The General Conversation Area

Well... it's going well today Black. :lol:

@Voddas - Yeah, insomnia is something which plagues me from time to time. I imagine the average hours of sleep I get a night is pushing less than six ATM.
Well your still doing better than me Ayase. I'm a 5 hour a night man myself. I used to suffer from insomnia as a kid but I think it's mainly just my body adapting to too many late nights followed by early mornings.

Hmmm... I suddenly have a craving for coffee.
*walks off shuffling his feet whilst groaning and holding his arms out*
Well i'm heading off now :) it's been great chatting to you guys

If i don't get on tomorrow night i'll say it now:

Merry Christmas everyone :) and have a great new year

Catch you all later :) and take care
Fare thee well one and all. I'm off for the next week to eat myself bloated and drink myself drunk repeatedly.

Have a great Christmas all. CIAO!! *exits via chimney*
Zin5ki said:
memorium said:
"Things you want that you can't touch, but you know
One day you will hold that special feel that make you a man"

does anyone else think that sounds a bit...dodgy?
Perhaps this is only referring to a National Insurance Number card.
don't quite get it, despite the fact i have a national insurance number card :lol:
Quick post time,

Due to overnight rain & frost was very icy out this morning. Slipped over once on way to work (no damage done luckily).

Worked for 2 hours before we were let out early. Glad we finished early but not best pleased considering the effort it took to get there (and it wasn't much better on the way back home either).

For anyone still around,

Merry Christmas & a happy New Year.
Ryo, don't be stupid, suicide is for the weak. I don't know what mistake you say you've made, but everyone makes mistakes, & it is how we deal with the consequences of our mistakes that defines us. Be strong, face up to whatever has happened, & do what you can to fix things. That is all you can do, & people will respect you for trying, whether you succeed or not. I'm not saying it is easy, but if you're smart & consider your options, you will realise there is nothing else you can do.

If you need someone to lend an ear, I'm just a PM away.
No, I don't think people who say suicide is for weak people or cowards understand the mindset people are in when they consider it / do it. I know that most people who have never considered suicide hold that view, but actually your life is your own and no-one else's, and if you want to end it when and how you want then that's your decision to make. You don't owe anyone else anything. That kind of attitude is basically guilt-tripping suicidal people into staying alive, and if there's one thing the suicidal don't need, it's more guilt.

The thing to ask yourself is, what is it that makes you want to die? Is it something you have done, or something others have done to make you feel this way? If it's others, f*ck 'em. Don't let other people influence your behaviour so much. Like I say, it's your life, not theirs. If it's you... is it really you, or is it how other people have made you feel about yourself? Chances are (unless you've raped or murdered someone) it's the latter. Should you let the feelings and attitudes of others deprive you of your life?

Whenever I find myself in a state of self-loathing, I remember it's not me I hate, it's the people who've upset me, who've taken out their frustration out on me, who've never given me a chance. And in doing so I stay alive. Alone, and bitter, but alive.

In B4 "Happy Christmas" sarcasm - Some things are bigger and more important than others.