The General Conversation Area

Would you have said the same of me a few months back CG? ;)

I'll get back to this when I have more time, but from my POV I'd put it down to the fact that I didn't have things as bad, that Aion does have a recognised disorder which I don't (not something experiences create) and that while I am actually pretty cynical and prone to depression I have found outlets which stop me from behaving in a negative way towards others, mainly through listening to music (calming) and playing computer games (venting aggression). And I do this because I do want to connect with (and not alienate) people who I think are compatible with me. The last thing I would want to do is drive those rare people away.
We're now under about a foot to foot and a half of snow, i think its safe to say, we're kinda blocked in because of it, hah. Not complaining at the moment, its very nice outside, its just that i hope the mail arrives next week, and that i can get home on the 30th =/ Apparently we're on weather warnings for the next 2 days as well now, but there we go.
Mutsumi said:
Lol. If you are going to lie, at least try to keep it realistic. On the subject of 'manliness', what use is such a claim when you are lonely & single? Just means you would take longer when you tug tbh.

Bro, lets not get personal yeah? That's below the belt man. I know you and Aion hate each other, but seriously. Lets be civil and put together structured arguments. Throwing names and pointless insults at each other will result in this never getting resolved.
Spyro201, you're applying a double standard. Aion says mean, deeply personal, crass and crude stuff directly to many people on this forum and no one reprimands him because that's just expected of him or whatever. But whenever anyone else is unacceptably offensive, you attack them and it's a blatant double standard and you need to stop it.
CitizenGeek said:
Spyro201, you're applying a double standard. Aion comments on my homosexuality time and time again in an attempt to draw a reaction from me, and no one reprimands him because no-one likes either of us. Instead, they simply get out the popcorn and let the fun times roll.

You, Mutsumi, or anyone else will never hurt me by telling me what I already know. Will pointing out I'm socially retarded hurt me when I've called myself socially retarded? No. Will pointing out I'm alone when I told my life story to people who I assumed would think it'd hurt me if used against me? No. I went into such detail because those insults will only rebound back at the person using them.

You're sensitive about your anus and have a tendency for the old melodrama. That's why I, and anyone else who dislikes you and has no issues being a complete dickhead, use it against you. If you expose a weak-spot that can be exploited, you can be damn sure people will milk it for all its worth. After all, people only care about their own amusement; not your feelings.

If you'd never reacted to the comments, showing you were at peace with yourself, the irony is that I wouldn't have used it as a weapon. Just like everyone is to blame for their own lives to a certain extent, you're also to blame for not having the maturity required to turn the other cheek in the past.

...Anyway. I did go a bit far with Mutsumi, despite him having annoyed me with his general ignorance and brick wall responses for months before. The moment he entered into the FF thread, I lost my patience with him. But, still, I shouldn't have gone as far as I did, and I apologize.

I should also apologize for my comments about Geek's sexuality, but we do have a history. It happens; usually when I'm in a **** mood.

Christmas has gone, and I'm now back to my more 'normal', less vicious/depressing mood. You'll probably have to wait until August for further drama.

Happy new year.
CitizenGeek said:
Spyro201, you're applying a double standard. Aion says mean, deeply personal, crass and crude stuff directly to many people on this forum and no one reprimands him because that's just expected of him or whatever. But whenever anyone else is unacceptably offensive, you attack them and it's a blatant double standard and you need to stop it.

I just felt that what Mutsumi said was going to far. He clearly meant it very maliciously. I like Mutsumi, and I like Aion.

You say about this "double standards", when was the last time I ever tried to 'break up an argument' or anything similar?

I would like to see some other examples that show (in your own words) that whenever anyone else is unacceptably offensive, you (I) attack them
No, Aion goes too far all the time and you've never objected. I shouldn't have said "whenever" because this is the first time I've noticed it - I was only referring to this instance.
CitizenGeek said:
No, Aion goes too far all the time and you've never objected. I shouldn't have said "whenever" because this is the first time I've noticed it - I was only referring to this instance.

Fair enough.

I just always see Aion as doing it in a sarcastic manner. I never really see it as spiteful, I guess.
I find New Year's Resolutions arbitrary. However, I'll try to not be so snarky in 2010. I'm already going to the gym to get fit and lose the flab, so that's out. I guess it wouldn't hurt to watch a little less anime too and spend less time on the internet.

I am worried that my university gym is going to be overrun for a few weeks with fatties that lack self discipline and a real reason to lose weight.
I'll try to make a real new years resolution this time :p. I will try to find a hobby which will give me some physical exercise. I used to do a lot but haven't done anything for a year and nothing serious for 2.
my New Year's resolutions are:

1. work harder for my A Levels
2. push myself harder with my guitar playing
3. be more confident when showing my feelings towards people
4. have a kickass time with friends and family :)
One good deed done before the year ends: helped an old lady walk on icy roads, learning about my cousin giving away free beer at a pub to his friends, whilst fighting with my dog to get her to go in the direction I wanted her to. (******* bitch of a Princess...)

Why is it that old people always think I'm a nice guy? I'm really not. I don't think me helping an old lady is the mental image most AUKN posters have of me!
Aion said:
One good deed done before the year ends: helped an old lady walk on icy roads, learning about my cousin giving away free beer at a pub to his friends, whilst fighting with my dog to get her to go in the direction I wanted her to. (**** bitch of a Princess...)

Why is it that old people always think I'm a nice guy? I'm really not. I don't think me helping an old lady is the mental image most AUKN posters have of me!

Well your IRL personality surely can't be on the same level as your AUKN one. From what what I've gathered, you're a big guy, maybe old people see that associate that with reliability :).

And try taking 2 dogs, that go nuts at the sight of a squirrel, for a walk in thick fog! Can't let them off the leads or you'll never see them again...

Whooh, finally going to see Avatar later!
Aion said:
Why is it that old people always think I'm a nice guy? I'm really not. I don't think me helping an old lady is the mental image most AUKN posters have of me!

You're the person that's cultivated the mental image AUKN posters have of you. It's not like AUKN forum members just accidentally observed you while you weren't watching. Your posts are mean-spirited and offensive, needlessly sarcastic and obnoxious. And you're the person that thought out these posts and then posted them, so I really don't know how you can act like the "image" you have on AUKN is the result of anything other than your own pre-meditated actions here.

And as long as you're not foreign and not of a different race and aren't wearing chav-y tracksuits, old people will assume you're a nice guy all the time.
Aion said:
Why is it that old people always think I'm a nice guy? I'm really not. I don't think me helping an old lady is the mental image most AUKN posters have of me!
Like Paul always said, you're AUKN's biggest tsundere =)