt man. I know you and Aion hate each other, but seriously. Lets be civil and put together structured arguments. Throwing names and pointless insults at each other will result in this never getting resolved.

I don't hate Aion at all, but I will fight fire with fire. If you think I was a little harsh there though, then I apologise.

Aion said:
...Anyway. I did go a bit far with Mutsumi, despite him having annoyed me with his general ignorance and brick wall responses for months before. The moment he entered into the FF thread, I lost my patience with him. But, still, I shouldn't have gone as far as I did, and I apologize.
Don't worry about it. I accept your apology, but you really don't owe me one as we both did as bad as each other, & I doubt either of us offended each other either. You strike me as someone who can enjoy a nice argument like this from time to time. Lets out any spare stress. Don't worry yourself with what I might think. I suspect we'll have a few more fun arguments yet though, considering our outlooks on life are pretty much polar opposites.

Spyro201 said:
I just felt that what Mutsumi said was going to far. He clearly meant it very maliciously.

I actually did not mean it maliciously, but how else can you win an argument that veers off onto penis size? I only meant it to sound funny. More fail me, eh?
Mutsumi said:
I actually did not mean it maliciously, but how else can you win an argument that veers off onto penis size? I only meant it to sound funny. More fail me, eh?

Just how I saw it bro. Dont worry, not like what I say would make a difference anyway.
The annoying this is, I even crossed over first in the hope of avoiding tripping over someone I assumed was drunk. But the old lady also crossed over and we ended up going on our merry way in the same direction... with my insecure bitch of an animal informing me as much as possible that she wasn't willing to help old people in need.

She's a weird dog, Princess (I wanted to call her Dumbo...). I'm unsure what she has against me since I don't beat her (too often), but she never obeys me. I think, despite me paying the best part of £500 for her, she views herself as higher than me in the food chain. I've tried talking to her about this at length but she never listens...

CitizenGeek said:
You're the person that's cultivated the mental image AUKN posters have of you. It's not like AUKN forum members just accidentally observed you while you weren't watching. Your posts are mean-spirited and offensive, needlessly sarcastic and obnoxious. And you're the person that thought out these posts and then posted them, so I really don't know how you can act like the "image" you have on AUKN is the result of anything other than your own pre-meditated actions here.

Underneath all the 'O's', you're clearly a very intelligent young man.

Since you're so eager to express why a (straight) member you're fond of has built up a hate worthy internet persona, do you also wish to explain why you're disliked on AUKN to the same degree? You don't even act aggressive and homophobic to draw a reaction; you just post, being yourself without any other reason other than expressing your views.

Also, if it makes you feel different, if I saw your redish cheeks, I wouldn't ask to hold your arm. Then again, I'm not old, so I suppose that doesn't count...
Owies, and Mutsumi, you had previously said that your tactic for dealing with nasty individuals was to be nice in return. You kind of forgot when you mentioned how lonely I must be and how long it must take my hand to move up and down.
Aion said:
Owies, and Mutsumi, you had previously said that your tactic for dealing with nasty individuals was to be nice in return. You kind of forgot when you mentioned how lonely I must be and how long it must take my hand to move up and down.

Thats when you are dealing with them in person. Be nice in person to people who don't like you or who try to screw you over because that gains you the moral high ground & can help you get people on your side rather than theirs. Its no perfect science but it helps. Online it is a little different, as you can sass people much easier with no consequences. You know my witty retort woulda gotten me a punch if said to someone in person wouldn't it? XD I knew you could take it though & you're welcome to say anything you like back to me, & the wittier & the more amusing the better. I don't hate nor even dislike you; you're fine in my books, so don't worry about it.