The General Conversation Area

I know this ;)

I've recognise them from what you'd shown me previously. Sorry Black but I've been as organised as a blind librarian recently and I've been unable to read it as of yet. I do plan on doing so. I've given a copy to my sister also as she's editing a novel herself. (the organised side of my parents spawn).
Yeah, he said he was getting into on several occasions. Strange not having him sticking his head in this week... that lucky git and his holidays. *shakes fist at imaginary Tach*

Ah well, what you upto at the moment then Black? Justsat at your PC or is there work involved?

edit: Afternoon Mono. Sorry for "the last post on page syndrome" I gave you there. ;)
Hi mono :) and thanks :D

@Voddas i know but maybe he'll pop in the moment i'm just waiting on the laptop, having a breather, i've still got lots to do and i need to have a very special picture done by the 27th.

I'm glad that i've got last post on page syndrome recognised as offical terminology ;)
Ah yes, memories from the million thread. :p

I won't be about tomorrow as it's a family day... same goes for the following few days. I have so many families to see. O_O

Infact, it's likely I won't show my face untill New Years Eve! I'm a very popular man.
:p well tomorrow is a shopping day (unfortunatly T_T) then...

(sorry i'm a big kid about xmas) after that i probably won't be back on in a better capacity till new years. I may pop on to check posts but it will only be for a little while
I bet Christmas is the quietest time ever on the world wide web. Some much bandwidth being freedup from everyone having family occasions. Won't just this forum that has less vistors than normal.

I'm a kid at Xmas too once the early Scroogness wares off. Usually about the time I finish buying the presents. That the kinda stress I just can't be doing with.
Afternoon all. Been a busier day today, which is good. I'm benefiting from lots of last minute present buying. I'll be wrapping presents tonight in preparation for heading to see my mum for Christmas tomorrow, after work.

Like the Christmas pics Black, it's great that you're bringing some money in from your art as well. :)
@Voddas i've not seen that film in years, was reminded the other night about another arnie film which i haven't seen in a long time, Last Action Hero

@Ayase, thanks :) its not much money but it could be a start, glad to hear your buisness is going well even in the winter months :p

@Ryo it could be worse you could be asked to stay back on xmas eve like my sister was asked to do once, her shift finished at 5 but they wanted her to stay back till about 9 (and this was the time that she was going to come up from wales to see us)
Unlucky Ryo, but I hope your off between Xmas and New year? I'm not. TT_TT

Ayase, you must be running off caffeine batteries today. Weren't you up till 3.30/4.00am last night? Wait... now that I said that out loud I just realised I stay up that late on a regular basis.... forget the question. =P

Black: Last Action Hero is a classic.